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The Daily Stoic
Who You Spend Time With Matters
Who You Spend Time With Matters

Who You Spend Time With Matters

The Daily StoicGo to Podcast Page

Ryan Holiday
4 Clips
Dec 3, 2020
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Episode Transcript
Welcome to the Daily stoic or each day. We read a short passage designed to help you cultivate the strength Insight wisdom necessary for living good life each. One of these passages is based on the 2000 year old philosophy that is guided some of History's Greatest men and women form or you can visit us daily stoic.com
Who you spend time with matters? We'd like to think that we are above being influenced by others. But of course that's not true. We are shaped by the people we spend time with in the examples. We observe Benjamin Hardy has called this the proximity effect and many years ago. Jim Rohn famously declared that we are the average of the five people. We spend the most time with turns out that this idea goes back even further as Seneca wrote even see
Cortese and Cato might have been shaken in their moral strength by a crowd that was unlike them so true it is that none of us no matter how much he cultivates his abilities can withstand the influences of their surroundings and isn't that the story of Seneca himself drawn into Nero's Court. Seneca was sapped of his moral strength until he could barely recognize who he had become do not think that you are better than him if Cato or Socrates would be unable to resist the
Deductions of the mob if Seneca couldn't maintain his equilibrium. What makes you think you will be any different the offer to work for some notoriously bad boss to make a boatload of money in a sketchy industry to serve in some compromised Administration. It will not end. Well, it must be turned down. It is the call of a siren and it will wreck you associate with those who will make a better man of you Seneca wrote and it was a prophetic warning one that he himself.
Ignored so we must learn from his example and be better because who you spend time with matters and look this is one of the reasons we've built out daily stoic life a members-only community of people who are pursuing this calling this study of stoic philosophy. I love seeing the post every day in our Facebook group people who are volunteering to be accountability partners with each other people who are putting up thoughts or ideas or posing problems to solve.
With each other it's just been awesome people even now in real life. And not only do you get all that with daily Stoke life to get additional daily still emails on Saturday and Sunday and of course you get access to all the courses and challenges that we've talked about here, including our new year new you challenge, which is coming up in January. So check out daily stoic life.com. We'd love to have you and again who you associate with determines who you're going to be and so I think it's a good idea to associate with some people who are on the same Journey.