What 'Living a Genius Life' Means to the Mind Pump Guys - Sal Di Stefano
Alright guys, so everybody on this podcast gets asked, you know, so the question is what does it mean to you to live a genius life and you could interpret that however, you'd like but because there's three of you I feel like each of you should get a stab at it if you're if you're feeling up for it. All right? Hmm for me, it's living a life of meaning and fulfillment. I guess the simple as that and write what that means for me is my family is very important to me what we do with our business is very important to me because it is something that I feel like is part of my meaning and the world which is to communicate, you know, good health information to people and be try to remain humble through the whole process and I guess that's pretty much it. I think that's a all that so I think
for me just A constant student and just always approaching each interaction with everybody I meet as a potential for me to learn something. Oh my God. So I mean that's basically kind of what the whole podcast is provided is just an endless supply of new people new faces new ideas, and I'm just like super receptive to change my mind and to grow. All right. I know that I'm wise because I know that I know nothing so I'm with Justin on that. I definitely think that living a genius life to me is that pursuit of consistent growth day over day that I'm a better version of myself yesterday. I'm competing with nobody but myself and that Pursuit never ends. So and you're right. I think this the this environment that we've created for ourselves feeds that and it's such a privilege to hang out and be friends with people like yourself and to stretch those limits. It's been it's been an absolute pleasure,
man. What beautiful answers you guys. Thank you so much for spending the past. Our with me this has been so fun and you guys are welcome to come back. Obviously whenever you want onto the genius. Laughs I feel like this is gonna be the first of many