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High Intensity Health Radio with Mike Mutzel, MS
Late Eating Linked with Fat Gain, New Fasting Study Review
Late Eating Linked with Fat Gain, New Fasting Study Review

Late Eating Linked with Fat Gain, New Fasting Study Review

High Intensity Health Radio with Mike Mutzel, MSGo to Podcast Page

Mike Mutzel
23 Clips
Jan 12, 2021
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Episode Summary
Episode Transcript
Hey there, welcome back. So in today's show we focus in on fasting specifically looking at four or five of the most recently published studies on intermittent fasting timer started feeding and meal timing when people consume their calories and looking at how does that impact body fat? How does that affect waist circumference? And what does different fasting strategies do compared to just straight-up calorie restriction, there's one particular study that we're going to look at that was published by folks in Finland. That was really interesting and actually show that a fasting mimicking die.
Diet compared to continuous energy restriction that is continuous calorie restriction how that changed waist circumference, but led to a preservation in lean muscle mass in the fasting mimicking diet, but not in the continuous energy restriction diet. So we review also a study in prostate cancer and how it eight day water fast was able to reduced inflammatory able to reduce inflammatory biomarkers, but also changed hormones and what
that means and another really
interesting study by Folks at University of Colorado that found that
eating later in the
Is like the belly fat so that's what's coming up your tuning into high intensity Health Radio and on my concert.
So it's a new year and a lot of
people are curious about ways that they can improve their body composition lose some of those extra pounds that they gained maybe over the holidays or over the last crazy year that we've had with the lockdowns and the quarantines and all of that stuff. So what I wanted to do is just kind of unpack a few studies on meal timing and intermittent fasting and water fasting and since I stream that video live, which was early last week a few new studies are coming out. So in the first part of this podcast what we're going to do is review,
Those new studies specifically looked in looking at intermittent fasting and a subset of intermittent fasting called time restricted feeding, which I'll Define in get into and how that affected body composition how that affected cardio metabolic risk factors in women and then look at another study comparing a fasting mimicking diet to continuous energy restriction. So thanks for being here. Welcome back. If at any point, if you enjoy this episode, what you can do is take a screenshot post as as an Instagram or Twitter story or on Facebook. I like to repost
those in that gets me a little bit of feedback about, you know, some of the content as it relates to you and your interest level. So here we go. The title of the first study that we're going to dive into is effects of timer started feeding in weight loss metabolic syndrome and cardio metabolic risk factors in obese women. So I believe there was 80 some odd subjects in the study by researchers in Brazil and what was interesting and unique about this and this is something that all of you should look for when you're diving into your research, you know, was there a control group and in this three?
Study yes sir was so there's a control group because when people know that they're being evaluated even though they're in the placebo or control arm. Sometimes they make spontaneous Health changes, they start to choose better Foods because they know they're part of a study. They're usually being paid for this or compensated in some way. So they instead of having maybe the cupcakes or the ice cream. They might omit that and so the control group often has some sort of out favorable outcome usually so that's interesting. So,
What these particular what the parameters of the timer started feeding window? It was a 16-hour fasting window and an 8 Hour feeding window. So they advise subjects in the trf that is time restricted feeding arm of the study to just not eat after 8 p.m. And to not started eating anything until 12:00 p.m. The next day. So it's a 16 hour fast very doable. Just ask yourself could I do that? Could I not eat anything till noon? Absolutely, it's very simple. A lot of people do that all the time.
Okay, now what's interesting about
this particular study is they didn't advise any particular dietary change they didn't tell people start eating a keto diet or a carnivore diet or a vegan diet or whatever they said you can eat pretty much whatever you want between the hours of 12:00 p.m. And 8:00 p.m. That's it and don't snack or do anything outside of that every single day they call told the control group really don't do anything you're part of a study but you don't have to do anything here's what they noted what I thought was quite interesting is there was a five
Pound loss of fat mass in the trf arm of the study again. This was mainly women I think was actually hundred percent women in the study. And actually they notice in significant changes in Fat Momma. Sorry muscle loss. So this is what's interesting because most studies actually find that when they when you notice a decrease in fat Mass. There's kind of a commensurate decrease in muscle mass, which is not good right? You don't want to rob Peter to pay Paul and that's kind of why some of these
You know low calorie diets. They might lose like might lose fat might lose body weight, but they also lose muscle mass at the same time and that's not a good thing. But this sucks. This study actually showed that there was in significant changes in the before and after, you know muscle mass loss, but there was significant changes in fat Mass, which was really interesting. They also noted that there were drops in Waist circumference. So it's like a five centimeter change in the waist circumference.
It's that was significant, but there was no significant changes in the control group. And we know that waist circumference is a great proxy for visceral or omental fat. So the fat that's in and within your intestines, it sounds really gross. But if you want to go to YouTube and just type in omental fat or visceral fat surgery and there's a few different, you know videos looking at the elemental fat in deceased subjects and surgeons are going in and talking about
It just really sickening. So when you think about like, oh, I'm full. But of course, I want that ice cream. Of course. I want this cookie or whatever, but I'm really full think about what that food is doing in your small intestine and your cone just sitting there when your full creating inflammation may be altering the microbiome and leading to this visceral fat formation. That's very inflammatory. It's devoid of oxygen it triggers all these Downstream intracellular signaling switches that cause inflammation and hyperlipidemia and all that and ghrelin that we're going to
get into here in just a moment. So a few things that to just remember from this one study very achievable. Just can you just not eat anything for after 8 p.m. Most of you probably yes, if you live in Latin America, maybe not because most people in Latin America tenders like not even start to think about dinner until 8 p.m. Right so think about context and that we're going to get into context when we talk about the Eighth Day water fast study in men, but just we want to think about context and something that you can do so
In the long term because it's one thing to do a particular diet or a way of eating for two weeks three weeks four weeks, but we want to think about what's achievable over the Long Haul consistency really matters, and it's really important. So that's what was interesting about this study. The second thing that I think is really interesting particularly considering what's going on right now with regards to the virus. We know that cardiovascular risk factors and the existence for the presence of cardiovascular disease is one of the most common comorbidities or pre-existing conditions. That's character.
Erised were linked with really poor outcomes even in quote unquote young healthy people. All right, you see folks that are having strokes and embolisms and cardiovascular challenges, right? So it seems that this virus in certain people. It can increase the viscosity of the blood and create hypercoagulable States and
this particular study actually looked
at, you know after just timer started feeding, you know for two for three months what they found is there was a significant reduction in various cardio metabolic risk factors.
Waist to hip ratio of circumference and in the presence of the metal cardio metabolic syndrome, so you have waist circumference you have LDL you have lipids you have hypertension all these biomarkers this constellation of factors was all improved significantly in the trf group the folks that didn't eat anything from 8 p.m. To noon the next day. So I think that that says a lot. Okay. So this next study was actually quite interesting on the on the on the looking at a continuous energy restriction.
Earring that to a fasting mimicking diet. So it's a two month study and basically what the parameters of the study were a 1,500 calories a day energy restricted group. And so this was again for two months. They give them the author's the researchers gave strict parameters about you know, what foods are allowable and not and so forth. And in the fasting mimicking diet group what they what they had the folks do is just on one five-day stretch every month.
And they had them do this fasting mimicking diet. They didn't use the kit that prolong makes but the use something very similar that they created it was in the materials and methods of this study that will be in the show notes. And actually what they found is that there was greater reductions in in Waist circumference in the continuous energy restriction group. So those those folks actually lost a little bit more fat than the fasting mimicking diet group. But remember the calorie restriction in that arm of the study was not as
Severe so if you look at the overall calorie deprivation over the course of the study there was much more calorie deprivation in the continuous energy restriction group compared to the group that just did to five day fasting mimicking diets over the course of two months. So it's just, you know, one week a month or really five days. They would embark on this fasting mimicking diet. But here's what was really interesting and I'll put this in the show notes to that will be linked on the blog post.
Is the continuous energy restriction group had a much greater post study increase in ghrelin. Now, this is not a good thing.
Ghrelin is the hunger
hormone involved in stimulating appetite in causing you to eat and want to Crave food and to consume energy. So there was a much this was significant. This was a you know, I don't know what it translates into a physiologically, but numerically this was quantitatively in statistically significant. Also, there was a greater
Oppression in the basal metabolic rate that is just overall metabolic rate in the continuous energy restriction group compared to the fasting mimicking diet group. So I think this is kind of interesting in this sort of add this sort of Builds on some of the other data that we know about with regards to reverse dieting and diet brakes and so forth and there's something to be said about sort of cycling calories and not you know, eating the same low energy diet and Foods all the time because your metabolism
Tabassum adapts and we all know of this better or sorry the this Biggest Loser follow-up study that found that like eight years after that Biggest Loser competition. That was big on TV and you know, 2007-2008 kind of range that these overweight subjects, even though they had regained majority of the weight that they lost then metabolic rate was still suppress some years later. So got the take home here. Is there something good and in the way to naturally sort of baked in this calorie oscillation into your lifestyle is
Is with exercise on days that you're more active, even if you do like a timer started feeding kind of, you know, low energy or even a fast or something, you know have more energy on the days of your active and less energy on the days you're not at if it is a natural way to sort of, you know to sort of oscillate the calories to not have any chronic adaptations and chronic so-called suppression of metabolic rate. So those are some really interesting studies and when I was diving into the first study the effects of time restricted feeding,
On weight loss metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular risk factors in obese women. There were some something interesting that I wanted to point out to you and that was greater preservation of muscle mass in the folks that you know that lost weight with Tamra said defeating that the control group and there was some interesting references there with regards to elevated blood pressure that I was interested in diving into I want to share that with you right here because we all know that being overly fat is linked with, you know all
Problems cardiovascular from a cardiovascular perspective which hypertension endothelial dysfunction which has the lining of your vascular system is called the endothelium and you can get endothelial dysfunction so called flow media dysfunction, which you know your if you Mentor taught me this Mark Houston, if you think about like a brand new hose in your garden, like it's it's Supple. It's movable you can bend it. But as the hosts it's out there for years and years or it's in the dirt, you know, it gets kind of you know,
F and you can move it around well that would be sort of the analogy there would be the younger hose would be more characterized of healthy endothelium and the old kind of junky hose would be characterized by endothelial dysfunction and what these scientists actually found there were some other studies here that were interesting that were referenced in this first paper. There's a strong Association inverse association with presence of muscle mass and hypertension and end and cardiovascular.
These so I thought that was kind of interesting because as I was mentioning, you know, we focus a lot on fat and vilify fat and oh you people are over fat. You got to be over Gotta Lose your body fat and all that but then we don't really also focus on well, do you have enough muscle? Do you have enough skeletal muscle because we know that within your muscle you have mitochondria, you have my oh kinds, you know, that muscle is like a sponge for leptin and insulin and you know, it's overall healthy. So there were some interesting papers that found a pretty strong inverse correlation.
So now I want to bring this up with regards to our current public health issue the coronavirus and we all know that that Frailty. I mean I should say in the scientific, you know epidemiology of disease severity and poor outcomes Frailty or loss of lean muscle mass is without question a significant risk factor for poor outcomes with this virus. So it's kind of interesting where we have this we know that cardiometabolic risk factors are significant risk factor and then
lots of lean muscle mass and then we now have this data going back several years showing that there's this inverse correlation between muscle mass and hypertension. The more muscle mass. You have the less hypertension at least in several studies. So it's interesting. We got to focus on again resistant training. It's not all about losing muscle or sorry losing fat. You got to focus on building muscle as well, which is
important as we continue
this conversation to talk about extended fasting in the next study that we're going to get into in.
And an eight day only water fast was we'll talk about that in a moment, but there are reductions and anabolic hormones. Now again, you know, a lot of people are doing extended fasting for fat loss and at apogee and spiritual reasons and how all that there's a lot of benefits there. I just came off a almost 40 hour fast and I will say my morning glucoses after doing that were significantly lower than the Baseline that compare because I kind of stopped doing fasting around the holidays is
family in town doing stuff. It was just I normally do like at least a 24-hour fast every week on a Monday
and I got out of that routine
and I started to test my glucose, you know on New Year's Eve New Year's Day and I'm like waking up in the morning and my fasting glucose is like 95 99 one day was 112. I was like, all right. I got to get back on the fasting bandwagon. What am I doing here? So, you know coming off a 40-hour fast ever since and I'm waking up. My glucose is er, like, you know in the low 80s 81, you know, I need to do something like that. So
There's a lot of benefits, you know to some there's it's a nice metabolic reset. And so what I'll put in the show notes is the link to some of the different tools that I use specifically looking at that the glucose to Ketone index and also breath acetone. So those are some things that we kind of talked about and I put out a video on Saturday morning that receives some decent attention good feedback and stuff people were looking at ways because there's a lot of tools out there breath the bowls wearables trackables and I like this this breath acetone sensor called.
My bio sends which you can use a coupon code HOH on their website, which I'll put a link below so you can check out the video. But
so let's cut to it. So I did a live video here last week and we drove into these different studies were going to get into that right now, but I just wanted to kind of throw this in there because these are literally brand-new that the
three studies that we just talked about here. We're published in the last week in early January. So
I'll put all those in the show notes and let's cut to it and talk more about what university of scent of Colorado scientists found with regards to meal timing.
In women and metabolic factors and how eating late was linked
with weight gain and that Mantra that I've been telling you
for ever eat early sleep early how it shines here and also an
eight-day water-only fast study. So here we go.
Let's get into this study. I think it's kind of interesting the title of this if you're listening to this and iTunes is eight days of water only fasting promotes favorable changes in the functioning of the urogenital.
Neural system in middle age healthy men. So for ladies in the audience, which I know is a super majority of you. Unfortunately this study but the next day we're going to get into was conducted in majority of women, but this study is only conducted in men what they found is that this was a researchers in Poland. They fasted 14 men with symptoms of prostate disease prostate hypertrophy and all this and they noted favorable changes in PSA prostate
specific antigen, but also
reductions in testosterone. So I just want to you know have a little pause here because it's the new year.
I know a lot of you are considering fasting intermittent fasting prolonged fasting water fasting. How much do I fast all this stuff? So in life, it's hard to have everything all at the same time. Like it's hard to spend every waking moment with your child and also run a business and also re personal development books and also, you know have a wonderful marriage and all this stuff like you only have so much bandwidth. And so the body's kind of the same thing is when you're fasting you're benefiting longevity Pathways your badou.
Icing inflammation, you're reducing oxidative stress your possibly increasing mitochondrial biogenesis biogenesis. You're probably improving my table G which is the attar Effigy or the selective degradation of mitochondria. So you're doing a lot of stuff but what happens as a consequence of that is you will notice a reduction in hormone levels. So as you're looking here this is table to from the study hormonal and biochemical variables of men before and after eight days of water only fasting. It's not a surprise that hormones involved in
Reproduction declined when there is an totaled Earth or absence of energy. This is not surprising. But what you will see is naysayers on the internet. I'm going to say see I told you you should not fast because fasting you know lowers your hormones. Well, yeah, I mean it's it will reduce androgenic hormones that are not essential for life in the absence of of energy restriction. Does that sort of make sense? I mean, I know we have to think about
raid offs. So when you're considering fasting to reduce inflammation to enhance a topology to enhance my table G to help to eradicate your body of these senescent, you know, these, you know dysfunctional cells particularly with your in your immune system. We can't have everything occurring all at once. It's favorable. There's going to be some trade-offs the trade-off to that will be lower Androgen levels. So just keep that in mind. So it doesn't mean that it's bad. But if you're already Low T if you're already having libido issues you already have
Marital issues spouse issues last for lean muscle mass and all that then please don't do a bunch of extended fasting. Okay. Now, of course, you know extended fasting can help you lose belly fat and belly fat could be linked to low testosterone all that. That's another complication that we can talk about another time, but we need to understand context and that really really matters this study. I just shared on Instagram earlier titled depressive symptoms and response to covid-19 and lock down a cross-sectional study on the Italian population. So this was just a reminder for me.
To tell you that if you have friends that are living by themselves, please give them a call check in with them because people that live by
themselves might be more prone to depression during this time.
Okay, before we get into the most important study of this podcast. I do want to let all of you know that these episodes are brought to you by our very own myo, Science Nutrition.
This is a product line the I created to help my clients and people like you
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A long time and it goes back if you're if you're just tuning in real quick after work, you're like, what's the punch line? Well, here's here's the title of the study later meal and sleep timing predicts higher body fat percent. And now this is in women 83 women. This was scientists over at University of Colorado. They used a lot of complex analyses to track sleep to track energy and take steps. All of these things. They found something that we've been talking about for a long time. Now, if you look on this actually let's let's show this this image right here, which I think is actually quite fascinating.
There's a direct correlation between the start of one seating window and their body fat percentage Which flies in the face of most intermittent fasting anecdotal stories and recommendations. Most people are starting their feeding window later and eating later into the day. Now what's in at least an overweight obese women in 83 women statistically significant correlations occur and are linked with elevated body fat and later start of your meal window. So look if
A meal pattern is working for you. Please continue to do it. I don't want you to change a thing. But if you're like not having any food until 2 p.m. And then wondering why you can't lose body fat or why you're gaining weight. It could be that the midpoint of your feeding window or that you're just delaying the onset of calories too much and that's that's perturbing your body's circadian clock system and possibly affecting your ability to lose body fat. So here's here's another image that I think is actually quite interesting in this is a correlation between sleep time and body weight and body.
That person is specifically and exercise in number of steps. So it's no surprise that the more steps that you get get during the day the more activity you get there's a strong statistical correlation between reductions in body fat. Here's actually here's actually the quantification here. So for every 1,000 step increase in the total number of steps, there was an average of a point six six percent unit decrease in body fat percentage here are some more stats for every 1 hour in the average midpoint of eating window, which I'll throw up on the
in here because this image is actually really cool. Look at that that vertical line. That's the midpoint of the feeding window notice that as the days go on so starts at Monday, it goes down to Sunday that midpoint gets later and later. And so this is something interesting that you know as the week goes on, you know, we tend to go out with friends or we have happy hour or I mean like we used to do all that stuff and a lot of us are doing Zoom or FaceTime or whatever but as you can see here the midpoint of
Bleep gets delayed and delayed and there's an interesting connection. I'm sorry. This is the midpoint of the meal window. Excuse me. The midpoint of the meal window is really important when it comes to Sleep Quality and when it comes to body fat percentage, so let me just actually reads you this this this sentence and then we'll talk more about it for every one hour increase in the average start of the eating window. There was on average a 1.25 unit increase in body fat percentage. So let's just you know,
Say in this particular study could take you know, you take three three different meal Windows, you know, you start at 8 a.m. Breakfast, you know, maybe 11 and then to so if you look at that, we're talking on average like a 6% unit shift in body fat increase if you compare, you know, the people that started eating at say eight or ten compared to 2 because the thing is now you guys let me just say, you know, I'm really biased and you know that that's kind of you know,
The meal I'm a huge fan of starting your meal timing early and getting to bed earlier. So eat early sleep early has been a mantra that I grew up with. So, of course, it's biased, you know, if you look at a lot of different sports and conditioning, you know communities whether it's whether it's wrestling whether it's running whether it's cycling, there's an adage and that adage is eternally sleep early. And so, you know, of course, you know, this is kind of indelibly Inked into my
mind, so you need to understand my bye.
this year but also understand that many studies are actually showing this now what's interesting though is a lot of people are sort of doing the opposite. Now. We're what they're actually doing is they're eating later and sort of sleeping later and that sort of goes against what the science is actually sort of trying to tell us so, you know, I think it's I think it's interesting than them that so many people are doing this and sometimes it's not really working out for them. So the point of me sort of sharing this and I'm back here on my webcam.
All my main camera just pooped out on me. But the point of me sharing this is you know, so many people are struggling and if you're struggling don't be scared to switch it up. It's totally okay to switch it up and to change things around and do what you need to do to get things on track. And so if your sleep is late, you know, you're having a hard time falling asleep. I own, you know, just try eating earlier and sleeping earlier just have your cutoff at feeding window earlier. And so I thought this was a really interesting study.
And again, you can look at all these different tables and charts.
I'll be updating the blog post here for the show notes so that you can check that out
and let's get to some of your questions and as always thank you for being here. Thanks for if you're here right now. Thanks for that. Like button really grateful that you all are here now since some questions, so let's
let's get into some of your questions and then sort of see
See what we have going on Final start Fitness. What's going on? Jason just got on what's going on buddy? Okay. So let's let's get here. Roxanne says so much deeper sleep in a fasted State Roxanne. I am with you with the caveat that sometimes sleep can be a little bit altered if you fast too long and that's just me, but I've heard from so many clients the exact same thing. So I am with you here veg woman says a 6
six point six six percent decrease in body fat per 1,000 steps. Isn't that just quite amazing? I think that's I think that's really interesting as well. Okay?
A Karsten says Ron if you feel down because you're fasting you may lower test levels and free test but if you feel on top your levels are likely elevated. Yeah. So Carson, you know, everyone is so different based on how long they've been fasting
genetics, you know, all these sort of things.
But yeah, we need to keep in mind that that there will be adaptations in shifts in hormones and biomarkers and health parameters upon fasting. It just sort of makes sense, but we shouldn't, you know cherry pick data.
And Stacy never fast because it lowers your testosterone or see never fast because it affects thyroid hormone. We should look at that in the context because fasting does lower things like insulin which hyperinsulinemia is is a problem for severe outcomes when it comes to the coronavirus for example, but also many other diseases like
cancer. So we need to consider that anyway, what else do we have? We have Joshua web is always here Joshua what's going on? Thanks for being here.
So Joshua is saying that the 10 p.m. Curfew is very popular with Callie citizens. I know 10 p.m. Curfew. That's remember the virus doesn't circulate it after 10 p.m. Or maybe it does start moving around.
Anyway, Ron says,
I don't even realize or fantasize anymore about fasting. Okay. So what else we have what else we have Mulan donate
says do
do, you know of any research regarding fasting to help lower heavy metal levels, you know, this is
actually a really good question.
Since it is fasting lower heavy metal levels, you know, the best way to lower
heavy metal levels is actually heat-induced sweat. So going in the sauna exercising is some of the best ways to do that because
sweating and and heat induction has
been shown to to lower the levels of heavy metals in the
sweat. You can look up if you're just if you're listening to this and you're like, well, where can I read more about this? So Stephen Janis over at
in Edmonds
Alberta is Edmonds or Edmonton? I can remember
he did this study called the blood urine sweat study be the bus studied and what he actually found is and Quantified is some of the best ways to get rid of heavy metals and we're talking about lead and Arsenic and cadmium and mercury and and you know, some of these these more heavy metals they get out of your body most efficiently by heat and do
sweat. So going into the sauna and exercising Hot Yoga. Okay,
We need to keep in mind that persistent organic pollutants and some of the Plastics in the phthalates and endocrine disruptors which by the way are found in high levels. The perfluorocarbons pounds in PPE. So face masks and gloves and all this stuff have a lot of perfluorocarbons pounds couches bedding all that. Unfortunately that gets trapped in our adipose tissue. And so this is kind of The Catch 22 of fasting is okay. You're helping to sort of increase the churn
you know release of body fat and so forth by increasing all that androgenic hormones. So these are the adrenaline and noradrenaline your increase in cortisol. All those things help to increase the flux in turn over to make the raw materials to make glucose from a new to make ketones and
to utilize body fat as an energy storage, you know to to
harness that energy from that during the fasted state so you can you can liberate more of these persistent organic pollutants and endocrine disrupting chemicals, but you need
to be going to the bathroom Okay. So if you're not going number two and you're constipated there's this notion of entero hepatic recirculation where you can recirculate some of the toxins that your
they have been dumped, you know by way of, you know phase to
detox in the liver and all that and they're in your colon. So you need to understand that being constipated is bad. So this is where magnesium comes in just a small plug. We have a formula called number to get it number two, it helps during fasting to ensure that you're having regular bowel movements.
And so it's
really important again. I don't recommend taking something like a number two or a bunch of magnesium citrate all the time because that's not solving the root causes to why you're not going to the bathroom, but in the fasted State the lack of food input to the gastrointestinal tract is is causing a situation where you're not defecating and there's not a lot of motility going on so you can be plugged up. And so this is where transient or periodic a
few days if you're new to fasting or if you're doing intermittent fasting of something like a number
R2 with magnesium citrate and for Folly and some of these herbs that can be helpful. Ashley says not sure if Mike's done any videos on acne, but if you
need some help, you can email me Ashley thank you for that.
Hopefully this isn't spam message in this is authentic,
but when it comes to acne, you know one under-recognized contributor to acne is insulin hyperinsulinemia. Loren cordain has talked extensively about this hyperinsulinemia is linked with all sorts of changes
from an acne.
Standpoint so you gotta you gotta keep that in mind. There's a lot of papers on this and go back dating back to like 2004. So,
you know, you can get and dairy dairy can be a contributor
here. I know a lot of people in the keto carnivore Community love Dairy and I
trust my love Dairy to it's mildly
addictive. But if we excessively ingest
the dairy, it could be problematic for acne.
So friends very grateful that you're here. Happy New Year to you. Thanks for tuning or listening in all the way to the end. What I'll do is update links to some of the articles that we
It's about in references. So you can access them and share them with friends and family is always if you enjoyed this video, please hit that like button. You can just send the text message send this video to a friend or send this podcast or a friend if you feel they might benefit from it, and I'm just grateful that you're with us for the New Year. Hopefully you found this helpful and we have a lot more data coming to you, but have a good afternoon. Good evening and we'll catch you on a future video then what?