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The Daily Stoic
You Cant Put Things Off
You Cant Put Things Off

You Cant Put Things Off

The Daily StoicGo to Podcast Page

Ryan Holiday
4 Clips
Oct 15, 2021
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Episode Transcript
Welcome to the Daily store podcast. Where each day, we bring you a passage of ancient wisdom designed to help you find strength insight and wisdom everyday life. Each. One of these passages is based on the 2000 year old philosophy. That is guided some of History's Greatest men and women for more. You can visit us a least at that time. You can't put things off.
Do you know what one of the last things Abraham Lincoln ever said was as he sat in a box at Ford's Theater as he waited for the play. To start Lincoln turned to his wife and said, oh, how I should like to visit Jerusalem sometime within minutes and assassin would fire a bullet into his brain within hours. He would be dead. Now, of course, there were many reasons why this great man, never found time in life to visit Jerusalem. He had to teach himself to read. He had to work himself out of abject poverty.
Okay, to conquer depression and then the gravest threat to Freedom yet known in the United States, He freed, the slaves and made sure democracy would not perish from the earth. And these are all reasons why he had to put off that trip to a later date. Just as you have many reasons why you are waiting to do this or delaying doing that and yet life has a way of stripping, all our reasons, bear of humbling. Our plans and assumptions. We must live as Marcus. Aurelius said as if death hangs,
Over us because it does. We cannot put off till tomorrow. He said what we can do today, whether that's being good our highest priority or telling people we love them or going places. We wish to go. No one knows what the future holds. No one knows how much time we
have left. So do not delay, do not wish, do not, wait, do it. Now while you still have time? Well, there still is a chance all of the future.
Uncertainty. Seneca said so live now live immediately. Or as Marcus says, in the challenge point, I carry with me everywhere. You could leave life right now, but that determine what you do and say and think this exercise of Memento Mori from The Stokes. It's not about being morbid. It's about creating a sense of urgency and Clarity and priority. That's why the stoics practice Memento Mori. That's why I carry this challenge coin with me. Have a Memento Mori, a piece of a tombstone that I keep in my bathroom mirror that I look at on.
On a daily basis momentum or it's so powerful. It gets so much Clarity find some way to practice. That if you want ours, you can check it out. It's stored at Daily stoic.com, but just find something that reminds you that you should not delay. Cannot wait, do it now.