What Does Living a Genius Life Mean to Dr. Axe? - Josh Axe
are dr. Axe with the last question that everybody gets. On this show. What does it mean to you to live a genius
life? Well, man, okay. So to live a genius life to me is too man reminds me of actual Bible verses it says essentially to learn to number your days and so I would say make the most of every day and be strategic about how you live your life. And so this is how my wife Chelsea and I live we look at every year we think about hey, what's the Legacy? We want to live. We want to leave, you know, 30 and 50 years from now and really living with purpose and so like my purpose Love God love people and and really help build leaders that are going to help love God love people. So that's my mission. And so everything I eat everything I do and every morning I wake up Max I wake up and I spend time in prayer and being grateful and reading something positive like my Bible I do that and then I eat something really good and do a quick workout. So my mornings everyday building my spiritual health and physical health. It fuels me the rest of my days and everything. I do I I'm very I'm very purposeful but I you know, so that's that's what it means to me to live a genius life is live a life of purpose where your bring Heaven to Earth and having a big impact on you know transforming the world
beautiful. I couldn't have said it better myself. That's awesome.