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1822: Wim Hof on How to Control Your Immune System With Breathwork
1822: Wim Hof on How to Control Your Immune System With Breathwork

1822: Wim Hof on How to Control Your Immune System With Breathwork

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Wim Hof, Justin Andrews, Mind Pump, Sal Di Stefano, Adam Schafer
23 Clips
May 26, 2022
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If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, he's only one place to go Mi Nam B up with your hosts, Sal de Stefano, Adam, Schaefer. And Justin Andrews. You just found the world's number one fitness health and entertainment podcast. This is mine pump. All right, very excited about today's episode. We interviewed with him off. This guy is amazing now. He's a Dutch extreme athlete. He got his nickname, The Iceman. Bye.
Breaking a number of Records related to cold exposure, using cold hard nature as his teacher. His extensive training is enabled him. To learn to control his breathing heart rate and blood circulation and to withstand extreme temperatures. Here's some of the stuff that went off. Has done. That has been documented. He's climbed Mount Kilimanjaro in shorts. He's run a half marathon above the Arctic Circle Barefoot. He swam underneath ice for
Six meters, he stood in a container while covered with ice cubes for more than 112 minutes. Now, this all sounds crazy. But over the years scientists have subjected him to various experiments with the goal of unraveling the secret behind his method. Here's the craziest one in 2014 scientists injected with off with an endotoxin and he showed he was able to control his sympathetic nervous system and immune response. In other words.
This endotoxin, which is all but guaranteed, to cause a fever and a strong immune response did nothing to win. Hoff now, they chalked it up to him having special and rare genetics. So here's what he did. He had some of his practitioners. Do the same exact experiments and the results were remarkably the same. No fever, and no. Immune response. Pretty remarkable stuff. Now, this episode we talk to him about all that and much more. For example, a lot of people
I know this. But his wife committed suicide and this is what drove him to discovering a lot of these training methods. It's also what drives him to bring this message to the world. He's a remarkable individual. He's hilarious very entertaining. We know you're going to love this episode. Now. This episode is brought to you by our sponsor, paleo Valley, paleo Valley makes some of the best paleo inspired supplements. You'll find anywhere. My favorite. Is there bone broth protein powder? It's the most unprocessed.
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All right, here comes the show. We've heard you on a lot of other shows and seeing some of your documentaries and your you have such incredible insight and wisdom and what you've done. You've had a try yourself. You've had a tremendous impact on the health and wellness space. We've all been in the health and wellness space for well over two decades. And it's like you came onto the scene and in a very short period of time. Had a pretty very strong influence. And often times when you find somebody like that when you listen to them,
Tory, are you going to their story? There was a an event that really took them to the point where they just studied and obsessed and innovated and were able to discover things that had a true impact or massive impact on future Generations. In you have a story like that. And if it's okay, I'd like to hear about that a little bit because I think that's it's an important part of who you are. You're so driven and you've
Add such like I said, a huge impact, but that all came from a terrible moment, a travesty and if you don't mind, I'd like to hear about that a little bit and kind of how that well got you to do what you do?
Yeah, sure, of course if a mother
Kisses kids.
In the middle of the night and then jumps from eight stories down.
Then we as humans are not able to understand what what that Terror must be. That is a person who loves his children, but cannot bear the terror, which she had no control over in her head. That makes her decide. I have to quit life. I cannot live in this body because something else is living there.
Since then brokenhearted, no money. And with all the love, my for my children and the love of my life gone. I was left behind. Where did you get it? Did you get it? Cannot think you cannot element. You can't indulge, you just have to find ways to energetically be Papa and Mama.
Ah, to create a new Nest, to have all the energy to take care of their search for of their pain of their daily life. The daily life itself, which goes fast as a train and if you don't let your own you lose it there in that those situations you find Solace. If you only love enough, if you only have passion,
Enough or enough purpose, you'll find ways to which in normal life, not existed. Because you are not driven as much. You are not passionate as much are you don't need it?
You are in this conditions lifestyle and so all okay, more or less, but then when the shit happens, we don't know what to do. And now my why she was not able to be treated by the existence of Psychiatry and she took her life. Well, she was a beautiful woman, lost people life and then that in the had happened and then
Are able to go to the moon and to Mars. And we have all the technology yet. We have no control over our happiness, trunk, and help and that it all started from that most black deepest, black entry. Heavy entrenched situation in my mind and I, to find ways it's being broken or, or you got a
Be stronger. And for that, I found out for that, I found to call order the cold water is is where you don't think we're emotional acne. Suddenly has a moment of where it is able to stop because you gotta face the danger of the icy water.
That made me able to heal those in those moments and I could feel it. Not think about it. I felt relief of this emotional Agony, which is no wrong. It's physical. And I brought it home as a person who had Stillness who had a lot of energy because of icy water makes you have all the energy, it's all logic now, but
Back, then, I had no words. I had to do something.
And then the the breathing was able.
To bring me deepen into myself and to process my trauma and a deal with that and I can't come out. My wife, the tragedy is still there, but we not only learned to live with it, all of us.
Now, we are helping.
Tens of millions, probably hundreds of millions of people, and I'm going to change the world. Why? Because I will bring autonomy, which is not in existence in Psychiatry, which is not in the hospital is not Indigo politics and our systems autonomy given by Mother Nature itself. I found it. I found the keys and I'm gonna give them back.
To the rightful owners and that means every person of the world and I will do that through podcasts like this through BBC series. More series are coming Hollywood film is coming more scientist coming because we're all this Society is lacking in. Is that what makes us humans? Who should I be?
The most beautiful thing, Beautiful Minds, beautiful creativity. The way we can build things so beautiful, but trauma not solved. So I'm not soft. Will make people like it. Le the kill, six million Jews and now a rush. It's happening with the Ukraine. And then the Syria within these children, they are born in the world. They don't know. Even what
What peace is they cannot fit? Where is this sanity? And the people that amount Mother Nature gave us the birthright and the tools to be happy, strong and healthy and to be able to pass down in our families to our children. And from their War. Goodbye disease. Goodbye depression. Goodbye. That's what this podcast is about.
There is where I came from from being helpless. And now, I'm so powerful that I have through size gained wisdom. That is not in the books. But we change the books. We bring the capacity, the human capacity by Birthright to be happy. Strong and healthy. That means happy is hormones. Serotonins dopamines can
Nabba noise, endorphines power. The power system is the adrenal axis. How to control that we all showed that in science? And then they injected us with the bacteria, which insides, and let me tell you. I don't know you personally, by the way.
Oh, I'm Sal. This is Adam and this is Justin.
Right on it is just it, just in Adam that we find the cell, the cell is the, the soul that was paying medium in the times of the Romans. We go back, man, we go back. But we rise now and we say, hey, it's bloody ridiculous that we have a system with so many people still get sick.
So many people still get depressed and where's the quality of life? We are able to maintain all that. We're going to shake up the foundations because it has to this cannot go on you. We have seen covid last two and a half years. How helpless how crazy these restrictions for what we in 2014. We showed how to bring down inflammation.
Ian inflammation is the cause and effect of ever read disease. And of course they did not take the even scientific evidence scientific evidence that inflammation for the first time showing drastically to go down within 15 minutes. That should have shaken up all the medical world, but it is so entrenched in that people become sick. They become dependent.
Didn't you can make your money? It's a sick system and we got to shake this up. It's like a bat full of dust. You gotta shake it up. You were just, we got to refresh it. The people in power of wisdom or knowledge. They have no natural real wisdom because we are all equipped, all of us. The elders should be equipped with the knowledge to bring our youngsters All In.
Into the light, it's Darkness now and it's confusion and it's heavy and it's not nice. And so here we are. This is my story. I came from being helpless and now through the science through doing all kinds of physiological, so-called impossible Feats, I guess I just say. But what I can do it, anybody can do it. You just got to go look for it. You got to go and
Step out of the comfort zone Behavior to get out of this conditioning and then you see we got so much, much more solutions. And that's what with the professors and doctors in the hospitals will not do it. We have to do
it. When talk a little talk, a little more about the Skeptics. And when they injected you with the bacteria and then even after you, you overcame it that they did that with what I think it was.
L've of your subject. So, tell us a little bit more about that story because I think that's so fascinating.
So and they tripled it. Now. There is a new study. They tripled the amount of people and the same great results. So, until 2014, it was not considered to be controllable at World by humans to control the autonomous nervous system. That is the
Parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous system, they giving gasps of the action and peace that is those pedals the brake and gas in. Our body was considered to be in controllable at will, by human will and then suddenly and because we cannot we cannot control the immune system.
Because they are related to the atomic processes in the body. But if you have control over the gas and the brake in the body, that's the sympathetic and the parasympathetic nervous system, then suddenly, you are able to activate deeply the immune system. And and then of course, they didn't believe it, but they tried it on me first. And then,
They saw me doing something which 16,000 people could not. Yeah, that receiving it in injection with the bacteria, making people, 16,000 people sick, all of them, all of them and then I came and I absolutely not sick.
So, then they said, but you are the Iceman, only you can do that. I said, no. No. No, I trade, I went out of my conditioning. I went out of the comfort zone and I activated deeper systems within me more than we are schooled in, in our modern society. That's all I did. And I can train it to show it to anybody.
At first, of course, they did not believe that but I kept on talking about it. And then they said they were convinced to do a comparative study with 24 people to 12, people who were not doing the training or four days and the others they did the training for four days.
So, 12 people, they to training, and 12, people did not and the twelve after sixteen thousand hundred and thirty-four, people all becoming sick. Suddenly 12 people. Absolutely. After the injection, did not become sick at all. And then they look inside the blood.
We're normally when you become sick, you see a lot of inflammatory markers. Those are cytokines to responsible for making you feel full of fever. Nausea headaches in that endotoxemia experiment, but now 12 of them. They saw in the blood, the inflammatory markers, the inflammation, the cause of the disease, what was it?
Not there or drastically down within 10 minutes and there, and that they never had seen it was that, that is where we shook the foundation of our medical, understanding of what we, as humans are capable of are related to disease.
Disease is inflammation. Oh, all these Theses. The question is, can we bring it down with natural methods? And I say and sides is saying. Yes 100%. Yes, that it not a dad will be taking time to be implemented in the world. In global Health Care is because of this that it will take all.
Oh, it's not there. Oh, they will shove it away because you don't want to lose your clients. If you make money of them, it is a sick system. So doing that doing a showing that experiment.
That research published in the best of scientific papers in the world, and it's now commonly known in the world, but it is not being spread through your governments because they are all into the money. Money. Sick sickening, our are dependent on people being sick, being dependent on them. It's like a the sick wheel that has
To stop. Because where was their power against covid. Nothing they can do nothing. They can have us wear masks that are filthy in our breathing inside with CO2. And a 1/2 meter distance is isolation of natural, natural behavior to touch. Each other is, we are social beings. Our hormones are
See tosin is dependent on touching each other. That is neurology energy by which we flow inside. They completely neglected sides. And they came up with absolute kinds of regulations and restrictions while we showed your 2014 to bring down inflammation covert that causes inflammation in the body.
They should have taken on these breathing methods and going into the cold and talking about it, but they did it because of this because of power and that's why we are in. But I tell you, so we are winning. We are getting to the common sense of people. Now that we actually need to go back to Mother Nature. Not the government. We need to learn to govern our
Selves and therein, we can change our neurology and become aware that we are actually in control over the hormonal system, immune system, all the systems inside. It's nothing more than logic that we are that way built from our birth and now we are bringing it to the people. And yes, that's what we do.
Dude, that's where I came from. And now, I can talk there just before this. I was talking to the top of Google. They also got, I'm going to give them a session because they are suffering from the same isolation stress. They have deadlines. They have to make billions. Google is the medium for the information in the world. I will get them to
To work for the course, and the causes were, in the future where we, where we love life, where we are powerful, where we beat disease, where we are happy and strong and how does that work? And that needs to be passed along through the Google machines information. And I will be talking with that at those guys and having dinner. I don't care about this shit.
Dinner shit and five stars and 10 Stars. I won't a million stars of the universe here. And now I want to know my soul and I know all the sides. Yeah, I was a nitwit. I was a Dropout from school, but I talked to so many professors and they tell me when I give lectures all over the world, but you know more. Yeah, but those are
professors telling me
What? You've discovered so amazing and I just I want to go back to the origin of this whole thing and really find out what led you to the cold water. Like is this a practice that was in your family or Generations? Or is this just something that you were just drawn to?
Yes, when I was 17. I was drawn, you know, sometimes you do think so? No hunch.
I was a thinker lot into philosophy, debating inside and that area you become a little bit of nerd, kind of a person into all kinds of philosophies and all that and then boom. I'm not really a nerd. I'm a person who tries to find ways and then sat at a certain moment, you you don't know anymore because you are too much in the
No way. Real knowledge is not knowing is being fully there and that made when I fell to go into the water, I got that feeling of this Z without words and that spiritual powerful feeling came to me. And since then, and this is like 46 years ago.
I have been doing this all the time and I must say it is genius. It must have been a stroke of Genius to go in and to stop the this hamster going on the thinking and all what you learn and what you're talking about. I was training with Alistair Overeem, you know, MMA fighter and he came to me like seven years ago and
I told him when he told me, maybe I'm getting too old into my trainer said my coach said to. Yeah, I do talk with you and said, yeah, you know, I always say to hey, I don't care how good you are.
I make him better.
So listen up and he began to listen you can those eyes were on me
that and
that's cool because I know what I'm talking
and he began to do exactly what I was saying. This is breathing with his with with a cold and a week later. I got a telephone over him and he said he said to me like so so confident he said,
I'm gonna win.
I'm going to win with him.
And he won one match after the other Flawless until he got to the title match with steep a. And I was there.
And then that afternoon I was in his dressing room and oh and I said, let's do a bit of this breathing and he could only do 35 seconds of retentions then I
thought, oh, thank you.
Are there be there?
Yeah, this was later. And now I'm training him again. Came back. Excellent. It's and now, but now he is 42, but now I say now it's listening and he feels better than ever is going to be a world champion in the September, is the match with recover, Who's the present world champion? And he says he is doing the breathing now for
Three hours a day and he feels so, he feels so clean. And so the fatigue is completely gone. Yeah. Yeah, it is sharp like a razor like a razor and so with confidence is totally back on with this is.
Yeah. Yeah. With a huge, huge fan of his, by the way. I had no idea. So that's really cool, you know, earlier you were talking.
About the pandemic and you know how we were treated and how people responded to that must have been very challenged. I know it was challenging for us. We're in the fitness space differently than you but just watching people not take control of their health was very challenging for us. I know it must have been challenging for you. Did you have any students or anybody that you worked on to you who contracted covid who used your methods to make? Oh,
yeah. I had people who had said myocarditis.
You know, the heart inflammation inside the heart. Yeah, and that can kill people, but they completely healed. Well, you know what happens when you do these breathing techniques, it's not only that it is bringing down the inflammation. It also flushing five times more blood into the brain and art,
It's amazing. They said this makes the heart so much stronger. It's like a car that breaks down during the winter, the battery and you need a role to help coming. Then they boost your battery and then you were able to go again. But with the heart, that it means a heart attack. In this case, if we make flush five times more blood into the heart.
Heart you boost the electrical currents of the heart and it's a, it's the future of Cardiology. We are doing the study right now with 600 people. They got all the results is being processed. It's going to be published. We got for people with long covid because it's attacks, the endothelial cells, which is for the transmission of fluids inside the body.
Very important. If they are inflamed and nothing can go through and you drown in your self, it drains your energy. It's logical. So, to bring back the to come back for from long covid. This is possible because we are a, we have found ways, not only to bring down the inflammation but to restore to the plastic plasticity.
80 in the body to restore through the plasticity of the body and make it conscious Liam, invigorated consciously on the level of the mitochondria, mitochondria is energy. So we are able to bring more boosting up at their mitochondrial activity by which we get a lot more energy than we need for our maintenance of our bodies. And that goes directly into
This city. So we heal, we will rapidly. And this was this was all I know it. And of course if you say things like this in the they will say that this is misinformation. You cannot say this exact claps. Let me tell you now. So I am with Google with the top. I'm going to do it through these big companies and Dorsey, who is that
Twitter guy, he was my friend. He is he is doing the method. They I will, we will change the world. We will bring it ways. You cannot buy. You can only obtain by a by which you get the most valuable of life. That is your happiness, your strength and your health. That's all
we've got to bring it. Yeah. I was wondering if you could explain to the audience. What does breathing techniques in?
Bill and also like how did you come up with that? It was it taking from other methods that were previously there or is this? Just
saw know if you go into the cold, first thing you do
you learn to breathe deep breathing. Deep means your bring nurture into the depth of your physiology, past your conditioning, you call this merciless, but right, or righteous.
Brings you back to who you are and what you are past, whatever you think you're all of your body is activated is in Flames. Is being tortured at that moment or you adapt or, you know, it's too much and that's what it is and that for that it needs to all of the body and what that happens. Automatically begin to breathe deeper.
That's where it started with the coal. And then I began to cultivate deep breathing, while being in the cold. I could stay so long in the cold without sensing the negative impact of the court and that made me powerful through the breath.
And then I began to separate a breathing from the going into the goal and just do the breathing exercises at home. I saw all the lights of all the chakras, all the mysterious. And how do you say mystical, appearances? They talked about in all those books. I saw them all became boring
so much.
That's why I say, fuck Enlightenment
Enlightenment, bring happiness strength and health to people who need it yielded people. And that's what I'm doing. Now. I take people out of their Darkness because darkness is created by not being light light as being and light. The neurology, the electricity in the, in the body is not working because of being sluggish through our so-called comfort.
Victor zombie Behavior. We do and then taking on more stress and we don't know how to deal with that because we are never has been schooled in primary school. What it is to be happy, strong and healthy history. Yes, mathematic. Yes, and there's a language. How about the most important in life, happiness, strengthen health and being able to do that without 8 of anything just to be unconditionally.
Fully in your soul. And the soul is a radiating like a flowing river and all the life creates by itself. That's why we think of rivers are much more beautiful than all these channels this camera out of our, my productivity. Yes, but nature the unconditional love of life and the beauty. Where is it? That's what we're where we come in. So going back.
Back to the Simplicity of the breathing techniques, it is so simple. Who any who is watching this, listening? It is so simple, but because it is scientifically fully endorsed. It shows that it is also very powerful and very accessible for any person in the world. We have neglected the most valuable of all, which is the life force it.
Out coming through the breath, learn that you are built to be able to feed all the systems inside, and then your mindset should be, I should be in control of my happiness strength and help because the rest is bull
shit when you've been doing this now for, I think, over 40 years.
And the science is starting to come to support all that. But I imagine during this time, you've been surrounded by Skeptics who was the most skeptical person that you've seen transform that you've met.
That's a good question. First of all, this kept as skepticism is a sort of mental state that doesn't want to believe.
It does not want to believe except for what it thinks based on the facts existence and that becomes a conditioning and that conditioning care and overtake a person and then it really means skeptic forever. Even when they hear the truth is revealed. They stay in the state condition state of their mind. And so I have signs.
I have science changed fundamentally, but still the majority of doctors. They don't take it on as a truth, do with this factual. So they are stuck in their skepticism. They are stuck in the so called thing, called medical Paradigm, and they are not open to Adventure for
Or maybe the medical Paradigm is not necessary if we look better inside of ourselves, but then they have to sacrifice all what they have learned all their position. All the cars, all the golf crops, all the escort girls and whatever they are doing. They got to given up. They cannot. So they will always deny.
And that we're looking at Skeptics in my life. I got a lot of people coming now, great people, great thinkers and they even get to the top of Google now and they don't come just like that. They only come when they see there's that they say it's going to be the future and the future is where we will bring all the Skeptics kept.
Six around, you don't need to be skeptical if you got the truth. And the truth is to be happy strong and healthy a happy man doesn't go to war. A happy man is not into possession. A happy man is simply there. He doesn't need to be skeptical.
So scat skepticism. I've been fighting that the first 25 years of my practice. I was being the local, they crazy man, the idiot don't link with him. He is strange and things like that, and then I came in connection with television and then the that's kept, he said, now the same people would Laureate me.
Hang on, which the all women can make another photo. Oh, you great all your death, right? With other words. They like to lick my ass and I say no, don't do that because I didn't wipe it.
Well, well, okay, what we have seen all these
raizy Feats that you've done. What do you think was the most challenging or the
scariest for you?
Yeah, that there are many and you know, every time you do a record you are the best of yourself. You are a little bit afraid. Afraid means that it doesn't go as you think as you feel I've learned to do that to stay open because if you think like with adab Alistair, Overeem story.
If you don't think you were there, be there.
So you set, you stay open done. When you climbed without gear steep rocks, as I did, then you have to see even without seeing it, with your eyes, with this Sixth Sense. Six Innings exist. Oh, iPad been showing you inside in brain, scans and all. But you see the rock without looking at it. You see it. You see coming in time-space, you pal, go past times.
Space you will make you can learn to trust that sense and you make just move, just move. There goes your rock. While you are climbing without gear, even a little rock. It will just get you totally out of balance and you fall off the rocker your debt. I've been doing that so many times that I, I know that that is. So I came that time.
I had to do the rear. So for the first time I went for say 60 yards, swimming horizontally under the eyes. That was my first record under the eyes later. I did it longer in distance at titre, but not that day at that day was into the real story. It was nobody there.
It was a diaper, but he was on top of it and because it was not the official record so we don't need to control as much so that was their way of thinking about it. But me, I was there and I said I'm going to do the full distance now because tomorrow, I gotta do it. I'm not going to do the half and see. Oh, that was nice. I can do it. Yeah. I know I just went. Hey, fuck man. You don't know what is happening.
Within me. I want to do the whole distance. So tomorrow I can be at ease.
So I did that, I did the breathing. So and deep breathing, that means going past the conditioning charging up. The body cleansing, the body ended in the death. That's what I did. Then I went in then the last ten breaths.
You fill up the last resistance. Bio chemical resistant. And there you take look.
You go down vertically to go under the the meter or the yard of ice her, she have to go particularly down and then you start to swim horizontally. I had no goggles on and because I had no goggles on my retina, my cornea froze and I couldn't see more.
More than a blur because we are no seals. I trained to seals though and a lava that about that that's another they were talking to me. They were not real, seals real sales. Do our
not them. They were just nice people.
We had a great time with it thing is I'm not a seal to. So after 35 40 yards.
My retina Pros, I couldn't see. And at that moment. You don't think you're not thinking you instinctively, keep our your you, you can't breathe. You can't stop. And say essentially said, oh, I can't see, where am I, is this? It's just I see water and, and ice in the night was a Lifeline, but I couldn't see no question of life.
It works.
I could not see simple and I kept, but I kept on making my Strokes because I had trains in a swimming pool before. I need it to do 42 Strokes to get to 60 yards. Every every stroke was perfectly measured and a, my physiology makes 1 meter, 20 cm which is say 1 meter 1 yard.
I want to have yard something like that. That is one stroke of me. When I go full. Yes, your stroke. Probably different thing is I had a calculated, the distance. I needed 42 strokes, but at Twenty Eight Strokes, I lost it, the site and then at that moment, you don't think you just go into survival mode.
This is The Reptilian Brain. Reptilian. Brain is not about thinking, he's just being and I kept on and subconsciously. You keep on Counting when it was 48, that means six more than before T2, which I had measured at that moment. I got back into consciousness.
Thinking and I owe six to go six that way.
Magic. After you did this, 60 65 yards, know 70 yards.
You go six Strokes that way like nine yards that way.
Nothing six that way. Six, that way six, that way things. That way since that way I did like double the world's records, your distance, more more and then I the visual perception became this big. It's a the blur was still there, but now only is weak very close. That's the tunnel vision before you die.
And then somebody grabbed me the diver because I had been too long under the eyes. You do. Pica got me back, brought me back to the second hole, which was 60 yards and coming out of the water.
There. I conquered how concept I will fear of the of death itself. Just it happens in the moment. Boom, that that moment that experience that is like life-changing. It's much more than a world record. It's a lifestyle lasted.
And from there, I've been challenging my body and my mind always so much but I trust who's the true deep breathing through going into the cold. You learn to acquaint with the internal neurological networks, the six and seven times eight cents, and then you are able to to go into the full power hundred percent.
Of your brain 100%. We have showing this now where before I did, not know now, I showed them brain scans. We are able to these techniques to Outer 8, to heighten, hundred percent neural activity. Inside the brain, they had never seen that before in this, it was at this happened in the best of brain scans of the world. So it's all sides. What I'm at, but when you are
Before scientific research evidence and all you got to trust you. God, you got to trust your intuition and that's what I did Naturally, by going past our conditioned way of thinking and feeling being and that is going into the cold. The cold, does the magic? It brings you further even further than what is written in the books. That's why
I'm changing what is in the books and I say, hey, what I can do, anybody can do, we know secret is just what I found in nature. I'm here to share. It's not mine. It's great and it's for everybody. So that moment where I lost the fear of death and found a absolute new, deep understanding of what life is like when we our soul is indestructible and Unbreakable.
So, you don't die.
How about that? You know, that but do people really grasps that know, why not? Because they haven't fully realized fully manifested like a baby in the hands. There is nothing wrong with the legs, but the neurological pathways are not said that's why it's not able to walk. We have not been schooled to add to access ties and practice.
Our to develop our internal neurological networks. That makes us understand. What is the consciousness of? And the perception of what is the soul? What goes past time and space. This is only a part of our brain is time and space. There's also where time is suddenly gone Timeless. The soul is timeless and passed a positive time. It means
You are able to see into the future, the power, you can regulate what has happened in the DNA of the past, which is connected. The DNA is connected to our ancestors. There's only logic, it's all there. And we are now able to enter and to, mm better it to kneel our ancestral wounds of past Lives, who are now connect to the spirits man, you
Not see them but they are there and they are there waiting for us to take autonomy within ourselves and to bring true. Love the power to heal the past, the present and the future. Because I want to be the man who is able to guarantee happiness, strength and health for my children. Not only for my children for all children in the world.
When you're what you talked about counters.
A massive, massive Industries in the world and you're talking about billions of dollars or trillions of dollars of Industries in the world with long lilius. Yes. Long histories of you know their own research and theories and applications. So it's no small feat. I did want to ask you though because you're known as The Iceman but you've also done things in the heat. I think you ran in the desert and the hot desert for really long distance without taking a single sip of water. Is there a
Difference between withstanding, the cold and the heat in terms of how you you deal with it or how it affects your body or is it all in essence, the same. It's just a challenge and you have to overcome it with the same or similar types of tools and methods.
That's it. That's it. It should check out our mind is able to regulate say the stress, which could be cold. But also Heat
Heat is also part of a possible control of us at will over the temperature mechanisms inside the brain and they say the cold is like emotion and heat is like emotion. All that is the emotions. The deepest of our brain is controllable. And with that, whatever is the challenge you are able to
Go late your mood. They're in to maintain control, within yourself, to even in the most of stress and that I've been showing and in Detroit in fmris how to go into that part of the brain, where you are able to regulate your mood. Even when stress is happening. You stay calm and nice.
It's because the body then is doing what it needs to do to inoculate the stress. The stress. I could be called, could be heat, could be bacteria, virus and negative emotions, whatever stress it is. In the end. It is always so biological stress and then it affects our being our well-being and the question.
Can we outer? We sell biological stress to not become negative, deregulating our systems inside and there I say, yes, and then it is like any other challenge take on the challenge because the challenge is to how to find your soul, how to find hundred percent control, over your mind and your body. It's that science.
A show and of course, the trillions of dollars and euros and Yen. So whatever currency they use, they don't want the people to become independent. They want them dependent, so their cash flow keeps on going. It is a sick system and it needs to stop. We got now, the Neurology of the mind has been shown in brain.
Games and blood proved that. We are able to control so much more with that. Comes autonomy. So my adversaries
My animals so-called enemies. They are not my enemies. They are just into a wrong Paradox and I say happiness, strength and health for the families in the pharmaceutical industry. But also your neighbor. Also, you also me everybody. It's our Birthright to take on the control. We are born with and that's what all what I say and if I come across enemies, because I'm just telling the truth, I tell you.
I want to share something that is good for everybody. Which doesn't cost too much money. It's simply there. If I make that wisdom shareable that and they come and they want to kill me or this or threaten me. Then I say, come
on this thing. Yes,
finger. I challenge this Finger by hanging 23 and a half seconds just by one.
Finger in between two hot air balloons up a mile in the air in Winter and you normally you lose dexterity. Not me.
This is,
this is what I got for them stronger. What he added me. I got this. We're we're level the enemy. Also. I got a great message. I can make you happy strong and healthy something. You cannot buy. We want it. Okay. Come on. Let's
talk when where how
How old is your human body? And when was the last time you were
Yeah, that my I'm 63 and last month. I was like going into the ice bath on my birthday, 63 minutes and enjoying it. I was singing. I'm a I'm older, but I'm fucking strong,
man. I'm sorry.
It's what? Yeah, you know, when you go into the cold, when you go into the cold here, your your tendons become so strong.
So I get all these strong people and and they say they say old say I've got the strongest tendons because if I get two dumbbells of 10K each like 20 pounds each, I could do like a thousand times like
I just keep on going to control the attendance, attendance provides, the acidity.
Call in it, which is the neurotransmitter for performance and I just keep it calculon. I control my breath and it keeps them God. It's a and they cannot do it shit, man. When was the last time I was sick. I'm sick of that question.
That's all.
I've got a body but when virus comes from bacteria or negative thoughts that man, just breathe motherfuckers.
Well, I got a question for you, before we wrap up. I was wondering, I've actually seen this personally because I did one of your courses, which was was Radical is transformative, but when people went through the breathing process, there was a lot of these emotions that came up when they got to this state. And I was wondering if that was
Tie with old memories or anything with the fact if you found anything in that direction.
Oh, yeah. No, when I'm doing these studies with the DNA researchers right now and it shows that we get into the jeans to the genes and genes can be locked up Gene expressions and they can be locked up because of trauma.
And we had no capacity to D, traumatized, 2D unlock those genes from the those proteins. And now we are. So when we go to three quarters of an hour into this breathing and people get into the DNA, they get into these locked up Gene Expressions by which they D traumatized. It just goes up.
It gets out. It comes to the surface and if you are able to process it, I do a series. I just did a series with the BBC, 12 of them. And then the second one, it was a, for example, a woman who BBC presenter from sport, former gymnast, you know, Olympic gymnast and all that and always very poisoning.
Roll, that's the way they know her in Great Britain, you know on the television and there in that breathing session. She began she broke. She began to cry, cry cry and then afterwards, which 200 people production, BBC filming 10? Feel like a big cameras opponent. She told her what happened. Well when she did the breathing? What
What is locked up in? Our DNA is also becoming visual when you process it. And she at that moment. She saw her brother who had died when she was 19. She is now 51. When she was 19 and her, brother was 15 and old family ever had like a picnic at home and the garden and all and he
Was a Liverpool upcoming new talent for to play football. So highly supportive, and he died of a heart attack in the gardens and that they were all present. So that traumatized that family for all their lives. It's like and she named it like you live. It's like you live. Without one arm. You got to learn to go.
Bypass because the trauma will not lie and leave you. And it will always have a deep impact on your, your Consciousness on your being and so. But in that session to process the she felt it's okay. She saw her mother vividly face three-dimensional through the breathing. The child I do brother and she was like,
Different and lighted process. So we are able to experience traumas in our life. But the thing is, they should not be hidden away. Locked up influencing us for the - we should be free beings and process being able to process. We will never forget. We will always love and that is what you do. If you love life, you live it for the other as well.
You cannot, if this idiot, and in our schooling system, we had never taught how to go into the depth of our body and to gain control over that what we need to process because in the, in the temporary of life things happen, man. When there is shit, hits, the fan, you should be able to cleanse yourself and to go on again. Now, we found two keys. This,
Is what we give through being are like this together. We bring it on for those who need it,
when you're of it, what you're what you're what you're teaching, and what the people who follow your courses, say, counters, you know, medicine, mental health, the pharmaceutical industry. They're very powerful Industries. Have you been threatened with lawsuits and legal action? Have they come after you in ways that are just besides, you know, calling you a quack because at some point,
I think they have to acknowledge some of the studies that you've been a part of and your pit your customers or your your patients have been a part of a people who learn your processes have been a part of I can imagine that. I mean, I know they played dirty. I see what they do in politics all the time. Have they tried to come after you in other ways legally, for example,
I think they are so arrogant.
So arrogant that a keep on going with their power system, the way they do it up till now and I tell you that he akak system that is living on people or people's dependency and people's not knowing how to govern themselves. I'm going to break it. I'm at I'm just telling if something honorable.
Thinking Noble called love, I want to share it with the whole wide world and to bring something you cannot buy and you cannot possess other through Power. That's what I'm giving to you. That means, I'm offering the people in politics, in Pharmaceuticals in the industries in the murdering what is ever is going on with warts. And all I offer them. One thing, just breathe, and be a go.
Go into the core and you will learn that. You are able to possess the power to become happy, strong and healthy unconditionally. I'm no threat.
They are threatened by something else by their own fears and they know it. So what I do you think you can't possess are and cold man just to shut down the radiator and you get cold. I'll take a cold shower a day. Keeps the doctor away. It's so simple. What I do.
But the knowledge I have is simply showing that we are at the new dimension of the power, of our unlimited power of our mind, and to be able to unconditionally love life. And that is an expert in Syria. These children. They don't know, even what is peace because they are born in.
War, you know, 11, 12 years, they don't know what it is. So that thing I do, what is the greatest of threat here? Is that I say, our minds are ready to control our brains, 100%, by which we get a control over our brain, which is connected to the unlimited power of the Mind.
And it's there. That's what I'm saying. And I say it true medical and scientific evidence-based facts. So that's all I'm doing and they can't ever threat that possibly, they will play try to play dirty at it real but I'm I say fuck fear.
I live to live man. I don't live to serve fear.
I'm stronger, love is stronger. If you are in love, nobody can stop you.
Hmm. Excellent. Excellent. Awesome. Well, thank you brother. This has been great. I really appreciate you coming on the show, amazing guy. Thank you very much. And you guys are
great to have me on your show to bring this on to let me talk. And about this, this way. I thank you very much because your work is great. Keep on going. Keep on going strong because we gotta rise and bring some ass.
His strength and
out to the world. It's rise. Do it. Appreciate it. God bless and keep doing it, man. I appreciate it. Thank you, ma'am. Yes, thank you for listening to mind pump. If your goal is to build and shape your body dramatically improve your health and energy and maximize your overall performance. Check out our discounted rgb2 per bundle at mine pump. Media.com the RGB super bundle includes Maps, anabolic maths performance and Maps. Aesthetic nine months of phased expert.
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