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Clips on 'adiposity'

Dr. Jason Fung Thinks Excess Insulin Causes Obesity

3:54 · Jason Fung, M.D.: Fasting as a potent antidote to obesity, insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, and the many symptoms of metabolic illness - Dr. Jason Fungview episode

The Peter Attia Drive
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Protein Deficiency During Childhood Creates a Propensity for Adiposity Later in Life

1:37 · Dietary protein: amount needed, ideal timing, quality, and more | Don Layman, Ph.D.view episode

The Peter Attia Drive
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The Paradox of Insulin Resistance: Why Giving a Diabetic More Insulin Isn't the Answer

14:08 · Jason Fung, M.D.: Fasting as a potent antidote to obesity, insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, and the many symptoms of metabolic illness - Dr. Jason Fungview episode

The Peter Attia Drive
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