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Clips on 'meme stock'

Vlad Tenev Defends Robinhood's Actions During the Meme Stock Craze

3:11 · 20VC: Robinhood Founder Vlad Tenev on His Biggest Lessons Managing Through A Crisis, The Events of The Congressional Committee, Raising $2.4Bn Fast and Why It Was Necessary & Why It Is Ludicrous To Suggest Robinhood Put The Business Ahead of it's Customerview episode

The Twenty Minute VC: Venture Capital | Startup Funding | The Pitch
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Buying Meme Stocks & Shitcoins Isn't Investing; It's Speculation

1:14 · ep 5 - what can the wolf of wall street teach you about crypto? - Jordan Belfortview episode

The Aubservation
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Berkshire Hathaway Is the Old Version of a Meme Stock

2:21 · Pomp - Bitcoin, Asset Allocation, and the Psychology of Crypto HODLing - Anthony Pomplianoview episode

Modern Finance
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Was Robinhood an Enabler or Victim of the Meme Stock Crisis?

2:22 · 20VC: Robinhood Founder Vlad Tenev on His Biggest Lessons Managing Through A Crisis, The Events of The Congressional Committee, Raising $2.4Bn Fast and Why It Was Necessary & Why It Is Ludicrous To Suggest Robinhood Put The Business Ahead of it's Customerview episode

The Twenty Minute VC: Venture Capital | Startup Funding | The Pitch
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The 2021 Meme Stock Crisis Taught Robinhood the Importance of Communication

1:43 · 20VC: Robinhood Founder Vlad Tenev on His Biggest Lessons Managing Through A Crisis, The Events of The Congressional Committee, Raising $2.4Bn Fast and Why It Was Necessary & Why It Is Ludicrous To Suggest Robinhood Put The Business Ahead of it's Customerview episode

The Twenty Minute VC: Venture Capital | Startup Funding | The Pitch
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