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The Pomp Podcast
#371: Rapper FiDi Guy on Financial Education
#371: Rapper FiDi Guy on Financial Education

#371: Rapper FiDi Guy on Financial Education

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Anthony Pompliano, FiDi Guy
29 Clips
Aug 28, 2020
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What's up, everyone? This is Anthony papiano. Most of you know me as pump you're listening to the podcast. Simply the best podcast out there. Let's kick this thing off fidi guy is a New York City based rapper who has built a significant following on social media by using hip-hop to share financial education and Market insights in this conversation. We discuss how we learned to rap why you put out the first song at the intersection of financing music what the response has been so far and what his goal
those are around Financial education moving forward. I really enjoyed this conversation and I hope you do as well. But before we get this episode, I want to talk about our sponsors first up is by bit. They currently have over 300,000 users with the number growing in double-digit percentages. Every month. The Exchange has no overloads during volatility and low latency trading plus twenty four seven customer Live support at by bit. We listen we care and we improve to provide the best.
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Various aspects of each industry you can subscribe at pomp letter.com again pomp letter.com. All right, let's get in this episode with finite guy. I hope you guys enjoy it Anthony pump Leon. Oh is a partner at Morgan Creek digital all opinions expressed by pomp or his guests on this podcast or solely their opinions and do not reflect the opinions of more Creek digital or Morgan Creek Capital Management. You should not treat any opinion expressed by pomp as a specific inducement to make a particular investment or follow.
Particular strategy, but only as an expression of his opinion this podcast is for informational purposes only. All right guys, bang bang special treat today. I have fidi guy here. What's up, man? What's going on? What's going on after having it? All right. The first time that I came across you I'll just you know mindlessly scrolling through Twitter and then all of a sudden I saw big was a music video with a fire beat and all I remember is you were just trolling about
Oil going negative and I was like, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait what and so you gotta tell us before we get into the music. What is your background? How the hell did you get into this rapping about finances? Not exactly. The thing that I think most people grow up dreaming to do.
Yeah, totally. Yeah. That's I've been rapping ever since I was you know in middle school. I just always had you know an interest in it. I think the part about rat that like really interested me as like
A kid in like his kind of kept me interested is not so much like, you know the club type music. I just love, you know, the people that are like truly poets that know how to take a concept at know how to talk about things in a way that using metaphors and similes really engaging people, you know through music and in a way, you know for them is to craft and there's people that are phenomenal at that crap, you know, not J.Cole look at these guys as like they're genuinely poets, you know, and I grew up like listening to them and I
Did you know my whole life but it was really informal, you know, it was at parties. It was hanging out with my friends long car rides Etc. You know got to college eventually was doing it at you know at parties or like, you know at the frat house whatever and eventually started working and I kind of felt like rap and you know, the corporate Wall Street World literally had nothing in common. And so I kept it a huge secret. I kind of thought out of it a little bit but I started to feel like you know, there's this part of me that's his creative side that
Like it's kind of been like suppressed a little bit. I've been so focused on work and I was like, I gotta get back into this and I'm like, I'm in New York City of all places. Like if you can't get into it here or try to make something happen here your shot, right? So there was this freestyle group, you know, a couple blocks down for me and Union Square and a buddy of mine saw their video and he's like you got to go check this out literally went there from work. I had like the typical like Midtown uniform on I have like a dress shirt on dress pants like a vest. It was like the
Oh of October and I go there and it's a huge group of people. They just play a beat and everybody's freestyling improvising playing off each other around like this is sick. But like this is another level and I'm not sure if I'm like ready for it, but I was like, you know, I'm like I've been doing this for a while. I got to get into it. I got to just kind of like the bow and go and you know, I had a good session there and that kind of ignited this like, you know, the reignited my passion for it and I was doing the freestyle thing and eventually got to a point.
Look like you know, I work in banking banking now. There's not a lot of things I can talk about that are typically in rap songs that anybody is going to resonate with I talked about it. You know, what do I know? What world can I blend kind of just fell into the starting to blend finance and to wrap and you know enough people kind of gravitated towards its or you know, I've been keeping it going and luckily. I've had a lot of fun with it so far.
All right. So what is this group? It's just like in the park and people are just play a beat and it really just a bunch of folks standing around.
And and kind of one after the other start freestyling
exactly. Yeah, 12 legendary ciphers. They started it probably over a decade ago every Friday from May through November. They gather in the same spot Union Square, you know anybody's welcome to go the good part about Union Square. It's the high-traffic area of people going to the subway commuting leaving work. So there's always an audience and it's a literally anybody that wants to step up. They just play a bunch of instrumentals and people just wrapped.
Back and forth and kind of like coolest thing about it. Honestly is it is these people that are have such different lives and you would never think had things in common all interacting together people from Europe people from well, I call her America people from blue-collar America people from the suburbs people from urban areas, everybody's there because they love music and they share this passion and it's awesome and people are just feeding off of each other, you know, someone brings up an idea. Somebody else talked about it. It's morphed into a new
Idea, people come people beatbox people saying, you know photographers come it's like this amazing Community thing that's all built on, you know a shared love for this for this for this art.
I love it. So you get the renewed interest in kind of passion. And then what gave you the idea was the song where you mentioned the the oil prices was that the first one you did that wasn't kind of a freestyle was more like a produce song. So I actually did the one before
Called it's called stocks dropping. So this guy this guy Jack Harlow made like this incredible song stock Platinum. He's like remixed it with Lil Wayne. Everybody called what's Poppin right song was a trending was like one of the top songs in America. The beat was like absolutely phenomenal and is like Peak covid when like they basically declared, you know, New York City. Everybody's working from home, right? I was like, this is the perfect opportunity to make a good video. There's so much going on and I basically reading it
What's Poppin was like stops dropping his like this work from home and some about working in finance and like the stock drop the stock market dropping and ways to play it and whatnot. You know, it was that kind of goofy. I was wearing like a blazer with shorts, you know, we shot it outside all the stores were closed and I think the interest in that one really kind of, you know gave me a pulse of hey like this resonates with people, you know, this is a an underrepresented community in the hip hop world, you know, and
That a lot of people don't talk about and I think you know everybody wants representation. Right? And so there's a huge Corporate World Finance business world that obviously has an identity that has interested in music. And so I think parlaying those two together really touched on, you know, a niche that I think people people are into and it really kind of galvanized, you know, the momentum of pay people like this, you know, and I've kind of kept going and luckily it's going well so
far when you created this song, it's you
And a friend it's just all you like talk to me about the process of process of actually creating
these Yeah, it's gotten a little bit more official now, but the first one was literally, you know, my best friend from college, you know, fortunately for me he was on track to go to med school realize that his whole family's doctors. He just realized like, you know, I've been doing it. I feel like maybe this pressure to do it, but I don't necessarily tie my passion and he kind of abandoned that
Back and went full on music. So like audio engineering producing which is good for me because now I have some of them super close with is plugged into that world, right? So the first song we did it was covid couldn't go anywhere. I had no equipment. I'd literally recorded just the audio the vocals on my phone, right like in the iPhone record. He's enough and was stunned when he was able to take that put that on top of the beat, you know, do all his layering and what not to make it sound decent. Am I?
Other roommate literally with an iPhone. We just took like a very like low-budget backyard video put it all together. I like downloaded a free trial of like Adobe, you know editor made it on the computer and dropped it and you know, we've gotten a little bit more, you know official now, I bought a microphone, you know,
you realize how ridiculous that sounds you're saying. You got official cause you got a microphone. Yeah.
It beats it definitely beats the audio quality of a cell phone. So, you know got a microphone got some better equipment and I can do it now with in person with him. So I think that's been a big help and I think it shows in the quality and then you know, I've worked with a guy now that shoots legitimate video and try to up the quality of the videos, but I think there is something about that, you know kind of his people in a certain way when they can just tell it's like a backyard production, you know, just kind of soon put this together like with five dollars that kind of hits.
So I don't know if you know this story but I'm assuming that you know a little Dickie, right? Yeah, he a friend of mine or somebody. I knew in college. I really a friend but somebody knew in college I think was actually his roommate when he was creating like the original videos in San Francisco.
I know a guy that was his roommate in college
too. Okay. So this was a girl. Okay, so maybe they were all roommates or different times or whatever small world. But yeah, but what I remember is like I remember seeing the video.
And then she told me she's like, oh, yeah like that like that's a roommate and a preacher was room and maybe it's friend or whatever but was so interesting was it was this low budget whole thing, right? It was like basically being filmed, you know with no real equipment and it was just like hey, I've got this skill and interested in doing this like we're just going to do it. Right and I think that you're right and that resonates well with people when they when they just see like show them the quality.
E of this is not in a production value. It's an actual person themselves, right
totally totally. Yeah, it's funny. You mentioned like little Dickie because like before I dropped anything I was like, all right, like who can I kind of study that's like done this already and it's going to take some lessons and I remember watching him on like one of the talk shows like the late night talk shows talking about like his process and he basically was like, you know, he was in school. I think he went to Richmond which is like a very good school, you know, and he had kid he's saved up.
His bar mitzvah money and his parents work with the hell you doing things like to take the money going to make this video how to produce it, you know, and he put, you know, not crazy budget Bar Mitzvah money type budget into it went to bed woke up and had a million views on YouTube and then you know, nothing's been the same since crazy. Yeah insane insane and I think you know, he had a good time where everybody now is trying to make videos and there's you know, the market is definitely very saturated.
Yeah, I think he anybody that had that insight and of my bridge YouTube and any platform at an early in early Pace, as you know, clearly reap the benefits of that.
Absolutely and so talk to me about like stocks drop in right you have just got kind of the the commodity stuff. Then you recently did one where you went literally to Wall Street and you doing like the in so the ten Crack Commandments you're basically doing like the Ten Commandments of financial education. What's kind of the goal here, right?
It's all Finance related. But is it to educate people? Is it just to make hot songs? Like what talking about like what like, what do you optimizing for
totally? You know, I think I definitely started it to try to have a good time right and, you know even going to like that freestyle group, you know, it's funny like
People can kind of get a sense of like who you are. You know what you do what you stand for and like when you kind of touch on those things people just kind of resonates more rent. So, you know, I go to these Rapids we're talking about whatever under the sun, right but then like every time I would touch on like something Financial I'd mention like a 401k like literally and it's in like some of the like the freestyle videos. I have posted people be like, yeah spit that financial shit, you know, like
It was just like that's your thing, you know, so I was like as much as I crap and finance are necessarily related at least in you know, a responsible way, you know people fucked of it. So I always kind of kept that in the back of my mind, right and so I was making these videos and they were all fun and I was trying to figure out like, okay do I appeal to like High Finance? Like I think the how crude video was like, you know, you're talking about contango you're talking about storage find a man. It's not your light person doesn't know that right.
And I kind of thought you know the attention that it gets the people that listen like maybe there's an opportunity here to Parlay the two interest are lay the wrap with the finance, you know rap is a way much more digestible piece of information that someone trying to lecture you on find it right Finance is boring. People don't know about Finance because the lack of education but people aren't driven to learn about it because it's boring right? And so I think that you know that realization was okay. Maybe there's a way to you know, combine those two and I
You know while the biggie song obviously has certain applications. I think people will drive a lot more value from learning about financial principles and learning about how to sell crack right and so my you know, my thought was let's take this classic song that everyone knows about and kind of tailor it not towards High Finance but towards you know, everybody right and what I've observed in this whole process is there's so many people that are Highly Educated, you know, they're employed. They've graduated University. They have Masters they don't
No Basics about investing. They don't even have any money invested. They're like, yeah, I just have my money in a savings account. They don't know what an ETF is a mutual fund like basic 101 and it was kind of that realization is maybe I can take you know, the music and use that as you know, kind of an introduction to get people interested. I would love to know I want to make our tracks want to make good music. I want to make good songs, but it's also that realization that like, you know, I've been fortunate enough to be in a position to learn about these things that can enhance my car.
Body of life, you know, it can enhance everybody's quality of life. And maybe this is the way you know, the mediums and kind of get people interested and to kind of spread that knowledge
for sure and it feels like this is what you're like really focused on it and it's kind of, you know, literally from your name to the actual content. There's still a kind of macro Trends right? So when you see, you know, Jay Z and 444 right talking about you know, hey, I should have bought that building in dumbo.
Right or talking about the appreciation of private art you just start to see this attitude from kind of the things that can make you money in the streets as these guys have gotten much older kind of wiser. They've actually got Capital to invest now now they're actually starting to talk about maybe not personal finance, but definitely talking more about vesting and kind of those benefits and so it feels like there's always been this like reception because if the best people in the world are doing it right then
Trickles down and then you come along and you've got no, this is my message. Like people are almost like waiting for that type of content,
right? Yeah, I agree completely and I think a big part, you know, why that is it more of a trending topic is because you know, you know, the wealth disparity now is you know is enormous and I think a lot of what people are realizing is what you're driving that that disparity, you know is not people's salaries, right? It's whether they're investing in financial asset the way that you know the stock market
You know is driving, you know the stock market.
You know growing is increasing people's wealth in a way that you know your paycheck or your salary or you know, whatever, you know, small side hustle can't necessarily do right. And so I think people are like wait, you know, if these people are getting uber-rich, you know mega-rich why I'm doing something like this, you know, the way to compete is to have those financial assets into had to ride that Trend and I think people, you know are realizing that now more than ever.
And you know, I think a big thing is to for people is this hesitation which like, you know, I've only got 500 bucks. Is that enough and it's like the point is like you just got to start with anything right? You could start a $10 right? If you can find you know, you find someone that knows some of the basics you just get started, you know, you don't put everything in at once but you learned like you do with anything right? You start off slow. We don't put a ton of Capital At Risk, but you know, you develop a plan. I'm going to put x amount of months. I'm going to buy the S&P once we're comfortable with Pia Mia.
Teammate your diversify International, you know, but I think for people with just getting started, you know, I've seen, you know firsthand in a lot of ways, you know, my both of my parents were, you know entrepreneurs my dad started his own my dad was in healthcare but started his own practice. My mom was in healthcare started her own company. There was a time where they were doing extremely well, you know, but they didn't know about like at that level these for the people that are Highly Educated didn't know about, you know,
No, building a diversified portfolio having that compound having retirement assets. Right and I've seen that my kind of first hand and so for me, I've been hyper focused on, you know starting young is as so many benefits and you know and kind of having that in the back of your mind, you know, creating a plan and trying to stick to that it can it can literally change your life, you know over over time and I think more people need to know need to know about that. Yes,
absolutely and talk a little bit about
You mentioned how you're creating the content where you Distributing it and kind of where have you seen the most receptivity in terms of is it YouTube? Is it Twitter? Is it other platforms and kind of how you think about the various platforms?
Yeah, definitely for me. It was Instagram just cause that's where I don't like the initial days have been tried their diversify added that and you know it on different platforms. I think the you know what Instagram has going for it, especially for the content creators is that like it's highly visual, you know, you can
post longer videos, you know, and it's very easy for people to share to share content same with Twitter bird Twitter's, you know, inherently. It's more text States, right Instagrams highly visual, but you know, I've started to stand out to YouTube start testing out to Twitter, you know, but a big thing too is I want to kind of create songs that are just songs and put those on Spotify but I think you know in today's day and age, I really do think it's, you know, multi-dimensional.
Coach for what I've been doing so far. I think the it's resonated the most fun Instagram for sure
got it. And then in terms of the actual skill of rapping like there's a lot of people going to listen to this and think. Oh, you're just born with it. Like are you born with it? Can you get better at it, you know talk a little bit just about like the actual craft of you know, using words and use the word poetry earlier in terms of then layering that with music and how you think about
Is actually pretty funny. So I'm like the guy that tries to get all my friends to wrap. Right? So like the biggest thing that we do is I will like take Ubers like it's going out doing whatever will take lubbers and we're always like ilex but it be Thomas but it'd be dumb and like it's not fun to just sit there rap alone would write so I try to get everybody comfortable and like look doesn't matter if you're good or bad like the point is like anything just just try figured out right? So funny is like friends that are like
Not about it at all like over the years have gotten into it to the point where like well we will be in the car. Let's take four of us and like me and one guy like are going back and forth. The other friends like more shy I was like dude, I do not wrap I'll never do it could be like check it, you know, and he'll I come in out of nowhere. So it's awesome. And I do think you know do people have a higher propensity for it, you know sure but I do think it's just like anything, you know, if you I think people can get better at it.
He is a practicing find people that are into it that don't like kind of beat you down. It's like it's not that good. But I've encouraged all my friends to rap to Freestyle. I feel like you know High help them get better. They helped me get better and it's just fun. You know, it's fun. I think the hardest part that people have is not necessarily coming up with the words, but it's figuring out how to kind of like flow and ride on the beat and that's just kind of comes in practice comes like listening to some of the guys that are the grades and
like anything, you know, there's a pattern and once you kind of figure out the way that dates are constructed how does like you know, you know units of measurement, you know transitions happen at certain times and you kind of figure that out. That'll definitely help you but I have one buddy my buddy needs in California right now. He'll get a kick out of this but he's like since College, you know, he's been the guy that's like Dude like like, you know, I'm not bad but like I want to keep doing it and get better and then now like literally
Like he'll call me out of the blue as I had with that man is I do it. I know you're busy at work. I just had to hit you up. Like I just had to wrap in the shower. It was phenomenal. I got to show it to you. Right and he gets all excited about it. And I think that you know other people around kind of see that too.
So he's called you after the shower while you're at work is telling you what wraps he just hit the shower.
Yeah, exactly. He's like Super Hyper that I rather tell you know, it's great. It's
great. That's awesome. What's your goal right in terms of where do you want this to go? Is this something that you're
Like hey, I want to blow this up and have become kind of a full-time focus. Is it something that you just enjoy doing on the side but, you know see kind of a career in finance and how do you think about you and how you spend your day moving forward
totally? I think what's good about you know, call this a side hustle. I think what's good about this side hustle for me in particular is that you know, it's not completely separated from what I do like at my day job, right? You know, some people that you know if they build furniture
Chair put in the work at a bank. It's not really much overlap. I think what's good is that you know working in finance being in the industry gives me a lot of insights kind of helps to Parlay That Into You Know into the side Eye Guy stuff. So I think it'd be great to kind of try to balance too. Ultimately what I kind of Envision it and Ideal World.
You know, it would be creating a platform that is focused on music, but that kind of branches out beyond that. You know, it's having conversations like this where the music is kind of the draw, you know, and hopefully I can make songs that people genuinely, you know, listen to and enjoy and they don't all have to be super by Nancy, right they can touch on anything but maybe incorporating elements of business interests by really creating a platform for people that enjoy music, you know people that want to be educated on finances had to be kept in the loop with what's called.
On in the financial Community kind of a place where they can come and experience both and I think you know my reach goal like, you know that I think the Milestone where I'm like, okay, like I kind of made it is like if I can, you know somehow collaborate with like David Solomon whose a CEO of Goldman Sachs you JD, so he's like commented on one of my videos, you know, he's answered some diem but I think you know, I can get to a point where you know, we can do something together. I think that the Pinnacle
of like finance and music and you know, I think that would be awesome.
I'm gonna hold you to it. Now. I'm expecting a diesel fight. I guy charity concert when when all this is over. Okay, goddamn trying I'm
sorry for, you know blowing you up.
Yeah him and what is it? The guy Jeffrey is a rich Handler. I think he yeah, he's active he's super active on Instagram to and
You know, it's that's where you know, if you're trying to communicate with people and you know build your brand as an individual and like someone's approachable to stand Earth. That's the way to do it. No one's going to know that you're not going to convey your personality at a board meeting, you know.
Yeah, I think I got turned on to Rich because he posted from like the trading floor like a fit T photo. He had like the fit T. So, you know, like the Instagram models do and he was like, yeah, like basically I think I made it right or whatever. I guess his daughter got them to do it.
It was like dude the CEO of Jeffrey's dude fit depose from the trading floor was like that's pretty cool - all
right. Yeah, of course
because I think also it's a city and it also just shows like hey look, you know, these folks aren't kind of, you know, our parents our parents parents kind of Executives meaning that it was, you know, all business all the time, right? They have a personality. They kind of really show that look like they want to have fun as well. Right and they may do it in their own way, but you know, who
I thought the CEO of Goldman Sachs would be it would be out, you know DJing at like legit clubs and events and like it's not like he's doing it home.
Exactly legitimate artist. Yeah, it's awesome.
Yeah, so I think all that's cool in terms of the message what exactly like if you could just wave a magic wand and kind of get any message across. What do you think that is from a financial education standpoint for our from as follows?
I think it would probably be
Be you know, there's basic financial principles that are easy to understand that every person should know that can radically increase your quality of life. Right? I don't think Finance needs to be some esoteric thing that only a few people understand that that are in that Universe, you know, Finance finances money, whatever you want to call it investment to protect every single person, you know in this country, you know, you should understand the basics because
I have a huge impact in your life, you know, there's ways to get that information in a way that's you know, easily digestible and it has huge impacts in your life. You know, you may not see it today. You may not see it tomorrow, you know, five ten years down the road. You'll kind of see the value of being educated, you know, putting money to work letting your money work for you and you know, no amount is too small, you know, the key is just to get started.
Yeah. I think it's great piece of piece of advice.
Then what's kind of the next step in terms of we talked about your ultimate goal and can aware. What's the next step down that path is to just creating more content and getting it on on platforms or anything in the works that the people should be aware of.
Yeah. I think we're now, you know, the focus is on still trying to make content, you know, create additional, you know, create music and create videos, but I'm also trying to create additional resources. So for example, like for the Ten Commandment, you know, I also wrote a blog post where I kind of
Touch on all those Commandments and try to expand upon them for anybody that was you know, curious to learn more and you know, I think you know a great thing would be to work with, you know, certain organizations to work with certain people that have you know, an additional platform, you know that have resources and to work with them to kind of further disseminate. Not not not just the content but it's kind of disseminate the information right? I think it'd be great to get to a point where you know, it's I want to get
Dude, you know, how do I get started? Is there anything that you know is a good thing for me to do as I'm getting started and to be able to point them in a good direction with people that are that are happy to work with them.
Yeah. That's awesome. I told you to bring some some music you got music for us getting it getting any Rhymes. I got the bar. I got some
bars. All right, okay.
He's currently pulling it up on his phone for those that are not
watching you makes I had to talk some water for this on. Hold
All right, I know just for the Times Sake I'm going to hit up when I'm going to give you this the thumbs up when I hit the hit the play button.
Listen, it's crazy what you've achieved and you believe simply roll up your sleeves and see this magic underneath. For example. I'm sitting here with mr. Pompeo. I know makes me want to celebrate as if it's
That it might be encrypted currently. But listen to this man when it comes to cryptocurrency. He's basically got a PhD in these assets. He's been on the Move pushing through these tax brackets money. It don't
do nothing under your
mattress inflation will eat away at you when the fastest everyone could benefit from information to listen to my boss of we're going some basic education, please
that is fantastic. It is very obvious that
If you could do that teach people people will pay
attention. Yeah, thanks man. I appreciate you having me on and you re posting the videos on Twitter and helping to get the word out there and spread the content. So, you know,
listen I told you before we started I love it. I literally when I saw the very first one, I think you were sitting in like your living room or something and your rapid about the Commodities I was dying laughing.
Dude, we need more people listening to this and I think you're right that most people probably had no clue what you're talking about, but they were just like hey songs hot. All right, when I saw you came out with the Ten Commandments. I was like, oh this is where people are going to get educated. So it makes a lot of sense and I think you're right and that it takes somebody who's got the the music kind of background, right and is talented and can kind of produce good content. But then you also need people who understand Finance right? And so it's probably not that many.
Many people who kind of have that overlap which is a which is great kind of path feed Blaze total Before. I Let You Go rapid fire questions man. First up most important book.
I think I do one for me with happiness by the Dalai Lama and I forget the other all the other author
I think it just sets an amazing example and gives you really good, you know lessons for how to navigate things that are inevitable to happen in your life. You know, I thought I'd really good piece of that was you know, in today's world people see, you know, people suffer in some way or they have some Challenge and they think that
An outlier know we talked about listen to live in to exist is to endure, you know, some type of pain challenge suffering no matter what you see online. Everybody goes through that every day, right? And I thought that was just awesome advice for how to deal better with, you know, all the curve balls that life throws at
you. That's a great answer aliens believer or non-believer
hundred days without physically.
You know, there's just too much out there. There's too many planets too many sons too many solar systems for you know that peace is not to be right and some way to create some system either like ours or like something else and I think our comprehension of what's in the universe and how it actually works is so small relative to what's actually out there. There's no way that somebody can say that they're not out there somewhere.
It's very fair. I tend to do I tend to agree with that as people know before I let you ask me one question to finish up shout out Tom Shaughnessy. Who who's the one who ultimately connect boy the guide shared the video and then and then he connected us which I have no clue how you two know each other. But of course Tom knows you
these old friend from college got it.
And then of course you got for me to finish
up. Let's say I guess what is your what is your
the biggest motivation in what you do?
I have my personal motivation and I have like kind of the the reason why I do everything that I'm doing personally. Like I just enjoy it right like it. You know, I always joke with people and they're like, what do you do and I'm like, I'm happy like know what do you do and I'm like no you're missing the point here. Like I'm just happy right and I forget where I got that quote from but it's this idea of like to me I'm going to keep doing this stuff until one day. I will wake up one day and just like is over so you write and if you really what do you mean and I was like, no like literally I'm not creating content today.
Yeah, yeah. Yes. I like a yo-yo in two weeks. This is going to be over. It's like no today's the day like see you. So I think that's it in terms of like the bigger motivation of like why this stuff I just fundamentally believe that educating people on the way money Works how the economy works and kind of just Personal Finance in general is probably the number one thing we can do to create a more Equitable world, right? So I'll you can do all the philanthropy in the world. Like I just don't believe that that's how you solve the problems. I think it's bye.
Giving education to people and like teaching them. The fish is a major piece of that. Then you got to restructure the system, right which is why I'm so interested in Bitcoin. And then yes, the philanthropy stuff can't help. It's just that, you know, are you trying to solve kind of the short-term and do pain mitigation where you going more for long-term impact and actually kind of changing the system so that you can affect more people. I tend to be much more drawn to the larger scale things rather than just the individual
things. That's all.
I thought of another question actually. All right, what's like the most absurd like DM or message that you've liked received on again your black ones?
That's a good one. I mean, there's like absurd can be defined many ways. Like there's the like death threat type stuff, right which is like pretty absurd. I'm just like what it's like there's that stuff lately. I've been getting lots of please sir. Can you send me?
$500 in Bitcoin and you go and you look and it's like a handle that's got like 17,000 numbers at the end of it. So it's always just like obviously a bot but but that the most absurd one that I can probably talk about.
I'll put it this way. There's a couple of people I'm thinking of three in particular. They're all billionaires that
Like randomly deemed me and these are all different times. They come from different industry, whatever but like each time that's happened. I just been like what planet am I living on right like like legitimate like what planet am I living on and their absurd because it's a reminder not so much like I don't get like Starstruck, right instead. It's the exact opposite. It's just like it's a reminder that we're all on the same playing field with the Internet is a great equalizer, right? And so it's just like
You've got an account. I've got to count. So does everybody else and like it doesn't matter who you are or whatever like you still have quote-unquote access to people now does it help that somebody knows it's you versus me versus somebody else. Yeah, of course, right but the idea that like this equalizer of the internet. I think it just hits me in those moments where you're like, this is crazy. You know, like what's an
approaching to directly interact with you? Yeah, and
also it's like somebody that you wouldn't normally come in contact with right. So even if you were like trying to get to them
It would be weird and then it also like you balance it with like that person who sent you like the death threat versus the person who's asking for $500 on bitcoin versus, you know, the billionaire. They're all the same. They're all just have an account right they come from Super different walks of life and all stuff but it's just like the internet's great equalizer. So I think that's probably when you're just like whoa,
right? Awesome. Yeah, I think even Gary Vee touches on that like if you were in the 80s trying to get in touch with some billionaire, right? You have to call their secretary call their agent your call.
We'll never get through but it's like now, you know, you're on the internet everyone has their profile and yet you can see erratically get a message mangles, right? So
absolutely where are where can we send people to subscribe download consume whatever you want them to do
probably. So on all that socials. It's at other score by die because someone someone took at fidi guy. So if you type inside, I'm sure it'll pop up but the actual handle is at underscore fidi guy have a website to where I post.
Additional content for the blog post is with the Ten Commandments explained. Let's just find a guy.com and you can subscribe there as well. I've been starting a newsletter to try to again combine rap music, you know insights news Etc. So you can subscribe there as well and I'm on Instagram YouTube Twitter at this as the same handle.
So awesome and fight I guy I love the name you're crushing it. Thank you so much for doing
this. Thanks for having me man. Really? Appreciate it.