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The Daily Stoic
Take The Interior Voyage
Take The Interior Voyage

Take The Interior Voyage

The Daily StoicGo to Podcast Page

Ryan Holiday
4 Clips
Jun 1, 2021
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Episode Transcript
Welcome to the Daily store podcast. Where each day, we bring you a passage of ancient wisdom designed to help you find strength insight and wisdom everyday life. Each one of these passages is based on the 2000 year old philosophy that has guided some of History's Greatest men and women for more you can visit us a least out.com
Take the interior Voyage.
Have you ever noticed that we often refer to Marcus Aurelius just as Marcus, you'll likely, read those references without breaking the stride because you like us feel connected to this man so much so that there's a vivid picture of him painted in your head so much so that you could describe Marcus more thoroughly than you might be able to describe a co-worker or clients or friends even isn't it? Incredible to feel like you're on a first-name basis with a Roman Emperor, who lived more than
Thousand years ago. Why is this? How can we possibly feel? We know someone who lived and died. So long ago, more than we know those we physically interact with it's because of how well he knew himself and that familiarity comes through when you read meditations, if you have a journaling practice you, no doubt would agree that the contents of your journals are a fuller more thorough reflection of you than you. It's truly a bizarre thing. You learn about yourself when you write in them or read old entries, you discover what you believe you recognize patterns?
Earns in your thinking you gain Clarity on things. You care about the author Christina Baldwin, once described Journal, writing as a Voyage to the interior, beautiful Marcus took that voyage. And now we benefit from it. Now we learn from it. And now the question is, whether you are journaling and taking that Voyage inside yourself to the far reaches of your own interior. Because if you aren't journaling, if you aren't taking the interior Voyage, if you aren't exploring who you are and what you believe, how is anyone even you sir?
To discover who you are and what you believe, the people you respect, and admire the people who seem to be so self-aware. So in touch with themselves, the chances that they keep a journaling practice is nearly a guarantee not only because the list of known Journal errs throughout history is comically long from Ralph Waldo, Emerson to throw Virginia, Woolf Joan, Didion John Steinbeck Sylvia Plath and these nin Martina Navratilova and Ben Franklin just to name a few but because it's impossible to become
Wise without taking that interior Voyage. That's what the Great's realized. That's why they journaled it wasn't to be immortalized in history, it wasn't to produce Nobel prize-worthy Pros. It wasn't so other people might learn who they are. No, it was. So they themselves might learn who they
are. So, what are you waiting for? Take the interior Voyage, if you're looking for a place to start with a
journal, obviously, I'm a little biased, but I would check out the daily stoic Journal. It's a journal. I
use every morning. There's a prompt each day.
Based on the entry in the daily stowed but you could just as easily apply the prompt to the podcast, you listening to right now. So I sit down and I reflect. And then in the evenings I try to take some time to reflect on how I did with the ideas that I was reflecting on in the morning. So you can check out the daily. Stoke Journal anywhere journals are sold for really what's important to me is that you just start journaling. So pick up anything, do
it on your phone, don't care.
But start journaling, it matters.