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F**ks Given by ComeCurious
Universal Orgasms and Big Foot Erotica with Duncan Trussell
Universal Orgasms and Big Foot Erotica with Duncan Trussell

Universal Orgasms and Big Foot Erotica with Duncan Trussell

F**ks Given by ComeCuriousGo to Podcast Page

Duncan Trussell, Florence Bark, Reed Amber
21 Clips
Jan 27, 2022
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This is a crowd podcast.
You're listening to Fox, given at the one with Duncan Trussell.
So Duncan Trussell on fucks given,
welcome. Hello? You for having me? Hind great to meet
you. Oh, it's yeah. Great. It's such an honor to have you on our little podcaster Florence. And I've been, you know, let us gosh for a moment, huge fans, especially since seeing the midnight gospel, which I mean was so moving and incredible, and thank you for bringing that out because it wasn't just, it wasn't just like an animated series. It was like a therapy session.
Each episode that came out and it was so amazing. Thank you. Yeah, it was really, really incredible. And I so I reached out to you after seeing you, I went to this conference in Vegas where you did a live show. Oh, yeah, it was called meet delic and it was all about psychedelic Wellness, which was super exciting and quite new to me, actually, because I've never been like, someone that takes loads of drugs or anything. And saw your live show that, which was super exciting.
And amazing. Like I think there were so many moments and that when my mind was completely like blowing horse, like this conversation is so great. I need to re-listen to this about a thousand times. Thank you, you know, some people that are listening, might not know who you are. So, how would you introduce
yourself? Well, I have a podcast called The Duncan Trussell Family. Our podcast. I'm a comedian and I made a show for Netflix called the midnight gospel.
Beautiful piece of work. Yeah. Absolutely you I'm still in shock that you allowed yourself.
To come on this podcast. Was there anything that kind of made you guy like? Yeah, this this looks like, okay. We're I think we're still so surprised.
Oh, I well y'all just a really interesting and funny and I just thought it'd be fun to have a conversation, you know, during a pandemic this for me has been my socializing is podcasting, you know, it's like and I think if you're a podcaster, it's one of the lucky luckiest things ever because so many people are
So hyper isolated right now, you don't get the experience that we used to take for granted of just like, you know, sitting down with people and talking or going out to dinner as much. Or if you are going out to dinner. There's all this like like creepy edgy thing. You know, that's happening where I don't know, just spooky right now. These are spooky times. I don't know what it's like. Yeah, over there Byron over here. It's a little bit spooky, you know, when it's awkward and it's just sort of, wouldn't you say like in human history outside?
The black plague. This is the least sexy time in human
history that play that was pretty sexy.
The black plague will do know that, you know, they're wearing those Crow masks or whatever is fucked, uh, you
know, and like at the beginning of the pandemic, everyone was kind of isolated in their own homes. I guess it's kinda similar now, but at least we can kind of go out and date people if you're single, but I remember, I was single Rider the beginning and I felt so like targeted by life because I was
Like wait, I have to stay inside my house alone. Yeah. For all this time and I can't have sex. Like, I can't.
What are these? Yeah, and you gotta, you know, that thing you would when you're dating, you might get that fucked up phone call where someone's like, hey, I need to tell you, you know, you need to go to the doctor. I've got chlamydia, you know, something like that. Now you get that call just from like being around somebody.
You know, like it's the it's just
cleaning. My housemate. They have covid. You should and get yourself a test. Yes. Yeah. Oh my god. I didn't even have a pizza tear. So so as well, the stigma is so similar where I mean, actually I would say that STI stigma is still so much bigger, but it's that weird feeling of like, where did you get it from? And were you not being careful enough? And that's so naughty. And now you're fucked and you have to go and tell everyone. So, yeah. Yeah. What is it?
very, very similar it but at least, you know, if you get that phone call for somebody, that means you were fucking, you know, so at least you were like having fun. This is like, you're at the grocery store. Yeah, you know, you were you like, you pass someone on the street so you don't even get that sense of like, well, you know, you're just taking risks and being crazy. It's just so, it's just a bummer of a time. I'm not, I don't, I mean, I'm, I'm happy, but
it's just an annoying time. So it's really annoying. It's really
Up toves of Life. Yeah. Atma specially when it comes to sex and relationships, I think a lot of people that are in open relationships as well as well have like suffered as well, because they've been basically just stuck with one partner and haven't really been able to explore other avenues. And I don't know whether that's affected. She thought was relationships in that kind of, that's their relationship style and they need that to have a successful relationship. So yeah, it's well, it's kind of fucked, a lot of us are and
Surprisingly as well, but like everyone everyone's fact, but we should stop talking about covid. I feel like this is no better righted. I did want to ask though. I did want to ask like how it was for you and your wife during the pandemic like did it affect your relationship because you have spoken about, I was listening to your episode with the lady from by Philippe Philippe. Oh, yeah, Alexander. Yeah, which was awesome, and you mentioned that you have,
Used to have girlfriends with your, with your wife. So how did that kind of affect your
relationship? Well, it did. I mean it was it's not just the pandemic. It's like it's that we right now. We have a three-year-old and a one-year-old and I guess it is the pant. I mean it's you know, it's just like I think it's similar the way that it's affecting everybody with with the addition of kids, you know, and the sense that, you know, it's just like dating, it's really not.
Not that different from dating, you get to know somebody and you know, it's just the exact same pattern really except with two people and but in this case, when you're juggling kids and trying to keep the kids from getting sick or in my job and all the stuff that you know, all of all of it. Just the time you act like when you have kids all the cliches you here Trudy all have kids yet. You have
kids, not yet. So all the clichés are
You hear about it? And so you have to use schedule sex, you're going to start even though in like you when you hear that, when you're deciding to have kids you're like that's not gonna happen to us.
Oh, yes it is. Yes, it fucking
is. You're going to schedule sex? Which is truly like maybe the least romantic thing that could possibly happen. And then a lot of the spontaneous romantic stuff you have to, you have to take it up as a kind of practice, you know, and that includes having other partners.
Or dating or any of that stuff. It it's so yes, it is affected us like on every level. Just the way it's affecting. Everybody is a brutal time for parents, you know, and a Britain. And yeah, but we are but also it's a we've evolved. And we've you know, really seen each other's Shadow sides and you know, we love each other and we you get it kind of we feel very proud in the sense that we were able to get through all the bullshit that has happened to us.
So many other people during the last few
years. Was it? Like the most time you ever spent with each other? Yes.
Yes. Yes. And and, you know, it's and that's hard, if it's like, it's hard to spend time with yourself that, you know, so, if it's hard to spend time with yourself, then it's going to be hard for other people to spend
time with you too. And it's gonna be hard for you to spend time
with them. It's so yeah, it's a, you know, it has been a real practice and patience and forgiveness.
Give NE sand therapy and all this stuff just to make sure that we are, you know, you don't want to just get by, you want to thrive, you know, so it's you know, we've had you just have to like if you have kids, it's really important. I think that you work on yourself because if you don't work on yourself, then you're going to infect the kids with whatever you are infected with from your folks, you know, so
Having kids is this cool opportunity to, I don't know, it sounds cheesy, but to sort of heal your whatever the trauma of your ancestors is you can you can heal that a little bit, not all the way.
Yeah, that's what they were talking about at the meet delic conference actually in one of the talks about like how our DNA kind of carries like 14 years of ancestry. And, you know, you really do have to do like the healing of all the trauma so that you don't pass it down in your
DNA to your children, that just makes so much so I really do. Yeah, it seems unbelievable but it makes so much sense like all the I'm sure a lot of the trauma that we all carry is just from our parents trauma and their parents trauma. Yeah. I just can't. It's almost like see it. So clearly I can see myself whenever I'm in a state of fight or flight or I get frustrated. I just turned into my mum straight away and I'm like, no try me. What you all? Just turn into a parrot. Yeah.
I was times but we just have to remember we're also taking the good parts of our parents as well,
which is a yeah, that it and you can. That's what's great is once you start recognizing what the there wasn't all bad. There is good stuff there and then you start. Also there's something very liberating about realizing that, you know, you're not a bad person. You're just a person who learned a set of defense mechanisms from people who are terrified. I mean, you know and freaked out.
Out as a lot of parents are, you know, and so that's for me has been really liberating and, you know, thus therapy therapy is great. So, you know, and I having kids it's given me the greatest reason ever to do that kind of work that says
yeah. Yeah. It's really beautiful. Also shout-out to your mum. I mean, she was only on was at one or two episodes of the midnight one episode. And I learned so much in just that short space of time. Like I still think about the sentences. She said, and it
Really impacted my life and who I am. So like, shout out to Mama
wherever you may be tall the
moms. Yeah. Yeah. That was a really beautiful night was such a good moment. I actually had a funny. I don't know if this is like a bad segue from
segue comment, but
like what was kind of it's not, it's about midnight gospel, but I had like a really funny experience whilst watching me and I gospel because I got like, I don't really smoke that much weed and I had this moment like whereas going through this breakup and
I was like, you know what? I'm just gonna go get smoke and like really fucking chill out but my friend was like yeah, you should smoke pure because like that's like the how I smoke and it's like the best way to do it and I found some really cheap weed and brighten like a Seaside town and the UK. And I was like ten pounds this week. So cheap. And why did? Wait, what did you say atena £10 £10
how much you want 10 pounds of Brighton weed?
No, not the weight. Like the like the amount of money it costs. Oh my God, you are blowing my mind. Like,
you're going down. What are you carrying in? Is it
a suitcase? Oh, my goodness. That's probably like a ton as worth is like a joint Square. Okay, even I
tragic my apart. I'm sorry. I get
it was a small amount. But what actually it wasn't. I think I made like three Joy.
It's on, I don't know. Anyway, doesn't matter. I yeah, I smoke this weed in the garden. And first of all, it was amazing. I was eating this donut and I was like this Stone has the best, you know, I've ever tasted in my whole life. Oh, wow, and suddenly I was like, you know what, it's like to feel a little bit too high. So I like things started moving in a weird way. So I thought, you know, I lie on the grass, look up at the clouds. That's what people do in their high. Right? And so I did that and then my face started expanding
Doing a melting or the same time and I was like, fuck this sucks. This is horrible. And so I was like, going through in my mind about like what people do when they're high to try and like I was like, how can I make this like a great experience? And what did I do? I was like, I'll put on the midnight gospel which was quite hard intend to follow. Actually at that
point. Oh, yeah. I don't know if that was the right choice. Hot bath Maybe.
Maybe a jog help.
Yeah, I mean people say to I feel like people have said about midnight gospel that it's you know, like all the animations and stuff. It is very psychedelic and it's very like of that world. So that's why I assume that would be a good viewing. Well, I mean, we live, we learn trial and error. Yeah, it's Ryan was a great
viewing. No, thank you. I appreciate it. I you know, the whole take a psychedelic and then watch a psychedelic thing, which I have tried many many times.
Throughout my life, and yeah, I inevitably there's some moment where I think I just should be outside or, you know, like I should be in a quiet place or something like that, but I don't think there's any right way or wrong way does. In fact, I think the most important thing about psychedelics is to let yourself explore everything, just to see, just to see the differences, and I'm honored that you just you and that moment, you pick the midnight gospel. Thank you.
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you talk about psychedelics and drugs and stuff like that in a really amazing way. And I think in like a spiritual way. And you have a really great relationship with with them. How has your experience been with sex and drugs?
Oh, I've had so many great experiences, you know, once a long long time ago. I took the it was the best LSD I've ever had in my life. And
I had sex and we were having sex and it's the strangest experience. Had a lot of weird drug experiences. But this one in particular was very odd in that. I stopped being a person and became like a village and and was like and was like, simultaneously this Village and these women going down to this River.
With clay pots and putting the water in the clay pots and bringing them to the village. And I came 7th. I think seven times like which, whoa, insane. It didn't make
any sense. That's like, impossible seemingly impossible. We don't know. How could that be happening a jocular? Or we talking like, you know, like wasn't looking, you know, I was the time I was like, I wasn't like, hey, let me see if there's more
coming up. How is very high? I was very high, wasn't measuring busy.
Guess would be at some point that must have stopped right up. Yeah, like how much can you have inside of you? I don't know. But that was a really wow, erful weird experience. I think about from time to time. I think. Yeah, you know, marijuana the kind of sex you have is incredible. It's but with LSD, the, there's a potential there to sort of
I think maybe it would you ever play around the idea that the experience of the orgasm, is not limited to the human body to human biology. But in fact Li yeah, right. Yeah. That it's a sort of universal vibration, or a universal, sort of experience that, you know, rivers are having and trees are having. And when the winter, you know, that it's at
Everywhere. And we just think that it's in us when we experience and then obviously it is. I'm not saying that like, there isn't some physiological component behind having an orgasm. But I wonder if there's something more one. I wonder if we're tuning into something in those moments when you're having an orgasm because it is literally the experience of human beings coming into this world. I mean, obviously not all the time. A lot of times. It's like human beings, Nick coming into of napkin, but
you know what, I mean?
Like for it's like sometimes when we met up on Monday and sometimes because we Florence and I we microdose shrooms and we've been doing that now for a couple of months now and it's been pretty pretty amazing. And those days we were like, yeah just took my shrimp Helen. Don't you feel like that overs? Overbearing sense of like like love and excitement for the world. Maybe that's like a little join orgasm that we're having or something. Yeah, because we've had them at the same time, like the first one when you were at the festival.
Try to mushroom pill. And then I had my trip then the next day. Is that the next week? We're both like, I got it almost felt like an orgasm of some kind. Just like, what the fuck this world is just so cute. Incredible. Yeah, but you're out in nature and you just see everything you're just like, wow. What is this place? Like, I'm so grateful to be here. Like, look at that caterpillar like running across the path. Like yeah, the trees look at the sun. Like, I don't know. So yeah.
That's like that. Euphoria that you feel in orgasm.
Yeah. Yeah, and and yeah, I it's an interesting thing to if you can, you know, it was generally when you're having an orgasm you're just hopefully just having an orgasm, you know, it's like there's not a you're not being some like orgasm scientist or something. Like I'm not recommending that you going to seem like it
complete ass. I would like to think that when you're happy science and you hold on, let me take notes. Please open my eyes.
Yeah, I'm so people have done
that. Well, they have. I mean there's been a lot of studies on it for sure. It's such a it's and you know, just from purely from the idea that, you know, sort of materialist idea that, you know, the ideas were just supposed to reproduce. That's the job and humans invent. All kinds of stories about what the mission is in life to spread love or Joy or help or get rich or whatever, but your DNA is just like shirt, whatever helps you sleep at night.
The idea is to make more of us. That's it. Nothing else really matters, but that perspective if that is the primary motivation and the sensitive people just stopped having sex, There's No More Humans. Then the orgasm is really interesting in that. It's like, you know Nature's Way of luring you into making more of you. So in that sense, there's something really cool. Just that alone. Not any of his usual bullshit, but just that you are experiencing a kind of evolutionary like
He well, it
pulls people and and makes more
people. And when you're having an orgasm think of like in that moment, how many millions of people are coming at the same
time? Like, at any given moment. You could just like clock into that like joint. Yes, orgasm.
Exactly. Yeah, when you're coming, you're coming with an entire spectrum of people from like probably people in like temples doing
So kind of tantric like sex work all the way down to like the loneliest human on earth. It's just coming in their basement in a pile of garbage or something, you know, like animals dogs like your have your, you know
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So Duncan, please explain a little bit about your relationship with sex like what kind of sex education you had and what was your journey through until now sex education. Hmm. If you had
that, well, yeah. Okay. Sure. That's a cool. That's a really funny. That's a fun question. So. Well, my mom was a psychologist. So we do she she started and she was pragmatic about sex because she understood like
She understood that a teenager is probably gonna have sex like that. If your plan with your teenager is to tell them not to have sex or ignore what's happening, then you could end up with a grandkid before you want one. So,
yeah, basically
so I can remember when I when I got into High School my mom, just I came into my room and there was like a box of condoms and she left.
Yeah, we're basically saying look if you're gonna fuck, you gotta wear these, you know, and that's a smart thing to do. Because I think when your people that age they don't understand they there's no chance that they're going to be able to control themselves enough to not like maybe get somebody pregnant. So I don't know if I would call my mom sex-positive, like, the term that people are using right now, but certainly not afraid of it and definitely like made.
Me not afraid of it or helped me not have like a lot of the Hang-Ups. I think. Yeah people have about it. As far as like sex education goes, you know, we have sex education here in school, but it's like very biological and like they've really figured out a way to they have to. Are you going to do have like an erotic sex education class for kids in high school? You can't that's fucked up. So they
You know, they they have to like completely sterilized it and turn it into some kind of incredibly boring thing. So, as far as like my relationship with sex, I love sex. It's, you know, I think I've had it, it would be hard to imagine that. I've only had like one kind of relationship with it though. You know, I think it sort of changes. Yeah, overtime. Just depending on who your partner is or where
You're at with your Consciousness. And so yeah, I don't know. I think I've been through various phases.
How has it evolved like
well, yeah, it's so it's not like it's some it's some point. It went from
I think it's gotten increasingly less materialistic. If that makes sense, you know less. I don't know how to put it. I don't want to sound like I'm virtue signaling. Its some point when you're when you when you're okay. So this is the pattern that I have. I've noticed in my own life. So it's like
You have a partner.
And you, you know, learn to have sex with that person and it's wonderful. And then, you know, inevitably their relationship begins to disintegrate. Because generally, unless you're going to get married and have kids and even if you do get married and have kids, you still, there's still the possibility of this disintegration, but generally, there's a kind of entropy that happens in relationships, even though you don't want to think about that in the beginning, phase of the relationship. When you're looking at me, like, oh my God, I'm going to be with you for. This is the most incredible sex I ever had in my life. Holy shit. We found each other and then
Things starts happening. It takes a turn.
Gradually disintegrates, especially if you're not working on yourself and especially if you're not like looking what's happening right in the eye and then you break up and then I've noticed whenever that is happen with me. Then you I go into like some kind of fuck period. Do y'all know what I'm talking about? We're hungry phase. Yellow face, right? Yes, the whole face so I never cried it ever. Call it that. So then so now of a sudden you're like fucking all the time. And yeah, and you you're hanging.
Probably people, you're hooking up with her also in a phase, you know, and so yeah, both of you are sort of on some level, probably acknowledging. Like we're just we're fucking right now and it's fun. It's incredible. And but also it's so lonely
and there's lighting and so is Smash. It? Sex is hard because you just keep an eye on to the next one and something better on to better your wishing and waiting for something great, too.
Pop up, but it doesn't because that takes time. Yeah, exactly. Like the most amazing sex is when you have like a real connection with someone. So yeah, so face X is you know, it is kind of empty, sometimes a purpose but
yeah, it serves a purpose but there is this. I like but that emptiness when you don't resist it and you that's where you can really go into like Heller, you know, the movie Hellraiser like that's where like, you can go into. Like you could become like a Cinnabon.
One of those like, you know, a pinhead thing, you know what I mean? Where you're like, oh, yes, the shadow so much that I
can tell your soul apart and they're like, yeah. Oh my god. I've never seen this. You might not like
yeah, that Clive Barker was such a freak man. And so, but you so that so, you know, in those shot in the in the in those shadowy phases, there's something really. If you don't resist
Stitt, you can find this really beautiful place there. That is I wouldn't want to hang out there forever. But there's something real real about it, and pure and incredible. And, you know, and also because like generally in those periods, it's not just like, I'm in a whole phase as you put in, but usually, I'm getting so high and like I'm usually, like, just partying and so sadly. This is I think it's a sad reality of the whole phase. I don't know about you, but when I look back,
Back and try to remember those moments. They're kind of foggy, you know, there's like that. It's like they're even the memories or shadowy or something. And so,
yeah, but like I'm going through a whole phase of the moment because I went through a breakup like maybe six months ago. Okay, so I'm in that moment now, so I'll have to get back to you on that one.
Yeah. Well try. I mean, you know, I don't know. Take notes have a little notebook next to your bed or something. Write it down. So you remember because
Because I do, I think that there's a reason we don't remember those. Those moments is something really incredible about it because it's there's a dreamlike quality to it. Also, if you find yourself in a hole phase, then you probably have a little bit of a broken heart. Yeah,
is it potentially like a protective measure that our brains do? Because we're maybe having sex for the wrong reasons. Looking for intimacy or looking for something more and we don't. So,
It's like a protective measure to be like, oh no, you didn't just fuck like 50 people. That all a dream. Don't worry.
Yeah, right. I could be, it could be that you don't want to accept that you are that that you're like that or you have some ego fantasy that you're somehow like hmm different than that or you know, and also you're probably, you know, depending on how you're raised you might really feel guilty about. Yeah. The fact that you're having sex all the time. And so I think
A lot of people struggle with that too. So there's that, which again, that goes back into like,
I do think there's something to be said for really looking at those feelings that you're having that are where you're feeling guilty about sex or whatever it like really like enjoying them or working with them, you know, because there's something so cool about that. There's something so like
There's something so weirdly fun about feeling like ashamed about sex. Yeah, it's like it's cool. It's and you don't really, you know, depending on how your life unfolds. You never know. You don't know how many of those sex phases, you're going to get the whole face. So if you're in a home, that is true, enjoy it. Enjoy the whole phase. Enjoy the Shadows, invite the cenobites. I mean, obviously be safe. You don't open portals into hell that. You can't close, but open a few.
I know definitely relate to that because I think that once you do get into like a long committed relationship part of you does miss that ability and like Freedom that the whole face gives you to just kind of like, really be, you're like, you're like darkest self. Oh, yeah. I think we had about not hiding away from negative thoughts and feelings. Like, I love feeling jealousy. It's a feeling I don't feel often. And so when I feel jealous of my, what is
Hang on, let me unpack that. Why am I feeling jealous? What is that? Insecurity that I'm not, and I haven't noticed or that's coming out. I think we should maybe be more honest, about the negative feelings. We have. And yeah, like you said, embrace them, enjoy them like the shame stuff like, you know, us being so open about sex and masturbation and porn and yet I still go and have a shame wine. I will still watch a bit of porn that. I'd feel like maybe
Ethical enough, I didn't pay for or maybe was just so extreme that I still haven't really let my brain accept and process is something that it's okay to be into. And then I'll be like, oh my God. I hope no one looks at my history browser, or I would die. If like, you know, have my palm buddy when I die. I need someone to come along and delete all my porn before my parents, finding all of that stuff. Especially me, having a just coming out about my tickle fetish that I've had all my life and
I have hidden it and been so shameful of it yet, with, with what we do with come curious being like own, you know, and everything about you and it's okay to be into these things. And then yet. I'm still having to hide this huge part of me and like, where does that come from? No one told me to feel shameful of that. I almost created that myself. I mean, isn't that? What's great about
fetishes? Yeah. Yeah. Do we really want to uncheck Amarr fetishes? Like isn't that kind of part of what school?
That is, you know, like what's wrong with me.
Tons you one more now, I feel like I'm getting. Yeah to spied with my fetish. I'm like, oh, yeah, like I don't really like look at porn about it anymore. Like I'm kind of just like yeah, cool. I'm not there just like, oh my God, I'm losing my fucking mind. I need this so badly. It's like I have it there and it's like, maybe I wouldn't say as fun. But as as powerful, yeah, we will move
to like it, but I like, I'm sorry, I didn't care.
I like the theory, the theory, I don't feel so, I think there's different types of Shame. There's shame that is ruining your life and their shame that is like being disconnected from your true identity. And it's like you, if, if it's like, you know, when you twist a garden hose, you're doing that to your entire energetic system, all this energy being put into denying or ignoring some aspect of yourself, whatever it may be,
So that's bad. That's bad, like that. And I think that's bad in the sense of, you know, like what you're saying. You're not getting to really be your true self. And so you're living in the world and the kind of scared way, but then there's like other guys that shame like what you're talking about where you're like, what the fuck did I just look at them? IPhone, like what I just do, you're like, you know, you're coming down from your orgasm and just feel like thinking like
Wow, that was fucking
crazy. That was fucked. That's where I'm at. Now.
It's so so to me. There's something fun of. There's something fun about that. You know, yeah. Yeah, so I know you mean. But yeah, it's I get the if you need to come out of the closet, you should come out of the closet, but maybe there's something fun about having like a few like Susanna, we crevice
The you like to hang out. It those are cool too. And also I've noticed my shadowy crevices change over time. Yeah, you know what? I mean? Like like like it's I think sometimes people they get too attached to their fetishes. You know what I mean? I think fetishes can go can be replaced or even you can infect yourself with a new fetish but
I would argue that Kinks can be replaced but a Fetish Con just because of it. What a fetish is the psychological.
You'll like it as a fetish is generally part of your identity, but a kink. Yeah, I think that can change
and okay, chained. But let's talk about identity for a second because that is changeable, isn't it? Like if the identity is malleable, the identity, isn't constant, the identity isn't lasting and certainly they identity if it is the sum total of all your habits and your personality traits and all of your experiences and memories, then this is the thing that isn't really.
I'll let it all the his every new experience could change your identity and even a tree. So in that sense, I think well, maybe you could say fetishes are sort of more hardwired into you than other things but and I'm not suggesting that you should unravel your fetishes. And in fact, I would say don't like what they're all. Sorry. Fucking getting is like a sexual Super PAC.
You didn't like it.
Turns you on like the like, how are you ever gonna? Get that turned off yet? Yes, if you saw that a shit out. How are you going to feel that horny? That's what, that's what I mean. Identity. I feel like, yeah, he finally coming out about this, like, I have now here my, my, my full sexual whole self especially because it means sex is so different from person to person. Some people could take it or leave it other people. It's it's their whole lives. And so for this fetish to be the, the main thing that turns me on the main thing that makes me,
Orgasm and enjoy pleasure and then not being able to talk to anyone about it for the majority of my life. And, and now being able to now jumping that gun. I feel like I have finally reached my aunt was a sexual peak because I know it's just going to get better, but I feel like I never knew. That's how I'm done. I watch it up now. I'm good. But I finally met my full satisfied self a person. I never thought I could get to
or beat. Yeah. And like now
There's endless possibilities of how far it can go especially when sex is like a huge part of my life again, my identity. It's my career. It's our yeah jobs, it's everything we think about and I feel like yeah that that I needed to be honest and open about that. Otherwise it was going to eat me up inside.
Sure. Yeah. Yeah, I get it. I mean, yeah, that's the that is I think one of the real peculiar qualities of of sex is like here you have this thing that is
You know the it's the force of human existence. Yeah. In the in the universe, it's the progenitor. It's what makes us obviously and yet maybe it's because it's too powerful or something and that's why maybe there's a sense of like, it feels dangerous or something. I try. I love thinking about that though, you know, like how much of like feeling weird about sex or off?
about sex or cringy about sex or just generally like. Well, that's not what we talked about.
Yeah. Yeah,
how much how much of that is? Is that a genetic trait? Clearly? Not because in some cool in many cultures, it's like it's almost the opposite. It's such a wonderful thing. They don't even not even celebrated, just like drinking water or something, you know, no big deal. Yeah, like don't you get the sense that
a byproduct of the
what happened in human history, where all these various forms of like, repressive religions were practiced. That, what it did was open up a world of fetishes and a world of Shadows and a world of
like surgery would cenobites exist
without the Catholic chur, know, what would they would? They exist? Would any of this stuff? Be like a mode of expression if there wasn't some
Force attempting to repress it in the most horrific
way. I think you're right. I think sex is, is too powerful of a tool for like that's why we have been pushed down and like there has been, you know, it's such a stigma shame to boo like put around it because if we were also in touch with our sexual identity, then we'd all be like these really like powerful confident beings and that's too much, but I capitalism like that, I
Absolutism like wouldn't work, like, the way we want to rule the world wouldn't work. If if people were all these like really powerful
beings. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I think so. Yeah, I think it's like, any sort of, you know, you know, what's one of the ways to control people, isn't it? You think if like, yeah, give them a sense that they have secrets that they can't talk about, give them a sense that there's something hidden in them that, you know, you can see and then you can control them, blackmail them, and
Emotionally manipulative if you want to, you know, by just some sense that you're going to like disclose their secrets, you know, or they even what you know, or that you only, you're the only one who understands. It's really fucked up. Yeah. That that that aspect of sex mean, that's the other really fucked up thing about sex, isn't it? Is that it people, you know, really can use it as a tool of control of Mind
Control. Yeah. Definitely. Now to I have to ask you. Okay, this is this may be
Hang into the future, but what are cryptic erotic stories?
Oh, thank you for visiting now. Oh my God, that's so cool. Yes, so I have a patreon where fans of the podcast hang out and we are I realized like we should just collaborate because the, you know, we hang out a few times a week and they're also brilliant. So we have written a book.
Book of Cryptid, which is like Bigfoot the Loch, Ness Monster.
Price is a Santa Claus like any kind of mythological creature. We've written a book of erotic short stories, you know love this and yeah, it's at these are, you know, I was really like blown away because a lot of their really good writers. So there are you publishing. Yeah, we're publishing. I'm at. Yeah, and we're going to give all the money. We're all the proceeds are going to charity. We haven't. We're going to vote on that soon. Amazo so we but yeah, you know,
Wife and I were driving home from a trip and I'm like, looking through. I don't remember how I discovered it. I right. I found a series of books called come for bigfoot that were massively successful massively successful and it's basically it's bondage porn where Bigfoot is kidnapping women in the forest and
And taking them back to some cabin and just low fucking them, fucking them. And
this almost like, my dream. This is what I was just thinking. Read with her foot fetish, and her bondage better. Oh, you all up in my face. While I'm talking. Oh my God.
Perfect. You're Gonna Let Your it's in. That was the funny part. My wife and I were listening to it because it's sarcastically, we're like, come on. This is, come for bigfoot. Let's listen to his bullshit.
So we're listening to it and then
somewhere in it. We're looking at each other like
We Gates her, we're getting turned on right now. Like what they like, is this heresy, because it's the dumbest dumb as shit you've ever heard. And especially the whichever one read, we read. Like The I think the only thing Bigfoot says in it is
the laboratory. I swear, but whoever is reading it makes Bigfoot's voice. It's a Bigfoot would be like, calm. So this is your
book. You're listening to
this. Well, you already listened to it. There's like there's
So I think tenant 10 come for Bigfoot's. I can look it up.
Wow. I needed link immediately, please.
But that
inspired basically audio porn.
Well, it's a but I mean it's audio video and it is audio porn. But you can also get the book to come for bigfoot. Volume. 1 books. 1 through
Let's see, ya there. It's it's amazing. Like the covers are just, it's victoire. Jenna. Wade. You should have her on the show. Actually. She's yeah.
She seems really cool and smart. Yeah, but yeah, they don't, they're just called come for bigfoot. You know, I'll go read your description of Glory. This is Comfort Bigfoot. Volume to book. Six through ten, kidnapped by horny, ape-like creatures, and Mount Hood National Forest, Porsche Shelly and Leslie find themselves in a Lusty. Situation is a tribe of Bigfoots use their willing nubile bodies to satisfy their monster Cox.
How can Porsche leave all this behind and return to civilization when she's in the arms of her saw a Squatch, warm and snuggly in his matted fur. The only thoughts going through her mind are of utter Bliss but challenges abound for the star-crossed lovers including Leonard's head injury. I think that's the name of Bigfoot is Leonard. Winners, head injury, a devastating wildfire and his sexy forest ranger named Mike. Well these obstacles. Shatter the growing love between an ape and its mate or will true. Love
This is wow. I love yes. I mean, I love monster. Monster erotica and porn. Anyway, I just don't think we have enough of it. But this just sounds magical sounds great. Yeah. What what are the what you're like most favorite Mystic? Wait, cryptic Creations Crypt, it Cryptids. It sounds like Krypton always the most his cryptic. I've I had
scripted. Scripted script. Yeah, Cryptids.
Oh, what other so.
So what is your favorite Cryptid story that someone's written about like, which Mystic animal
or creature? I haven't honestly, I haven't read all of them because the books over 100 Pages it but we did read some during our Gatherings. And yeah, I'm not going to pick favorites, but the one that sticks into my mind right now is a short story about a guy trying to commit suicide by jerking off. What?
Wait, isn't it? Comes of the death or something? And then somewhere in there? I believe there's an encounter with
Satan. Oh, wow.
Yeah, and I think and Satan does count as a Cryptid for sure.
Fine. That sounds babies just sounds pretty. That's pretty dark and sad to be nice. So
horrible, worst way I've ever heard of committing
suicide, the worst. Yeah, how would that even work? I think you'd have to wind your dick off and bleed to death. Surely like how else? Well, I
have heard.
The form of epilepsy where you you come, you come so much you can die like you going. Yeah. Like you just or you it's like a never-ending orgasm. It's a seizure that manifest isn't as an orgasm and it can kill you or it can like yeah, I don't know if that's true though. It's been a while since a look at that before
people not being able to stop coming when. So yeah, they start coming and we've seen shows of it. And people are sofa shame because they're literally like hanging out with
Kids and then they like come and they're like, oh God
is that weird? Like people are ashamed of coming. You could sneeze these motherfuckers, especially these days. Sneezes are so loud these days, you will hear a sneeze from a block away and everyone's like what the fuck's wrong with you?
Don't sneeze or cough like yeah, free sneezers three
coppers, but if we like ejaculated or at orgasms, like we sneeze, you're right, like if people would try to hide, it Ruby's is do. It's so funny.
Yeah, that should be
celebrated. Yeah. So before we do, have to wrap this up, which I don't want to after work. I feel like I could talk to you. Absolutely all day. Thank you. Would love to ask you your fuck off story. Yes, please.
Sure. Okay. So this so, after actually, after my mom passed away. I was I was like, you know, like and just I don't know what you even would call it like grief shock or something. Yeah.
And, you know, even there's a lot of ways that grief manifests and I think that some of them get talked about more than others, but one of the ways grief can show up is, like, just this insane, you can become insanely horny
and but the fuck.
Yeah. And you know, well you what I think the reason is is because you're in so much pain that you're just looking for any distraction. That's a yes, right? And so, so
no this is why there's so many Avenues people take to try to do something about
feeling that feeling because just the opposite of pain as well so it kind of makes sense like literally giving yourself the antidote to the pain is that yeah and into like fucking rabbits after we've had a break up because we are in pain and we're like I just yeah fuck myself through this
I think so yeah I think so it's a grief I think some of that's a grief response and and maybe that and you just over time
you realize that it's not it's like it's like throwing a cup of water on a wildfire something but try you never know it's worth I mean I think that again this is like if you do find yourself in one of these what did you call it a ho phase hopefully if you do find yourself a no-face you really should like I think it's important to understand that they don't last so enjoy it while you're there but we're not so this was I wouldn't call that
Face, but I was in a hotel room downtown, LA.
Completely depressed and completely horny. And so I was going on, what's that? It's a fetish website called fat life. Yeah, and I'm sort of digging through it because I'm so horny and I want a dominatrix. I want someone to like beat the shit out of me. Nice. Wow, so I
or at least like hurt me a little bit, just a little show. I I find this Dominatrix and you know, I like I've had a myriad of weird. I've tried. So many strange forms of sex and you know, obviously the BDSM it's like there's a million versions of it millions and trillions. That's one of the beautiful things about it. Is that many modes of expression within it, but I'd never got like had a professional dominatrix. I had one of my pie.
Guys want who whipped me on the podcast, but now it wasn't that great witness. She's awesome. But because it was, you know, I think if you're really, I mean, I don't know, everyone's different. I don't have like an exhibitionist thing. I don't like fucking in public. Some people do. I can't get into that van, it feel like, feels like, I don't want someone non-consensual easy, my hairy ass like sticking out of a dressing room or something. Yeah, rude, but
This.ya, this dominatrix came up to my hotel room.
She and you know, I was like again, like I think I'd really been imagining that. I would be able to achieve that kind of thing that you can have with someone that you love when you're having like having sex with a stranger and because I've never done it before. So, you know, it was actually a kind of experiment, you know, like let's see. I was thinking, holy shit if this works. Wow, this will be incredible. Like I can it's going to say so much energy, but in the
It's of like dating. And so, anyway,
yeah, Daisy's makes me take. All my clothes
off puts a dog collar on me, and it's whipping me and pulling me around the room, yells me, onto the bed and then, just my face is in her ass, and I'm just like,
It's just Dawning on me that this isn't worth it. This isn't really working. It's not that, I'm not enjoying. I'm like, trying to be what's really weird. I think I'm a people pleaser.
So she, you know what? I
mean, so I'm kind of trying to be polite, you know, even though, like it's, I'm, I'm kind of thinking, like, abort this Mission. This is not like, this isn't really solving anything and
But she was like whiskey she's like whipping my cock. Oh and it made me
come. Oh, wow. That's I mean that's pretty amazing.
Realization P. Well, I knew that guy knew I got a lady. I know, I know I've said that honestly didn't shock. What was the part? That was like a bummer? I think for both of us. Who is that? I mean, I don't know for her the maybe it's just her job or so. I don't know. But like
So so like after I come and I'm just like I didn't say, I wasn't complaining. I was trying to be, you know, this person is like giving like themselves to me in this bizarre way. So I felt really a lot of gratitude. I think her name was Raven. I can't remember but she
Wanted me to walk. She wanted me to, like, wash off the sex toys that she had used the Whip. And
Few other things, you still trying to be a dominatrix after I came.
And like I'm I'm just like, I just wanted to say I wanted to go away so I could just cry and drink, you know, and like, you know, I was beat up like on and I'm, I think I think I was rude. I'm trying to like, I was like, I don't, I don't really think I want to clean them off. You know, I don't think that's in my mind. I'm like, is that kind of your
then you for this, like what I have to do the creepy. It's like, guys, that kind of similar to like asking someone to go wash their dishes.
Restaurant or something like that, you know. Like
I mean you all the submissive. That's I guess that's her rules fuck. Well, no, I think in her
mind think thinking of me as a typical submissive. She was imagining that I would enjoy them. Yeah, so it was probably a little bit of generosity on her part and added bonus. You get to go clean this. Yeah. You're fucking commie Whip and so I'm like, I don't know. I don't think so. She goes and she's like gather.
Other things and she's walking out. She's like, she said something like I can't really exact words, but it really hurt my feelings and she's walking out. She's like something. Like, I don't think you're really kinky and she leaves that hurts way worse than the whip on my cock that. You should say that to me as your lie, like a mic drop moment, you know, she's
obviously that you weren't good.
That's so not fair.
Yeah, and you know what though it I should like. I don't think I should have. You know, what are you gonna do though? When the dominatrix the you just summoned from FetLife? What are you going to do is look, you know, my mom died a few months ago, and I'm trying to use sex as a way to avoid this sort of like horrible empty void that I'm just now beginning to make sense of. So, I don't want to wipe the sex toys down, you
You there's not you don't want to hear that shit. They've got to go to some other person and whip them. They're probably busy, you know,
you know what they like, I feel like all the cuz I've spoken to a lot of dominatrixes in my time. And I feel like a lot of them talk about what they do, being a type of therapy and I think in a lot of circumstances they probably would listen. Yeah. Yes.
You know what? I think you're I think you're absolutely right and and for me the yeah, I think you're a lot of damage.
The dominatrix is, I know, I mean that's I think that's one of the cool discoveries people make. If they decide to try that out. Is that that you know, there's an interesting.
The, you know, a masseuse, right? A masseuse has like a lot of cool ways of applying pressure to you, to make you feel better and a domino, a great dominatrix is like, you know, an expert. It dialing in specific Sensations that are a lot of people consider to be something you should avoid. But so if you were with, so a really talented dominatrix than you, you will definitely
You to revise your understanding of pain itself and pain really is. And so but yeah, I just wasn't in a state of mind to really go deep with anybody. I think
that it's hard being a dominatrix, like nobody teaches you, how you just go off by what you see in porn and what you see in the media and in films. I've done a couple dominatrix sessions myself and again only because of doing come here.
Is this podcast, was I able to be like, okay. Well, what are you into? What don't you like and really get it all out there before. Assuming that I'm going to take on this really fucking like harsh. I'm the boss, you have to do what I say, no matter what it is, kind of role, and I've done that as well in sessions before where I have just gone. Okay. I'm going to play the Dominatrix and not really listen to the client. But instead it is about listed. Everyone is so different and you can't assume just because you're the mistress and
Make the rules in that moment that you make the rules for the whole thing. You know, you you need to ask people what their into what their likes are in dislikes. Because yeah, someone might want a mistress that's very like mummy and caring and looking after. But no, I have a firm hand and you will suck my tit kind of thing. Yeah, or it might exactly stereotypical. I'm gonna dress in latex. And then I'm gonna whip your cock kind of the it's so different, but I don't really have sex workers, really think about that. And really
And they just play a character and that doesn't work for everyone.
She interviewed me before we had a margarita and I kind of, you know, I kind of explain what I thought would be fun. But you know, yeah, she started like saying shitty things to me and I was like, you know, I don't really, that's not my thing. I don't like that. Like yeah, let me
show you Malaysian thing.
I don't like that. I just whip me not call me shitty
thing. I love the. I love this story though because I think
So really, you know, it was it was a nice moment. Like in that really vulnerable space that you were in where you can have this kind of like sexual situations, sexual relationship, and kind of like learn something about yourself
through. Yeah. Oh, yeah, for sure. Yeah. Absolutely. I always quote me. I'm so glad I am so glad I did it. I mean, that's not a thing is like if you have any inkling of like that, you might be into some, like something that is generally considered like non-traditional sex. If there's some like
Like curiosity. You have you should definitely try it. Yeah, I mean the best thing that can happen is you find out? Yeah. Yeah that you that is you like it, you know, and if you find out that it isn't quite what you were into then that teaches you something to do, you know for
sure. Wow, beautiful. Sextape sextapes. Of Duncan Trussell. Everyone just be don't get me depending on the thing. Like if you're
curious of setting yourself up fires going to make you don't do that. I mean like within reason obviously, yeah. Yeah, of course. Careful.
Wow. This has been
It's so amazing having you on the podcast for actually, a bit of a dream come true moment. I think
it's great meeting you and it's I really am. I feel lucky that I got to spend some time with you all. Thank
you very much. Keep creating will be amazing stuff. You are and keep teaching the world because you have a very good view of things. They just thank you. Where can a curious fuckers? Find you like dish us all the
Deets. Hmm. It's about what the best way is my podcast the Dugard Russell family hour, and that's it my website ducats.
Russell.com. Yeah, do you know the acronyms for that? Is down to
fuck. Yeah, that was completely unintentional. But yeah, that it didn't end up accidentally being that truly. I didn't. Like, I wasn't like, trying to find a way to secretly, say down to fuck, but it turns are you don't
mind. I'm gonna make a big secret. They don't look
also. Well, yeah. Thank you so much. Thank you.
That's hot.
Hello, I'm Park. Given best-selling author of the book. Women. Don't owe you pretty. And I have a new podcast called exactly in his first season will be diving into five, big topics, sex social media, feminism relationships, and body image, and exploring them all from different angles. I'll be chatting to some amazing guests from psychologists and doctors to cultural commentators and celebrities out. Now, listen and follow exactly with me Florence. Given on Apple podcast, Spotify Amazon music, Stitcher or whatever you get your paw.
Whoa. How did that just happen? Oh, no, I feel like I'm I know I was in like a dream state during that whole thing. Just being like she had. We're having a Duncan Trussell conversation with the Duncan trust somebody that we've followed for a long time. That says like yeah, really profound shit. That's helped us both how with our own therapy and Minds like, yeah, incredible. So that was an absolutely right. We can't believe you just he was like, yeah. Okay. I'll come on.
The Pod. It's like yeah, I mean, I feel like we should feel super grateful for everyone. That's really supported us for this long with Fox given and is here listening because you guys are the reason that we were able to interview. Someone like Duncan Transit. Thank you so much. We love you all. Every single one of you are holes, and I hope that you enjoyed the episode and if you did obviously share it with every everyone. Please don't want just like share is and send Ling. Like put it on your stories, put it on.
With put it like scream it from the rooftops because that's the thing that actually helps grow the podcast and who knows in the future. We could be doing live shows just because
you've helped us grow the Pod.
Exactly. That would be. That's the dream getting out there and you you all being in our live audience. Lots of dream. Talk this episode, you know, yeah, speaking of dreams. If you liked this episode, please like you like that. Yeah, he's raped this episode which you now can do on Spotify.
Five, I mean you can read or whatever Stars you like, but five-star, obviously, father.
And also you can find us on our Instagram at come curious where we have all the latest podcast Shenanigans popping up on there. We got qas happening and like, you know, so you need to be on there just in case we're asking you for something that we're going to bring on to folks. Get maybe if you want to keep up with our personal stuff as well. Please follow us on read Amber and Florence bark. And yeah. Yeah, I mean, we'll fucking see you.
Thursday, if you're not watching us on the YouTube channel, also, if you're listening to us, you can watch our faces do the thing and actually see what Duncan Trussell looks like. So yeah, he's go do that. I actually didn't know what you look like for a really long time. And I think maybe at that psychedelics conference. I was the first time I saw him. I was like, oh my God, that's the guy with the boy. Yes, with the voice. He does the thing with the stop. I'm sure people that have always listened to our podcast as well. Have you no idea what we look like.
Every people out there. So come on YouTube. See what we look like. See what we're yeah, we're doing. Yeah. Yeah. Anyway, see you next Thursday. I nearly said see you next time. See you exposed a curious one.
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