Insulin Is a Hormone That Regulates Fuel Partitioning - Gary Taubes
So, I think of insulin is the hormone that regulates a hormone that regulates fuel partitioning in the body. So you eat mix meal with fats carbohydrates and proteins and your body wants to maximize utility of all those macronutrients and that's terrific. For storage because it's a dense as calories. Protein is used for repair and growth of cells and tissues and membranes on carbohydrates have no use in the human body except for energy. And when your carbs are high blood sugar is high, that's sort of toxic State. That's most of the Damage Done and diabetes is done from high blood sugar. So your body is working very hard to keep blood sugar under control, which means the insulin is telling your fat too. To store the fat, you've consumed? Remember I said that virtually all the most of the fat you eat during the day gets stored for the short-term immediately and then it's telling your the protein to be used for growth and repair, so it's serving sort of as a growth factor and its stimulating, other growth factors like insulin-like growth factor and then it's telling the body to burn carbohydrates. And the problem when it becomes a negative thing is when we have to, and when we become insulin, Assistant and we have too much insulin elevated in our bloodstream and then it's constantly telling your fat to hold onto fat cells and burn carbs for fuel in a mode where you're storing fat from far more of the day than you normally would. And so it's a you know, it's a hormone that has that we can't live without clearly is in type 1 diabetes, it's extremely beneficial but when it's dysregulated, then it starts to do damage and that damage includes excess fat accumulation. And Ali manifest his diabetes type 2 diabetes.