What Does Living a Genius Life Mean to Dr. David Kessler? - David A. Kessler MD
I will dr. Kessler. The last question that gets asked to everybody on the genius life is more philosophical question. You can take it wherever you like. What does it mean to you to live a genius life
to me? The great opportunity is to ask questions and try to seek answers and try to see if we can do that in a way that can be of benefit. to others so you know my life has always been about public health and you know some of the great opportunities was involved in the battle on Tobacco and I think this is Battle about regaining control of the metabolic chaos and what we've done to our bodies and try to make ourselves healthier I think it's asking question and trying to get the answers that's to me what the genius life was
about I loved and I would add to that remain open-minded and always be willing to challenge your beliefs and assumptions absolutely yeah