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You Own Nothing

You Own Nothing

The Daily StoicGo to Podcast Page

Ryan Holiday
4 Clips
Oct 26, 2021
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Episode Summary
Episode Transcript
Welcome to the Daily stoic podcast. Where each day, we bring you a passage of ancient wisdom designed to help you find strength insight and wisdom everyday life. Each. One of these passages is based on the 2000 year old philosophy. That is guided some of History's Greatest men and women for more. You can visit us a listo.com. You
own nothing.
As we work and Achieve, we pile up titles and money. We accumulate assets and influence, we build the life, as they say, and a life is made up of things, our job, our house, our car, our relationships, our reputation, looking around at what we possess, what we've poured so much, sweat, and blood into is an immensely, rewarding experience as Margaret Atwood rights in a beautiful poem. The moment when after many years of hard work and a long Voyage you stand in the center of your room.
Your house a half acre square, mile island country knowing at last how you got there and say, I own this but the stoic knows that we never really own anything. All we possess in this life. Marcus. Aurelius says, even life itself. It's really only hours in trust. We are renters. Our lives are here on loan loan that loans that can get called in. At any time can be fired. Someone can dislodge are seemingly dominant Market.
Get position. A loved one. Can leave people die. And that's why Margaret Atwood warns against the pride and satisfaction of surveying, one's possessions. The moment you do that. She says nature Rebels almost out of spite. It feels the need to rebuke you for your pride. No, they whisper, you own nothing. You were a visitor time after time climbing the hill planting the flag. Proclaiming we never belonged to you.
Never found us. It was always the other way around.
None of us own anything. Everything is constantly in flux. What we have today may be gone tomorrow. We ourselves may be gone tomorrow. Understand that appreciate everything accordingly, be grateful and humble or life will rebuke
you. Fate will remind you, who is in charge in nature, will reclaim, what is hers. Thanks so much for listening to The Daily Show podcast. Again, if you
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