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Candace Owens x Nelk Boys | Ep. 102
Candace Owens x Nelk Boys  | Ep. 102

Candace Owens x Nelk Boys | Ep. 102


Full Send Podcast, Kyle Forgeard, Candace Owens, Steiny
48 Clips
Sep 15, 2023
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Episode Summary
Episode Transcript
How's it going? How are you? Good.
How long you guys in La? For one day? Getting out kids, young kids congrats. By the way, acquired to be in and out, you know what I mean? It's a part of my like contracts Appalachians because it's just, like, nothing that's working with your kids, you know? This is very so young, baby number 33. So what are you doing out here in l.a.? What? Just press tour. We got Bill Maher. A little bit later. I'm doing that. Whatever podcast
you're doing that. Yeah, I don't get it. It
is that
Girls should fit. Okay. Oh my God, it's like fresh and fit for girls. Okay, so that one. So we're just doing Candice, should go and freshen fit. I should go and freshen fit, do you watch that?
Now, I've only seen Clips. If I know what it is. What
do you think of it? That's the one that and Route 81 on, right? Yeah. Like a long time ago. I don't know. It feels like it's the moment right now. I guess. But, you know, like a lot of people are doing podcasts like that because they're pretty, they're pretty Savage to, right? Yeah. It's like, you know, I think the hyper-masculine podcast is kind of having its moment right now.
And I think it's because there were so many hyper-feminine ones for so long. So it's just like the equilibrium of things that are evening out, but I've heard about the Prussian fit podcast haven't been on it or seen too much of it, but it makes sense. Do you think the hyper-masculine shits like going too far? Now that it's like it's like the cool thing to do. That's what we say to like before you couldn't say anything on the internet, right? And now we're saying like now, you can say what almost like whatever the fuck they want. Well you notice that? Yeah, I would say I don't think it's gone too far only because it was a very
Long period of just hyper feminist men, can't say anything. And so I feel like over the last couple of years now men are just like f that like I'm just gonna say whatever I want and so it's I just think there's a perfect equilibrium in the world and inevitably, if you're going to give this much energy to one side, it was going to come back. So it seems like it's louder but it's actually kind of just evening out with my opinion. Yeah, like signing with the whole streaming shit. Yeah, I don't know if you watch any of those like kick streamers and stuff but like no, they're just being like
I feel like they're like, trying to get cancelled now. Like, they're just saying, like, blatantly like ratios shit. Well, just like it's like, right? It's crazy. I think now, because there's like, private platforms that are paying people that, like, have no censorship that people are just like you. I'm going to say whatever I want, cause they know it goes viral. Which already happens by the way. I mean that's like I had my little cousin. He plays. I'm so sorry guys. I don't know nothing about video games but it's Grand Theft Auto right. Yeah, yeah. And all of the and the what's the other one? That's like the war want. I sound really ignorant right now, but on duty,
I've never put any of these my Call of Duty. I'm I stopped at Mario Kart but like I remember watching my cousin he was playing it like the stuff they were saying in the Jets, 11 years old and I was like, this is actually where the free uncensored like reading those chats. I was like this is eleven year old saying this, so yeah, I mean it's always existed there. There's always been quite as kind of this underbelly of the internet but I feel like now people are starting to try it experimenting on podcast because of that, like I feel like 15 year period of women just didn't like, men can't say anything.
How is it? This is going to be kid. Number 34, you can number three little boy. Yeah, second boy, I have a son who's to a girl that just turned 13 months. And yeah, this will be a boy back to back to back which is what I always wanted. How has it been raising kids? It's been great, you know, I think it's one of those things that I encourage all women to do. I think, in certain ways men are lost, women are lost. Nobody really knows what they're doing in life, like everyone's trying to find their purpose. And I think when you become a mom,
Everything kind of moves perfectly into focus and you sort of realize that like nothing else matters, like your biological instincts override and this is the most important thing that I could possibly contribute to planet Earth, you know? So, I would say that becoming a mom has moved me. Probably into the most confident phase of my life, which is incredible. Because when you weigh that against what you're hearing in the school system, it's constantly being told this propaganda. When you're young woman of, I don't know.
I have a family, don't start a family, you know, men to men to oh wait until you're living out all your player days and we're constantly fighting against our biology. So it's interesting to see how much of a lie. It is. Howard's
house. The oldest one. You said, two and a half? Are you nervous for like schooling at all?
Well, no, because I'm me first, I live in the south, so I live in Tennessee, so it's a little different. I probably be very, very nervous if I was in Los Angeles because the state owns your kids if you live out here but I also just know myself.
And like, I'm just not ever going to accept any BS any nonsense. Like I say, if I have to be the parent that is just, you know, I will be at the principal's office everyday. Like I'll ask my kids are gonna be wearing today because Mom's
are going to be scared
shitless. Yeah. Yeah. And I'm like, I just like, you know, I
walked better views, you show up there just like,
am I gonna be like you're gonna you're gonna respect me. Like these are my kids. I don't even like when I see those weird tick-tocks that teachers are like these are our kids and we're going to teach them about all 97 Jenner's. I'm like these are not yet wouldn't that language even start like this.
These are your students, these are our kids, you know? And so there's been that sort of brainwashing, that's happening. I think, at the college level and and they think that they're going to raise your kids according to what they think, or what they, what they've learned in their class, you know, in their college classrooms. And that's just not going to
happen. It's going to say. Do you think? Do you think teachers have too
much power they have for too long? It's shifting to. So you're starting to see. Now parents showing up at the school board meetings like what the heck's been going on. Why is my child learning about this? You know, these and I'm actually happy
Before these Tick-Tock teachers out there, wild with the purple blush and all the weird hair and talking about what they're teaching their students behind the parents back because there needed to be more exposure. I think, before people thought it was a bit of a boogeyman like you know like a conservative Boogeyman people want to pledge sighs everything. And I think when it comes to kids, what's cool about it is that it's not a left or right issue, you know? So it's like it's actually this uniting issue where I think parents are realizing how
Did we get here? And the answer is because the government kind of superseded parents and said, oh Mom, go be like Dad go to work, you know every mom used to be a stay-at-home mom and then they did that poisoning of definitely my generation definitely probably started before then but just you don't want to be a stay-at-home mom, you know, men are bad, the patriarchy he's telling you that you want to raise your kids and have children, don't you want to climb the corporate ladder? And I talked about it with pretty much everyone, I'm just like how are women winning right now is we just sucks?
We want to compete with men and also then have to go home and make dinner and raise the kids. And so it's a mess but I think it's a mess that is being corrected right
now just for educational purposes. What's like a guy's role when you're going through your pregnancy, what are the main things that God does or has to do?
You know, it's funny that you say that because not much, you know, like there's not like you know
there's that you can make the man work a little more like you could pull the pregnancy card and stuff. Yeah.
Like when you want to probably you know what here's what I
Say I'll say every woman is different pregnancy for me, pregnancy has been a blessing. I've had three back-to-back. They've all been very easy and some women exact opposite my sister, her first kid. She's basically having an allergic reaction for nine months. You know what I mean? Like it was just like, she was like one month pregnant and she looked like she was 15 months pregnant. So I think everyone has different pregnancy and they need different things for me, it's just not that difficult like to be pregnant. So I just, I just like life kind of just goes on as it normally does. But I will say that when I'm pregnant,
At the boy as I am. Again, I'm a lot of which is going to sound crazy. I'm a lot more aggressive like I just, I one time, chased a latino man out of a Chick-fil-A when I was pregnant with my first son and that I had to look it up there. Like, yeah. Wouldn't you have testosterone? Did he run? Yeah, it was crazy. Mess up your order and I'm like, well, that was the craziest. Yeah, it's fine. I mean I it was a
It was even crazier. It was I was eight months pregnant which is
Like about what I am right now and it was just when they were doing lockdowns and koban. I was living in, d.c. at the time and I was recording the audio book and they had just started mass. So it was very new. Nobody was used to having to bring their Mass, I drove my car for a lunch break to Chick-fil-A, and I went in there and they had the six feet social distancing thing. And I had walked away from the car like three blocks away from the car. I get into this Chick-fil-A and there's this tatted up Latino dude. It's only relevant because he was tatted up ice, why I have to mention.
Head-to-toe tattoos. He's in front of me and we got a six-week social distancing and the woman behind the counter was super nice. She was like, hey, you don't have a mask on and like you have to wear a mask now, and I was like, oh my gosh, I'm sorry that I left you in the car and she was like, it's okay. Like we have, we have extra masks, takes out the mask thing, and she offered it to me, but she does it like, he's at the register on behind him. And so, I went up and grabbed one, he was like, excuse me, excuse me. You need to keep your social distance and I was just like,
What in what world does it man? See a pregnant woman 8 months old and says, like, don't breathe on me. Like, I just, I just lost it. I couldn't. I'm already so disappointed in the direction that men have taken over the last couple of generations. You know, difference between your grandfather and the met, the men that we are producing. Today is just sad and pathetic, it is, it's just sad and pathetic. The concept of like I'm a tough guy, tattooed from head to toe. And this pregnant woman might have to breathe for a split.
In to grab a mask behind, I was like, are you kidding me? And then he said, like, Fu bi TCH and then I just saw red and I promise you, I got my food first. I like waited outside. Oh, my plan. Was, I was no plan. You know what I mean? They waited for him. I was just like, I have, I am not done. It was like, doorman, you know what I mean? But what am I doing? I'm eight months pregnant. I'm hobbling. You know what I mean? And he's like a few bi TCH and I said, you probably won't say to my face because you're scared. I'm going to f'ing breathe on you. And then he was like, what?
Looking for his keys and I was just like follow him to his car, there's no plan. There was no point of us, going to take a look, follow him to work. It was just a full override of like fight me at eight months pregnant and then I got in the car. I remember sitting there and I called my husband, I was like this Latino guy. He's like, where are you? Like you need to come home right now? You know. Yeah, just completely out of pocket right now. I don't know what my plan was. I think I was going to follow this guy to work and beat him up and then afterwards, I was like that was a pregnancy little, you know, craziness. But it was definitely because I don't like seeing
Men act like little bitches and when I see it like, when you see a pregnant woman trying to get math, you should be jumping over yourself to be like, here you are, and we're going like, thank you. Absolutely, that's all I needed to hear. I feel like you just resolve the trauma. Yeah, two and a half years ago, but simply saying I would have handed you the
mess. There was some people that, like, when they told you to wear the mask, like they did it in such a, like, power-tripping way to like, you could always tell. Like, sometimes I want to be like, hey, like, would you mind putting your mask, right? And you're always like,
Alright sure. Like you know what I mean but some people would fucking spaz at you and they would like, you know what I mean? Yeah, it was a Power Trip. Yeah, I was a parent. This
guy was just like he was just presenting such an oxymoron in the head to toe. I'm a tough guy, tattoos. And then like God forbid, a woman's house behind me to grab a mask. And that is, I would say, probably a trigger point for me in general. I just don't like, when men don't act like, men don't. I mean got the appearances. What's
the biggest way to like, like you said, man, the act like little bitches. Like what's like?
Everywhere. But what is definitely in the way it's little things too. Like I do a lot of this on my podcast, talking about how I am the most likely to get arrested at an airport because just the behavior of men at airports. I had you know if you're a girl and you're trying to get your thing in the luggage, a guy comes in faster and throws it in. What's happened, what are we has gone on in society that men are trying to race women through the airport, throw their bags in front of them. And I saw a guy once I'll lecture them to, I will be a time everybody's parent at the airport if they see me.
Because I had a girl have a guy behind me and they'll be a Woman by herself with three kids, trying to put down a stroller and he's like, oh, and I will be like, has it ever occurred to you to offer to help her to throw it up there? Like anything has it ever? And then they look super embarrassed and sort of a shame that a woman has said this to them and then I'll get in front of them and I'm like, I don't worry, I'll help her, you know, things like that. Where I just some, I don't know what's happened over the last couple Generations, but men don't help women. They don't offer to hold doors and things.
Nature. And part of that obviously, is because
Radical tentative. Yeah, yeah. If said if you hold the door for me, you're implying that I'm weak. So it's not like, it's just the fault of men
give her fear about, like, looking like a Karen or do you think you ever
overreact? I literally wear a shirt that says proud Karen to the
airport, really? I sell them. Oh,
so you go in there, ready fly? Let people know like, you know, like it's not the cold concept of like people calling you a Karen is to make you think that what you're doing is not legit, like you shouldn't be upset about seeing something. So I tell people all the time, the number one character.
Airport. If I see something, I say something
something about being at the airport, just gets you fired up. It's just a stressful,
just entire perience and it's it obviously has been further burdened bike Ovid policies and all of that nonsense. So but yeah, I think we just all have to just do better. Just do better in terms of how people treat each other out in public, and it's just
what some other like don'ts for men to do.
Gosh, I want to give men this whole don't list. I just just be able to it's giving us like it. Yeah, yeah.
Talk about like mask up the bags, or put the bags in the? Yeah,
if she needs help. But when you see a woman by herself with three kids in like how do you not naturally want to help her? I do. And I'm just like, how can I help you? She's obviously stressed out. She's got three kids, no one's helping her and you're huffing and puffing because you just want to put your bag on the on the tray. It's just look around you and see how you can help someone. But I was raised by my grandfather and he was so hyper masculine. And that way he was always like, you know, when I was a little kid he was holding doors for us.
He wanted us to be a little ladies and he's putting jackets on us. So, when you have that example in your life and you see how men are like supposed to act and then you see how men are acting say, which I think is beyond horrible, you know, I'm just like, do
you think so? Like in what
ways, every way, every way imaginable, but I, and I just to be fair. Again, it's a response to the matriarchy that were living under, which is telling men that to be a man is wrong. So, I think it's hard for men to try to strike that balance. And eventually you get men that are like, well, a few of everything I do is wrong.
If I hold the door for you and you know, that was a real movement where women were we were learning in school that if a man holds a door for you. It implies that you're too weak and I'm like,
do you think it like depends on looks too? Like I would run to get the door for you probably? But if like, there's somebody else like some other people, but don't think about it like that.
No II would hope not. I would hope that people would run to help a woman, no matter what she looked like. If she looked like she was struggling, I would try to help them, and I do it all the time when I see,
People like I'll just stop everything and try to help them, you know, and it's just, it's just, we just have really poor manners right now and it's, by the way, it's Unique to American society, it's not the same way in your. Oh yeah. I husband always shocked by how rude like men are in America because they're very polite in England. Yeah, you know, there's even other parts
of the world to write the laws are so different and stuff here. It's yeah, but like the lgbtq laws and I'm from Canada. It's even crazier their median. Huh. I did not know you were Canadian from like just outside.
Toronto Mississauga.
Okay, so why are there so many Canadians? Like breaking into the entertainment at you? You guys are great singers. Yeah, you guys have always yeah. Band. The rapper's the same? Yeah. But like, what's happening? Such a, such a bad country from a government perspective and yet it produces a lot of
post covet. It's like completely different. Yeah, yeah. Used to be like a lot, more Canadian Pride, but every time I go back there and I feel like everyone kind of feels the same about it now, too, and it's just like it out. Yeah, it's just like postcode, we're just like it's different now.
Can't hear a trace of a Canadian accent on
you little bit. If I'm with all my Canadian boys, it starts to come out,
does it? That's what always happens? We naturally, like commute, I've dropped a couple of y'all's since living in the South and there's a young my life. Yes, it's because yeah, actually happen.
One thing I saw that was crazy was is it Uganda that? They passed like a new
Yeah for homosexuality. Yeah. What do you think about that? I think it's great. Great. So what no
homosexuals, no, it's not there. The interpreting the law to mean something that's first and foremost we say we believe in.
Democracy. So if a bunch of people in another country democratically vote to say, we don't want this in our country, we should respect it, but America is so busy. Spending money, literally, billions of dollars per year, trying to get obscure countries that have no issues to take on. Agendas, you know, and I think that I've largely changed my opinion. And I obviously talked about this, a lot of my podcast where I if you had asked me 10 years ago, I thought it was such a harmless thing. When people were talking about gay marriage and love is love and it all sounds.
Light. Well, that escalated quickly. Oh now we're talking about violating you to policies. If you accurately gender, someone children in classrooms learning about private parts and their sexuality, and kindergarten and first grade, and we were told, no, no, it's just about love and obviously, it's become about something else. And there is actually a Sinister agenda that's going on. And I think what's happening around the world, people are seeing what's going on in America. They're obviously following. We are America or irritation America. They we are the most followed
Tree culturally and they're going. We don't want that to happen here. You know, it's disturbing, and by the way, have you been to Africa? No, they don't. They if you speak to Africans and even try to describe and what is a woman Daily wire? He did this. Where did Matt go mow? Bosch? Yeah. Outside of it was he was in Kenya and he just to speaking to like people in Kenya trying to explain to them transgenderism and they just laugh at him. They just the other you're a complete nut. And their, the tribe. People are tribesmen are all laughing at him. And
So this thing that we've created largely in our culture is not something that people even grasp in other
countries. Why do they group trans and gay people together? Even because I feel like it's just not even, like, doesn't make any sense same, it's just so weird. Why do they group it
together? Because if you collectivize anything, it makes everyone think that they have to stand up for something, right? So they will turn to gay people like, well, you guys have gotten gay marriage and we tacked our letter onto you. So you must now defend us and we are and
And pretty soon. They're going to add minor attracted. People is the new thing at they're calling pedophiles. And so the more more that you collectivize, then you can guarantee that yourself that you have another group of people that have to defend something. Even if you know, it's largely indefensible. And I think what's happening now is maybe why I'm seeing a lot of it actually. There's a lot of gay people and lesbian people that are standing up and saying this actually has nothing to do with what who I am. I might be a male and I'm attracted to other males but I don't believe that children should be learning about sexuality in the classroom or picking their
And so and I think they were scared to kind of come out into that before for fear of, you know, getting eaten by the Beast that they helped feed but we're seeing more and more about that. Morality is kind of overriding and people are going with went a little too far too quickly. Yeah. Because I
saw I don't know if you saw but that kid in Uganda. He's like facing the death penalty. I inserted like I think it's like aggravated homosexuality. Yeah. That sounds like honestly you and Gabe in the club. Welcome you tonight. That's crazy. Did you see? Did you see the
community now on it?
Huh. That was what they told you that he was for aggravated. Homosexuality bugs that show.
Me. What are you already do? Yeah, he's a
pedophile. Yeah, he's a pet. That's
what you'd say like. You'd probably do something Gaeta gave. And you'd be like, Well, he kind of like, brought me on to it. Oh, so now he's fighting his innards like, Lancelot for like gay. Okay. Yeah, I'm trapped. If we go down this road, looks good
one. Yeah, I don't know why. The actually, the guy involved was a pedophile, one of them raped a disabled person and they skipped over this. The Newsroom with the headline noog, anti-gay laws, but actually the people that were arrested should have
Rested. One raped. A kid in the other person. Raped a disabled person. Do you
think that you think it's actually happening as much as people say? Like, they're really talking about being gay trans like a kindergarten. And first grade
level without question, especially here in Los Angeles, there's no question. I
was in the gym the other day and there's this, like, 13 year old kid that like, comes into work out. We actually filmed it, but his parents didn't want us to post it. We like he's a fan. So he's like, I've seen the Trump interview and stuff and like that. And then I'm like, what? What are they teaching you in school? Oh no, he said, he saw one of our trans pranks that we did. Yeah. And
I said oh like what do they tell you in school? And he said, like, they tell us we could be any gender. We want shit and like I've never actually heard that from a kid and I was like holy shit
like yeah those would be the school board meetings at they're posting. It's incredible to see what they're teaching kids is something that we never learned. I don't know if you died ever learned. No this is school so it's crazy how quickly the tides have changed, you know we weren't even focused on sexuality and things of that
nature. That's something that should even be talked in the school system and that's just totally be handled at the
Handle at home one, hundred-percent teach kids arithmetic, teach them their how to spell teach the mathematic and leave. All of the emotional engineering to Mom and Dad, you know? And I think it over Lee since we've been in school and I graduated high school in 2007, there's been a complete flip. And now the school's think it's their job to sort of emotionally engineer, your children, and that's really
scary. Where does that come from the like? At what level does like someone decided to start teaching that in schools, like whose fault is
that? I think it's been a long process and it was a very intentional
Government Mission. I think the feminine our government, or like, our government with West. I would say in general, but America and Canada, definitely grabbed it grabbed the bull by the horns. It makes perfect sense. If you if you understand how people move towards Marxist and socialist society essentially what they're aiming for is full government, power and governments can never be fully powerful. If families are strong. So you have to weaken the family, right? And so you can go about weakening the family and tons of different ways. The first is weakening Faith, you know making people
Everyone turn into an atheist, then you say, actually the concept of a nuclear family which is obviously going to be your strongest family and marriage between a mom woman. And a man, let's say that that's abnormal. Let's say let's have everybody strive towards, you know, man, pregnant, man. Married to female. I mean, whatever. You know, the head lines that you see that just make you just your whole brain. Just goes, I don't even know if we're talking about anymore because that tells you that you're you're obviously going to be structure, the family entirely the same time. You have a push like feminism.
Which is saying to women, you need to compete with men, don't raise your kids and at the same time, a government starts saying, we want to sponsor daycare. We want to pay, you know, kids, six hours a day for school. Mom, you go climb the corporate ladder and be like Dad and we're going to raise the next generation of children which is effectively what they're done. And it's also why they keep a Stranglehold on Hollywood. Why people that are in Hollywood are so afraid to say they're conservative. If they are the amount of inboxes I get I'll lose my whole career. If I say that I agree.
You that we shouldn't trans kids surd is absurd, that your whole career could fall apart and you sense that fear, people are afraid to even talk to people that have very normal perspectives or just raising our kids as they were born biologically, God forbid, you say that Mario Lopez came on my podcast, a couple of years ago, and he said nothing and almost lost everything. And he just said, you know, for me personally, I think children should make decisions better permanent when they become adults.
I mean, he had to issue that full-throated apology that copy and paste. The one that somebody wrote in Hollywood, they all right. You know, like after deep reflection and consideration, I realized how my words may have harmed. Someone he had to do that to, you know, to save his career and I don't blame him for doing it. I'm not even knocking him for that because he's a father, he's got tons of children, but that's that is how much they care how severe it is for them to protect that narrative into control Hollywood because Hollywood controls Minds.
Yeah, I feel like it's flipping now though, I think one example is definitely the whole like, Bud Light.
It was like a actual like business example of how like I feel like that was that the first Auntie like woke cancellation ever. You know what is a big statement by Society? I
think. Yeah. Like they're done but upright Boulevard on and what I will say what I actually said was super disappointing about it was that when that was going on and you had you know Dylan Mulvaney he was taking sponsorship after sponsorship after sponsorship deal after deal after deal from women from biological women and women didn't say anything because women are
Too soft. So true. We're emotional were soft and we are the people that are so easily conditioned to support foolishness, right? Then he traversed into a male space which was beer and men were like, okay, you can play with my wife's victoriously but we're not doing this. And it was the it was the reaction was viral, it was insistent and it was everything that women should have done as Dylan was in our space. But it took men to stand up and defend.
Women and say this is enough you know which I'm deeply appreciative of you know they really led the charge and you had Kid Rock out there and obviously Matt Walsh the daily wire and suddenly it all collapsed you know and then suddenly Brands don't want to touch the limo veiny because their concern because they saw what the reaction was. But it shouldn't. It shouldn't have taken men. Saying, this is ridiculous. Women should have had the wherewithal to say this is actually
ridiculous. How do you think we deal with? Like the trans? I don't know, call a situation or whatever, but, like, obviously there is trans people, whatever they think. They,
They are whatever they want to do. Like what is the solution to it to like
Common Sense? Listen if you are bizarrely, obsessed with your own sexual fetishes and weird things and you want to be like Sam Britain, the person who was fired that works for Biden, that was stealing the luggage and wearing women's underwear. And did you remember that you follow that whole the nuclear energy?
I didn't see that
Bonkers. You should definitely look into it as Sam. Brannan was working for the by ministration wearing heels every day lipstick.
Basic like did pop pledge know this. New thing know what is that? I honestly don't tell you what is so not PG-13 for the puppy play or not. Yeah so if you ever see these Pride parades and they're like men that are walking like dogs and chains. Have you seen this stuff? It's really really gnarly. But what the reason is because they have they have sexual objects inside of them.
Yeah, sexual different type of role. Play about
But now it's under the what we're talking about is under the balloon of lgbtqia into whatever. And so you have this sort of stuff that's going on and what you want to do in the privacy of your own home, if you're not harming, anybody not really my business. But when you now have decided that this is an agenda and everybody has to accept it and everyone has to, you know, abide by it and pretended to normal and pretend that if you think it's not normal for people to see this in a parade that you're the
The person that's problematic. I mean, that's where I think I and pretty much every parent drawers. And I think the majority of people draw the line, the
VC not in public like a, any Pride Parade
any pickle. Especially here, LOL because like extra ale is leading the freakin charge on this stuff. I mean, you see the guys naked naked bicycling? Yeah, yeah. Yeah. They were completely naked, bicycling children at a parade. I'm like, if a straight person just got naked on a bicycle and they were being cheered. Yeah. The what is this?
This. How is this? Not under the category of fetish? Yeah I do. Why are you.why do you want to be butt naked in front of children, on the street? It's weird that people protect it, you know, and pretend that it's normal, it's not normal.
Sure. Speaking of gay Obama,
I think he's gay one hundred and fifty, two percent weight. Yeah, why do you say that for years? So it's weird that it's kind of, I'm glad that Tucker is kind of bringing this up, but that guy was never debunked. And I'm just like if you're the president had said,
Guy comes out and says that he's been doing drugs with you and he's been having sex with you. I'm assuming you've got the lawyers, I can take care of his defamation, you know what I mean? Like this is not because he had mom Obama's admitted to
doing blow to write in college. I think don't
know. But then, but now his letters have come out between his ex-girlfriend. It's like a vacuum and he talks about how he has. He has all these gay fantasies and he's not debunking that either. So, let me be clear if somebody came out and said, this is a letter that Candice wrote to me and she's, you know, talking about all of her weird sexual fantasies, I would get a lawyer in three seconds, this isn't real
He's not doing any of that. You think you should even care?
Should he care? Yeah,
if it's fake. I think, definitely has children. It's his kind of pretty gnarly to think that someone's going out there and saying that you're not only a homosexual which would mean that your entire marriage is a sham and a lie. But also that your you were doing crack. I think that's pretty big right? I mean I would personally care no matter how old I was. I would never let somebody tarnish her reputation. If it wasn't true and I was always stunned by his lack of a reaction to it and now that he has ex-girlfriends, they're saying he would write about his
Can see is now producing the letters. I mean, how are you? When you said it's not my handwriting. I didn't write it. What person would
just wait. So some letters came out to. Yeah. His also, you know, because I haven't looked identical, his
ex he had a ex-girlfriend. I want to say, I was at Harvard. Harvard don't quote me, but they used to just write, you know, love letters back and forth with each other, and he would write to her in detail about his homoerotic fantasies that he has about men. And then he said, you know, but I'm going to choose to live my life as a heterosexual male, it just as a kind of a business decision is what almost sounds like. This is what I have.
To do. And so she doesn't know the guy who said that he was picked up in the limo and he's been saying that story for years. He has consistently told the same story, he has produced proof. The media has had no interest in debunking, it it's sort of like, 100 Barnes laptop drops just has no interest, you know? Just I'm just gonna and that's how you know, it's true because of course, if this was actually a fake laptop and doctored photos, somebody would be getting sued. You know what I'm saying? You can't just put out fake doctored images and fake letters about me and I'm just gonna be like, I'm just gonna stay quiet.
Does it is what it is. It's not one of those letters like recently or that was in the last month they've been out before, but they had redacted some of them and then she sort of came out and did an interview about it and she's not the only wanted me. The these rumors have been following him for years and I think Tucker kind of just recently Unearthed it. The original guy who has not moved to story at all about you know him going and getting him crack cocaine when he was a Senator and then performing fellatio on.
Barack Obama. I mean, would you just take these rumors sitting down? If you didn't happen.
What's playing Devil's Advocate, though? Like, if someone don't like the conservatives and stuff, get pissed. If someone does that to Trump or like, just, like, does this guy really have any credibility or like, like a random guy saying he came out and he was alone.
He had like receipts from his credit card, said, exactly which hotel they were at in Chicago. There's a lot of proof to it. Yeah and I at the time he did a press conference and any media member could have debunked it. You know, what I mean? You would go through.
Say this is actually completely ridiculous. It's not what happened. Instead, they do the thing that they always do which was a problem with ties, the man, obviously the men admit, he was doing crack, you know? And they were like, well he's also you know spent time in prison for credit card. Fraud was have, do they telling you that he hooked up with Barack Obama and had gay orgies? And now you have a woman who knows him, who is saying that he's written about his homosexual fantasies and it just all adds up to me. I just, I don't know any person who would just take that sitting down and
didn't just say this released a statement, this is completely. I'm not even going to dress. This is so ridiculous and Beyond Reason, he's never said anything about it. So does it matter that Barack Obama?
Was he the first gay president and black
president? He was the first gay and black president. It looks like that's a pretty big G which is really big a treatment. Yeah, I think that's something. We bring us all together. Did you like Obama or? No. Well, I was a live when Obama got elected. I wasn't I didn't vote for him. I didn't vote the first time I ever voted was for Republican president. I wasn't engaged in politics. I would say but
I could not I feel like as a black person in America the promise of the first black president and but by the way as a white person to I think
everyone yeah it's beautiful. Hit with
this feeling of yay. We have five found finally getting over the sins of our past America. And I remember crying when he wanted and I thought he won in 2008 and I was in between the kids being home and hosting everything in our house, gets used up In Summer with instacart.
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valid for a limited time minimum ten dollars per order. Additional terms. Apply was freshman year of college but I was sitting there just watching the news be and people were running into the street.
In celebrating.
Yes, like as a guy, he's a man like Obama's. Yeah, I don't care if he's gay. He's super late though. It's totally cool for bomb is gay. It's totally cool fine. What's up with all the Liberals in, like blow and what like, Barack Obama at the White House? They're finding blow like, oh, I didn't know. They got down
like that. Amazing. Is that I did? I did. Are you kidding me? It's a $100 laptop. Kind of gave everything away I think but it's just incredible. Other going with we can't figure out who brought the following. I think that's amazing. I almost have to respectfully. Not the
first time though. It's just someone.
The first time someone got caught
but also, what is the most surveilled building in the world? You can't go one inch into their without you're going to tell me. And I know exactly where they found it. It's just incredible to believe that they're actually going to run with. We just couldn't figure out who put the blow in there. That's how you know it's someone high up because they would have thrown in turn of the bus and four seconds. You know, they would have thrown it's got to be someone in the first family, you know. Back to Obama being Jean-Pierre someone here, someone really in it.
People say that Obama still like pulling the strings with like by
Is that do you think that that is going on?
I've actually heard Susan Rice from some people that I know that are still working with the administration that Susan Rice is pulling the strings, but I don't know. That would be full. I have no proof of anything so I would be, we fully dabbling in conspiracy theory but I think what we can all agree on this. A conspiracy theory is that Biden is not running the show? Yeah, for sure. He has not. You can't, you can barely walk right now. I'm he's down. He's got all the early signs of dementia and it's actually sad to watch because I lost my grandfather a couple of years ago to dementia and you I almost don't want to make
fun of it but it's so evil. I think I can't imagine Jill Biden, Joe Biden, allowing her husband to suffer that publicly with cameras, right? All for power. I mean you can see it in his gait and the way that he walks and his forgetfulness and the lashing out, something that my grandfather started to do, because when they come back into their memory, their like, kind of angry that they don't remember there, being that somebody was listening to them, and he's showing all the clinical signs of not even early dementia. I would say he's like, he's in dementia and
Everyone just pretending that he's not in which the media is, just whatever. Yeah. Is that my other gas?
You said you were a freshman in college when you were a
liberal. Yeah, I was a liberal all through
college. When did you make the switch
after University with Trump, which was crazy. I didn't want them to win. I was like, absolutely not crazy, maybe Bernie of a bird landed somewhere. I'm Bernie Sanders. And I was like cool that you know, I wasn't engaged politically at all and it was just weird because I
Watch time to Wings. I thought he was the guy who says you're fired and it just didn't make sense to go from like Barack Obama to forget it, you fired. So it was a very innocent reason for not wanting him to win. And then I thought it was amazing that like everyone suddenly said, he was like a racist sexist and seshu, they went so hard. That it made me go. Okay, what's up here? Because that's the guy that was at P Diddy parties. Everybody liked him. He was in the hip hop music. I listen to so you're not gonna tell me that you just missed the
Idea. You just totally missed that, he was Adolf Hitler the last 20 years, he's been in the public eye. And so I just decided to listen to one of his speeches. And I heard what he said and he had pitched to Black directly to Black America. And he like, went through all the stats of how Black America was suffering. And then he turned to the camera was in demand, L Michigan. And then he said, you know, this is the poverty rate, blah blah, whatever it was, and then he said Black America. I'm just saying, you've given your vote to them for last 60 years. What do you have to lose? Take a chance, do something different? And I was like, pretty good.
Pitch, like nothing wild. And then the media tried to flip it at me, that I trusted tried to flip it and say that he was looking black America in the eye and telling them they were poor. Don Lemon was like fake cry. Oh, that was weird. And it made it actually has piqued my interest of how many times do they say that? He said something that he didn't say how many times does. I actually happen to catch that speech and then it kind of became became this whole journey into realizing that the media just lies and Black America is usually at the nucleus of the lies, you know, because I think they largely
They view us as irrational and emotional and they know that if you dangled a little racism carrot that black people just be like, oh they're like, oh look, it's racist in the back of my hand and kind of do the bidding for the media without further thought. So, you know, it was, I'm making it sound, it was a very easy process. But I went through, I definitely went through a period of almost two years of cognitive dissonance thinking. I was crazy because you believe something your whole life, and then just like that, you realize it's not true. Like, I genuinely believe Republicans were racist. I genuinely believed that they were
To send black Americans back at the South was racist. So and then suddenly I think the opposite. How do you even talk to like your sister? Even explain this to your sister? I have two sisters and a brother. How do you talk to your friends when your whole circle is vibing one way and suddenly you're seeing something different. It's very hard to go
through. I think that's the biggest reason why people don't like even like, yeah, the racism topic or like some people just how can there not be racism? Like, is it because they don't want to accept, like their whole
Life is kind of like a lie or like what they've been
taught? Well, I think is, is there is racism, right? Obviously, I mean we see racism against white, people racism against black people, it's everywhere, but it's not a systemic issue that stopping Black America, that whole narrative that like black people can't get ahead because of racism is complete and utter garbage. Actually, one of the biggest reasons why people can't get ahead is because they've been fighting the boogeyman of racism, because they have the media and the government wants to have a permanent underclass. You have to have this permanent underclass of slaves, you know.
You see this in Marxist societies, they want to keep people warring you never want people to come together because once you come together, you're sort of looking at the government. You're not looking at each other and hating each other. So, yeah, I think for some people, it's they don't have the humility to admit they're wrong, and I'm grateful to God, that I had the humility to admit, I was wrong. Some people just go further into their ignorance. That's when they get the whole delete me. If you voted for Trump, I saw that you can't see this or if you have one bad thing to say about George Floyd we're not friends. I mean full
People that have been friends for 30 years, watch their friendships fall apart over George. Floyd, that's wild. Like the internet. That shows you how much power the media has over people's my, how are you going to try to convince your homie? You've been friends? Say, you're white and black. You been friends for 30 years, immediate just presses a button and people legit never talk to each other ever again.
Yeah, why is obviously to do that, trumps starting to gain a lot more support from Black America. So why do you think that
is the first?
Say is it's more amongst black man, which does not surprise me. Because a lot of black men follow my stuff. A lot of black men do like podcast talking about, like, stuff that I say, black men are way more receptive to it, because I think they are guided a little bit more by just common sense, you know what I mean? And they're not going to be as well. Their men also going to be an emotional. That's that's the truth, too. There are different attributes. Women are more emotional than men. So I've seen that even in my own work. Is that like a lot? There's so many YouTubers that like, talk about stuff that I do and watch, try, doing react and the black women had been really not
Receptive to it, which is really interesting to see. Obviously, the, the mugshot backfired. That was the black you've not seen black responses on Tick-Tock, or Trump's mug shot. And you just want to laugh, or they are as a funniest things. I did a whole segment. I showed it was just, it was amazing. But yeah, I think at the end of the day, somebody he speaks like a blue collar worker, even if he's never been a blue-collar worker, when you're around him, he's he's really warm. I mean, you guys have met him. He said,
You can't describe it. He's got the thing and it's not just because he knows how to make people feel good. Yeah he does. He's very act. Try to salespeople. I'm like his when you're around him. His Aura is very, it's blue collar. It's relatable. He's funny. He's telling jokes he doesn't feel like he's this big unattainable person and that's hard to strive at that. That's hard to accomplish. Rather that's a, that's a difficult note to structure strike. And he does it over and over again, and people loved him for that.
What's your prediction for 2024?
Then do you think that he can win or
I think it's going to be interesting. So, there's nobody gets
the nominee. First of all, I think you
probably will end up with a nominee. Yeah, if I'm making a prediction today, anything can happen though. Debates are a big thing. I definitely never thought Ron had a chance. I said, from the very beginning has no chance because it doesn't have the it factor that we're talking about is exact opposite when you're around him. Like I've been around him and it's like he feels like he thinks you're stupid and he's better than you and sort of like, you know, you don't really know what he actually thinks and you in and
So he didn't have the it factor of people were really angry at me for saying that, but I called it from the beginning. I was like, DeSantis just doesn't have the juice, you
know who would win then decide if you like the bull do is Trump even electable with like everything going on.
I don't know. I mean I have veered away from political prognostications because you know there's things to even talk about in terms of all the finicky stuff that happened with our election and covet and policies have changed melon ballots and it just gets depressing to talk about.
About. So I just say, you know, who I like in candidates who I think will go far. I mean, I called the vake going over the rawness and his movie was polling at 1% and he's very interesting and he's very hopeful. He's not mudslinging, which is nice, he's like a excitable academic, you know what I mean? So I was I was want to have everyone on my podcast. You when I spoke to my was like gear, interesting, I know you're polling at 1% but you're going to go, you're going to go past the sand as many did. Yeah.
He's already pulling past them. Yeah, holy shit. Just after that.
Debate almost before it. They were, they were neck-and-neck heading into the debate and I knew that I was gonna happen Innovative, a big has no none of the money behind him and as soon as has all the money behind him and it just his campaigns message was just kind of like we're better than Trump but that were also going to mudslinging be Trump the Santa's and but they kind of stayed out of The Fray and kind of quietly was like the turtle and the race. And so he's been very exciting to watch and so I feel more like a sports commentator where I'm enjoying the sport. Yeah more
You know, just fun to watch. It's fun to watch now and it makes it better when you're not as emotionally invested in a lot of different ways. And I even like RFK, I think he's like him talking about the vaccine stuff as you ever consider running. No, not right. Now, I'm running out for toddlers. So I got to be a mom first, but right right now. No, in my life, not the
place you to I saw. You did that. The park has to do with a tape, was like one of the most entertaining greatest podcasts ever. Yeah. How was that? It was great. So you went to
Let went to Bucharest. Yeah, I went there. July July asks, like, wow, pretty recently. Now I'm thinking about it was freaking
hot, what did you think of him
overall? So I knew Andrew my husband, I had met him one time before prior to that, which is crazy because he wasn't this huge. Well, he was big in the UK, but he wasn't big in America and they're like, he's just gone way more International. Now, it's amazing to see and I knew going into it, that we were going to have a good conversation because I'm
I'm not one of these people that ever want to sit someone down for a gotcha interview. I was fascinated by Andrew tape because of the power that he's acquired. This is a person who's being banned in UK schools, right? Because kids are going like their teachers are broke. He's like, what color is your Bugatti? That's funny. Like, you know what I mean? Like, that's funny to think of middle school, kids, like calling our teachers broke, he's and asking them a color, their Bugattis are and I have a good sense of humor about that. I think, boys are little boys are funny, it's harmless, whatever, but I was genuinely,
I what he had built for himself coming from nothing and that's always for me where I'm going to level the playing field because I knew that we had that in common and so there was a natural amount of respect in the room to even start a conversation. You know, where I think everyone else goes in there and they're trying to attack him. And you know people are trying to you know the people are angry at the fact that there's this masculine moment that's rising and they want to blame and Route 8 on it and they don't want to actually examine how we got here which is Lena Dunham's of the world and so it was it was great you know it was
And I wanted to wait to, I wanted, I knew in the beginning, he was gonna, you know, be more of the and Route. A, I always say like, Andrew, take the characters. I'm friends with so many, like, MMA fighters, and they all have, like, the character that's in the ring. And they need that that character, because that mean you're going in to try to kill someone, right? Right? But then, when you peel behind it, they are really interesting. People like very interesting level-headed, well-thought-out people think that they're stupid and they're not.
And so, I wanted to see that side of Andrew and I got it, you know, and I think people saw a different side of him and learned more about him. And so I was, you know, I felt it was it was great and people were mad at me,
I think he's like the right representation of what a man should try and be like, I
think Andrew is in the middle of a transition. Definitely, that is how I've read him. I think Andrew was kind of doing whatever. He was young on the internet saying whatever. And now a lot of that stuff is trying to come back to haunt him but he's just like doesn't care and you can see
And that's why I said to him an interview I said you know you got a lot of power now and you do have to make a pivot because when people are hanging, when these young kids in particular, these middle schoolers that love his every word. Hang on your every word and you know why? Because he understands why? Because they come from fatherless backgrounds and they're looking for that paternity elsewhere and you become his cultural figure. And so with great power comes great responsibility, and I've seen him making that transition. And I've tried to communicate that to people who don't understand that.
Are just so he wasn't perfect when he arrived, why wasn't he, you know, a perfect Christian conservative because he didn't have the opportunities you had in life and he did pretty darn good for himself. So let's give him a Runway to really do some good. And I think he's trying, he's doing
that right now because I think at the beginning of he's chilled out on like the girls topics a lot like at the beginning you could to I could tell he was the some of the shit he was saying, he was just completely trolling. Yeah. He was like a very seriously and a comedian but like some people took it seriously, obviously.
Internet. But I could like any one that found him funny new. Like he's not going to take 100% of his girlfriend's only fans like right. When we went to his house. There only fans girls there. It's like he's not taking a like, you could tell if
a rolling. Yeah. And if someone finds it and makes it serious and people were doing this over and over, and it was just weird. Like he wants to like he was. So obviously trolling and I swear a bunch of conservatives to get seriously. He was like, listen, listen to me like a few if Hulk Hogan had a vagina, you know, or Megan Fox had a penis. Yeah.
Who would you sleep with? And then conservatives were, like, he's pushing the trash and I'm like, this is the most obvious like troll meant to be hilarious for 13 year old to watch. Like, he just said, Hulk Hogan with a vagina. The fact that you're trying to make this a serious
like, all think I could answer that one. Yeah, that's a really tough decision,
right? And then people were trying to make it so serious and sometimes the humor gets lost. And I think that he, because of what he's going, what's going on in Romania, people just, you know, they see somebody
Body drowning and they want to step on their heads. There's something sadistic about it, but I see it happen
over and over. Where do you think his charge comes from? Like what's the conspiracy behind?
I did a hole, deep. Dive on it. You should watch it, right? Yeah, it was really interesting. It stems from because I wanted to understand the case. Because I you know, if he was actually human sex trafficking people from over, over from America, that's kind of important for me to distance myself from that and so I looked into his case and what happened, when the police raided the story is wild, I mean, it all boils down to a girl whose
You know, has said that multiple men have sex trafficked, her, you know, one of these women that she was like a orphan from Kazakhstan, who got adopted in America and was a sex worker before she ever met Andrew. And it's a really fascinating story and people should at least know the facts of the case before they try to condemn him. My instincts after looking into it is that he's going to very much get off in Romania and people are going to be very shocked because they don't even know what the case is about because they just people have just been pulling up. Oh,
Videos of him and saying that. Like yeah. So
where was it? That daily Wire.
Yeah. Plus if you look up I think it's just he's got Candace Island and Route 8. I think I've only done a couple of episodes talking about it and I after I came back from me, I was like I really want to understand the case and I just gave people the facts.
And how do you feel about? Like only fans the overall thing about how girls are just making so much money and it's it's almost something like girls would rather just be an only fans girl, then do anything else.
Yeah, prostitution is oldest rate in the book. You don't I mean I mean that's
Happening. We're everyone's becoming a sex worker. How do I feel about it? I think it's really gross and we'll have a lot of regrets. And a lot of women that you see who are these aren't happily married women with kids, you know? And so of course, you're selling yourself and at the end of the day, people make trades and some people are willing to trade the rest of their life for momentary Financial relief, and this kind of gets gets into people, not realizing that it will inevitably come back to haunt you. I think you're seeing that right now and this is a, I actually feel really bad for her.
Her but it's an example of what I'm talking about. The whole Logan, Paul Nina, Agdal Dylan, danis thing that's going on. What do you think of that? What a funny. Why are you smirking? It's fine. I think everyone thinks I mean
I mean I feel bad for her though. Like I do feel like we actually feel bad for her. I do. Why do you think? No not that many women are me coming to her Aid or trying to stand up for
her? Well what do you mean? I think first off she's in a world right now that you're in the UFC fight you know fight.
That's a whole different. That's why I was saying, just now I can do a whole different type of show people that don't understand that well, which I very much do, because I loved Anna, why? I love MMA fighters. A lot of these people are my friends. I get that how they how they're gonna troll, you know. So I think she's like Alice in Wonderland right now, and Logan is actually a very hated character, you know, he's hated for a lot of reasons. A lot that has nothing to do with what he does in the ring or but more to do with talking, you know, like he came after me in this podcast, once, you know, and
So the problem isn't that, people don't want to defend her, they don't want to offend him because he's flip-flopped. He's turned against his friend, he's turned against his brother. Jake is cool. By the way I actually really like Jake. Logan is like very like buried Underneath It All I hate to say this but he there's a lot of bitch Behavior you know like when he called me on his podcast here we see that finger he was like full-on acting he's
talking shit about me. Say about you
up to. Did you say I can't remember what he said about you. I think he's not quite shots that you guys edit. This of like he was like, it's like he
As things what he knows he has to. He wants the basically placate the left and the right. You got him saying at different moments and so when he was placating the left, he was suddenly like
white privilege is real.
If you are white, you are privileged. And I have finally found them on where I have realized this. And then his little homeboy to the left starts taking shots at me, because I don't support black lives matter which is just wild to have two white men. I don't know what the whole thing which is wild. So I, you know, set something on Twitter and then he like, privately wanted to
Like oh like no, I'd love to have you on the show? We can talk about it. I'm like I said, right? When I sent the thing is, he's never had my own show because that was all about showing the left. He was whatever and he's not about that life, because if he meaningfully said that and thought it was real, like, you know, that I'm this big bad person who doesn't work to support BLM. Why are you doing it in a room filled with a bunch of white guys have me on to talk about what I actually think? You guys had me on, you know, some people agree to people, don't agree but at least have the conversation. If you're saying what you say, meaningfully didn't do that, and then kept pushing it. Like, oh yeah, no definitely not.
One that I hear nothing from him and then privately, when all the Kane stuff starts happening, he's like, hey, do you? You can you get you in cognac on my show. And I said to him, privately until I was like, oh, so you weren't available this whole time the last few years. Yeah, he was so, you know what I mean, is all about getting the clicks and so that's not, that's bitch Behavior. You know what I mean? Like, I don't mind having a disagreement with you but you better believe what you believe, and I don't think anybody knows what he believes, but we know what Jake believes. You know what I mean? Like Jake is much more like he's not trying to just say stuff to
Stay relevant and he will, he will say whatever he has to say to, please the YouTube Gods, the please the left. And I think that that's not attractive.
Did you see that Dylan danice has like a secret photo?
Listen, Dylan is has been going hard, like, I mean, it is absurd. I feel bad for okay. Want to say this. And I think she's like, you know, I probably should just about any
girl to have to go through that. That's but, but it is absurd how many different photos that I've just even like,
Old men like in like you know what I'm saying? Like the Caprio like that's dope like yeah, I mean that I don't think that's a bad thing that is can he might as well make it happen. Great. But I wanted to say it are you ever like so you saw the video about like the sausage she's talking about how she needs that? Yeah it does I think it did over 200 million views on Twitter. I ever like you got two billion in like 40 ever like how the fuck like how are so many people tuned into this?
You mean, like why are there some people that are watching it? I think it's because he just went so hard.
It over and over again. But there is a lesson to be learned in what's happened to her to its you know, she looks pretty young when she sang all the stuff and I think that women experiment with feminism and you know, that's what we're talking about sex sells and everyone says it and they think it's cool and it's relevant. But then of the day and this kind of gets into it and Route 8 and I were talking about like men don't want that, right? So you can do that, you can make money, you can become a model. You can, you know, have be invited to all the cool parties. But when men
Actually about who they want to be the mother of their children who they want to bring home to Mom and you have an internet, you know, videos of you talking about how much you want cock. It's just not going to play well, you know. And what it does is it I think it hits at something in a man's biology. Like men want to know that a woman is there's you know what I mean. Or sure and then when you see okay she was this person's and this person and this person was paying the sub to watch her be half naked. And so women have to think long term about
what they actually want, because if what you want in, the short term is to make some money, there's plenty of ways to do it. You know, become another influencer Instagram model, you know. But all these women are from it. I mean, Kim Kardashian. You've got Emily. Ratajkowski Emily, Ratajkowski. There's find me. The man that is going to marry her. And what happened when she got married? She got cheated on,
but who's at fault there? Because it's not that God are the guys at fault, because they give him all the attention, or the girls have folks are like, oh, this is so easy. I can just post a picture of my ass, it made this
Needs. You know, that's what I'm saying. You're trading your present for your future. And then I think when those women get older and suddenly now there's, they're not the hottest girls, you're not getting hotter as you age and women, right? Yeah. There's always going to be a younger, 18 years 18, 19 20 year-olds on Tick, Tock doing the exact same thing, making the exact same money. And the men are gonna start looking at them naturally, you know? And so now you're washed up, you know, and the a spics aren't
aspirin. Is when is it appropriate to if I'm in a
Relationship. When is it appropriate to ask? How many people you've slept with? Before
me, you can ask whatever you want.
If you got the first date type thing or you gonna wait because he definitely is like probably like surprised too. Right. I think there's no way. He's seen everything. No thing. No way, no
way. He had said, I mean, the videos startled me. I followed her for Fitness was, I'm super into fitness. You already followed her. Yeah. I like, I like Nina Agdal, I've liked her for. I mean, I got very into fitness over the, I've always been finished like, very into it over the last I would say six years and she's, you know, she's I think she's very
I know that now everyone's saying she's not pretty, but I thought she was absolutely beautiful and she was into fitness. So, she started this thing called the Agdal method and so I liked her for Fitness like, oh great, she's like a young girl, probably going to get married into fitness. I had no idea about all of this other stuff. I knew she did Leonardo DiCaprio for one year, but I think that's like the Hollywood rite of passage at this point capacitor. Yeah, exactly idea. Because donut and but other than that, I actually didn't know anything. So Dylan, Dana's digging wassup. I mean, she's now
20th century.
Videos and you Regency, the Creator only Peter September 29th, like it or not. Humankind will end. We should never have let AI out of the box from the director of Rogue one, locate the weapon. This can't be right? She's the key. You're my friend. She doesn't. I can't do that the Creator experience. The movie event. Only Theatres September 29th. Rated. PG-13, may be inappropriate for children under 13, get
tickets now, suing him.
I just saw that today. Yeah, and she's suing him because she's saying that it's caused her actual damage to her career. If there's a gap there,
she could probably prove that to like. There's definitely some trauma going on.
Yeah, so I don't know it's all I can say is it escalated very quickly but there is a lesson buried in, you know, in it for women.
What do you think? The biggest takeaway for a woman is there
is just realizing that, you know, that cute? Cutesy-wootsy, Freedom, sex, I want to talk about cock on the internet.
And all that stuff might be serving you in your early 20s. She looks like she's in her early 20s, you know, maybe even younger and some of those videos and it's coming back to haunt her really badly. And unfortunately, it's making her, I think two other men seemed like damaged goods, like it's because it's not what men want. And so you're not ever going to be able to have a social movement, right? Like feminism that's going to Trump biological Instinct and men want something that feels proprietary to them men like the chase. They like the mystery of women. They like wondering, you know.
What she's like and women are just putting it out there now. We're like, I feel like I say to my friends, and I feel like I've had sex, Emily Ratajkowski, she's been naked so much on my phone. I gotta try opening. Look Emily's naked here, make em, like we've also up with her. So how could any man reasonably want to say? I want to marry anybody you had to go at Emily
so much because she's so naked on that. She's like her whole
brand has she has done nudity in a way?
What about girls that? Like I'm just playing Devil's Advocate but what about girls that just say like it's my body like if I'm OK with this fine but look how many careers that's made for women.
Many fine, major for Kim. She's doing her.
She is, and she's also on her fourth marriage, and Emily's. On has just finished her first one. So, like I say, I say woman, it's trades. You know what I mean? And what's going to happen? Are they getting younger? Are they getting hotter?
Do you believe in the Kardashian like theory that they kind of drives guys crazy?
We'll see what happens to Travis. Barker? Yes, he seems pretty chill. So if he just, if something wild happens to Travis, Barker, I'm going to be like you fully invested in the Kardashian curse.
Have you been in touch with Kanye recently at
all? I do not publicly speak about my relationship with Kanye because of everything that happened at the end of last year and I for whatever reason as soon as the public hears that me and Kanye speak it becomes this like obsession with trying to you know, get involved in it and I mean yeah he is happily dating someone else in other than Kim in Italy and there still seems to be this kind of media obsession.
With him, despite them saying Go away. He went away. Yeah. And they still won't leave the man alone, so I just don't know what the media wants from Kanye, but it is. Yeah. You
think that's a negative like it seems like it's becoming a huge problem, but all these power couples, I put their entire relationship for everybody. Like, that's never going to end well.
Right? Yeah, I agree. I agree. And I think when you're him it doesn't matter who you date now. Yeah. He's just
historicism in Italy. Yeah, I'm about
I did, you know, it's interesting. It's you could say, I'm the one with all this is Owen.
Operate and it's awful. But like we don't know how that lens was. Yeah, he's Paparazzi lenses. You don't, I mean you
see that photo Kyle? It was crazy. At least it wasn't like a pop or whatever. Play Yankee. Caught doing that.
Okay. That was wild. Yeah. But there has been every time you open. I open the news. It's like following Kanye and Bianca of Canaan Bianca and the media and they wrote a whole letter saying Go away. Kanye he's literally in
Italy. How do you think we can change that or then make a shift where you're not? Always like you said, opening your phone and all these
guys are just so attracted and just obsessed with seeing women all over social media, like, because I Ever Gonna mean it has a guy no offense. If it's they're going to look like it's not possible to. Yeah.
It's at a bigger problem and I've been doing a lot of work on my podcast and some really shocking to see how many men right in and talk about like porn addiction and they keep saying that, no man. Like not many men will talk about it. And it's something that so many men are struggling from. And like, my husband doesn't have any social media, because he said to me, which I didn't even think about it. He's like, it's all pornography. And I'm so.
- of it now. But when you set it up a time, I didn't even that's what I'm talking about. So you turn on Instagram, I just butt cheeks. Like, go just got Kim Kardashian full-frontal like a tiny little sliver covering her crotch
area. He sent me all the time, yams like different chick
and so and men are biologically wired to respond to that. So, once upon a time, it was already difficult when men had these pornography magazines. But they had to, like, go through effort to get the magazine and slided in between their mattress and things that nature now,
Is just freely available at all times. And I don't think that there's enough men talking about what that does to men and how men are suffering from this overly pornographic Society, where I mean, we're even desensitized to ads. I mean, you look at a Gucci bag, women's running, the ad with like she's butt naked, why she had to be butt naked. You just saw this purse and so I have had to check myself in realize how desensitize I have become to what is blatantly softcore porn everywhere in our society. And then thinking about how I think it renders men weaker,
Yes, men that are suffering from like, you know, can't stop masturbating all day and things of that nature. No one wants to talk about it. They want to pretend it's not happening and we're facing a full-on
epidemic. You want to talk about it? Me? Yeah you're probably don't Master it all that over if you're hung over because I got a point addiction is but that's
sad. You got started podcast
about what the porn addiction addiction. Yeah, they're
telling you. Men are men. The that right in our, like, I'm thank you for talking about this. Like, I've
suffered like porn all day long. Yeah. Like like, but like Norma.
In the comments on YouTube like hey how many times are you masturbating per day? But the general sentiment that I got was that men are really suffering from it. You know. And like they like don't know how to and your tape does some work in the space. He's talked about pornography a lot and I think that's also part of the reason that there's a lot of people that follow him and, you know, it's just Temptation everywhere at all
times. The Instagram is definitely crazy though. I mean, yeah, if you're in a relationship, you're opening your Instagram. You're always seeing something different like, right in your face.
Something maybe better something different. Yeah and it yeah it is it makes it tough to kind of focus? Yeah one thing yeah it's but it's okay. It's also like a I know it girlfriend since 20 years old makes 500k a month doing this stuff lives in an apartment that people would dream to live in and you're just sitting there like how is this reality you sound in love over there? I mean, kind of like for me like it'd be cool to date her because I don't have it like
that that's hitting at the addiction because you know what's happening is whose
Funding that meant that don't even have the money to keep paying.
So why don't men get more of the pressure than? Because they're the ones supporting this. Like, they're the ones paying that
money. It is both sides of it. They're paying that money. Don't even have the money. You've got some weird kid in his mom's basement. That's, you know, heaps upgrading to see more and more and more of her because he's developing like a love for this woman that he can't have. And it's never going to be enough because she's on a screen Joan. I mean, but it's not like the it's not the super wealthy people but our funding hurts, the dollars that are coming in and people that can barely afford.
It because they're addicted. You know,
you'd probably crush on there and what only fans? No, no. You make 20 more year
probably, I would teach
history. Yeah, yeah, Jesus. What was that too much?
It's true. I would teach history tied, make 20 million month. What do you think?
Cause you always talk about like men lacking mask, you like masculine features, or whatever, what do you think women now need to change? Or what? Like or the biggest thing? I
would love to see women enjoy their faces once again. They're all looking exactly the same. It's like, they've all gone into the doctor and said give me this
This look. And actually, what's funny is that with the rise of transgenderism? I don't know how guys are sure anymore. Like, because these trans, why don't we just call it transwoman look? Now, like the Hollywood girls are all getting the same like the buckle buckle fat removal. I don't even know what's called so that they have this and the lips and then everyone looks exactly the same. And I'm like, I don't know. I feel like women should stop getting Botox when
they're 25 and what about sweet ban be BLS.
That's the most dangerous surgery possible.
That's the most insane surgery that women are getting dying on the table left and right because they can't they don't know if the vein runs where it runs through and your butt. So if they hit it, you die. It's incredible. How many women die a year? It is by far the most dangerous surgery. That's another one. Women are getting all the time and it was sad. Is that such a quick fix? Of course that stuff's going to come back. Like, why don't you get into fitness? And things of that nature, which is kind of, what I promote a my platform. Like, why don't you work out as opposed to just being lazy and laying on a table and not realizing that it's going to come back.
Back but I would definitely say also just there the faces its they don't look good to me. I don't know if I'm not edited that way or my brain doesn't work that way but I don't think when women can't move their face that it looks attractive and they look terrifying by the time. They're 40 terrifying.
Yeah you cage with
that. Yeah. So I'm saying trades now my like okay she's got looks kind of cute when she's 25 and then by the time she hits 35 it just cracks you know because now she's stuff is moving in her face. I think
Again, all the filler filler is crazy. Men are getting filler. Now, look at Simon
Cowell. No, he's not well like lip filler
his whole face. He just actually spoke out about his like addiction to it. And now, he said that his like son told him that he looked really scary and now he's going to stop shit. It's like, I'm like you're a man men look good. When they just the whole point of being a man, like men age like fine wine. So it's why would you be? But they just are caught in this weird simulation. So I would definitely like to see women not getting like the scary face.
Do you think that people are becoming like lazier? Now with how much success you can get in social media YouTube? Like stuff that we do, right? And they don't want to go to work like, is that going to become an issue? You
think, I think it's creating depression. I think everyone's kind of has this mentality of how do you make a quick buck? And the and they don't want to work hard and they think the easiest way to do it is either sell their bodies and things of that nature but there's definitely a cultural depression going on. People don't go outside anymore. I mean it's just everybody's living through their screen which is problematic.
Good. And that's something that I think being having a real life outside of, you know, the internet and starting a family. It naturally. Pulls you away from all that you know, I'm like spending my free time at the farmers market you know. Yeah. And things learning how to grow Garden. Kings of it. Just actually makes you happier which I try to tell people. Look at all this stuff seems stupid but I love my God. Why do you
think the main reason is? It seems like people just don't want families and kids anymore like they used to, I think they
do but I think they're scared because they've been conditioned to think.
Think that. And by the way, a lot of it's going wrong because it's hard to find a quality woman. It's hard to find a quality man, so what we're talking about, there's so much out there that is tempting to people. And so that makes difficult especially if you live in a city like LA or New York and your idea is like, you know, the hedge fund guy that you want to try to capture as opposed to like someone who just loves his family and goes to church on a Sunday and women, I mean what you're talking about every every woman's thought now,
right? What? If someone call it, I
watched what's a pjw
What did you call it? He called it. Hopefully ssion. Hopefully action. Yeah, he's like,
hopefully, she lets us. Is that a, is that a serious issue?
Try to? Yeah. It's yeah. It's a very, very serious issue. And I'm glad you asked it's worse than inflation. It's actually a very, I might, if I run for president, this is the main platform. Hopefully, hopefully, she has to be. Got to bring down hopefully Asian so he basically, he was describing is
because there's an inflation of
Hose. Yeah. But, well, he was saying, was that he was like your grandfather when he met your
Mother like he basically had to do so much less work to find the highest quality woman, right? Who like Cooks cleans loved God, like in a loves the Lord, all this stuff and he's like, now, men have to do the absolute most, and they're still bringing hose, you know, so he calls it. He was calling it, hopefully ssion. And it is an epidemic, you know? And so I think that we live in a very hopefully Sherry environment and their sentence, for me, as your president, I will fix the economy.
Tell us about the new show out on Dale wire
plus the murder. Yes. Convicting, a murderer did either any of you guys watch making a murderer on Netflix and no water, but she thinks you give,
I've watched a lot of like shows like that. Like what are the two twins that killed their parents?
Yeah. Well, this one was at this one. Was my Mendez Brothers. Just, really big Netflix. I did. Yeah. And everybody watched it was like about Steven Avery. It's this guy and he
Basically, actually did get convicted wrongly for attempted murder and rape of This Woman. This was pre DNA. So people, you know, would just points on a line up and say they did it. This woman barely escaped with her life and she pointed to Steven Avery and she was wrong and years later, he served about 12 years in prison wrongly for that. He six of the years, he was there for an illegitimate reason but he's 12 years for something that he didn't actually do. He gets out and, you know, suddenly he's not out for long and he
Accused of committing a murder of another woman so it became this like everyone was like no it seems out to get him. There's a 36 million dollar lawsuit that he has against the, the City of Manitowoc County. And this is basically bad policing and all this stuff. And so these documentary makers swooped down and created this whole documentary, like telling a story of Steven Avery and people watched it tens of million people around the world convinced that he was innocent of the second crime and Netflix really got behind this narrative.
Live in a big way and so it cause like if this was basically White lives matter before there was black lives matter, it was White lives matter people crying outside of the courtroom saying this man was innocent. They wrote songs about them. I mean this culture phenomenon has kept up for years and in reality which my docu series, we'll explore. We kind of went back and looked at the facts of this case, he did up and I'm getting convicted of killing this woman. Theresa haul back under the most horrific terms possible. I mean, we're talking rape set on fire shot, like, I mean, smashed into a pit all these things.
He's got fiance's in prison, he's been married multiple like crazy. The nobody cares about the facts after a certain point, once something becomes a cultural phenomenon. And so I felt like after doing my BLM Dock and kind of exposing the truth about the George. Floyd story. People kind of pigeon-holed me into thinking, I go. She only cares about this issue because it's black versus white and reality, I just care about the truth, no matter what, does matter what color the criminal is, I'm very interested in the media as ability to warp people's minds. And this was an earlier example of that, so we kind of went back.
And showed people what Netflix did really got into the case details talked about how he got there. What they left out, you know, who the Averys were. They made him seem like this close-knit you know family that just loved each other and we're trying to get over this. Trauma of having him put in prison, wrongly my documentary going to show you which was listening to prison calls, you know and word this and I mean these were some bees were some really bad people. The way they speak about women when they speak about black people, what I mean? So it's a number and it's
Again one of those times to examine how easily we, all all of us could be manipulated by the media. I have fallen victim to the media narratives before and I'm not perfect, maybe I'll fall for one of the future but the Steven Avery story and convicted murderers a ten-part docu-series that we did. And I don't know why I'm always pregnant. I do documentary. Silly wire this weird but pregnant, again, this one. So
that's crazy. I know, just leaving out some facts and stuff can really just twist The Narrative and stuff. Right. Why did you guys
I want to, like,
Like prove that case
I think for me that's kind of been my interest since having my what we talked about earlier that cognitive dissonance moment, realizing how wrong I was about Republicans and thinking everything my whole life. I've kind of committed the rest of my life, to always wanted to explore narratives. That maybe people got wrong and that we all believed to be one way or the other. Sometimes it's political this one's it's a political, it's more cultural, you know, but I think a lot of times it's just social justice movement in general, have the ability to work people's
Mine's you know, whether it's me to movement BLM whether it's one person like Steven Avery and the ability of a documentary maker to tell a story that we want to believe in which is like we want to believe the cops are crooked. It just helps people. I think explore their own mentality and in this one I've already gotten hate mail from my friend. My fans they're like I watched it. He's innocent can. It's just stay out of this one. We followed it for ten years. So I'm really excited to show them
when is. Is that out right now?
It is out right
Yeah, I'm gonna check that out, too. We got a whole fucking
daily wire. Plus, they'll wire. Plus the first episode completely free which premiered on X formerly known as Twitter. I feel like I'm it's like saying like Yay, the artist formerly known as Carmen Kane when X is kind of sticking now though. Yeah, it's getting sick starting to stick. Yeah,
I don't think it would but it's starting to
and the second episode is completely free also on daily wire plus and I know that after you watch the episode, you're just going to binge watch because it's really
interesting. So you're not a big conspiracy
Girl to are you like I saw you say like conspiracies are kind of just as bad as like what the Liberals are doing to like conservatives.
It's gone too far. Yeah, that's what I would say. I think that, I think that having a healthy level of skepticism is good and I have a very more than healthy level of skepticism. I think is for sure, but what we're seeing now is people go from taking the red pill, taking the black pill and the black bills dangerous. Just believing anything. Everything you see is just like this person is, this is person must be controlled by this. And I've seen, like, people that I used
The follow well-meaning, conservatives just have their brains completely rotted, you know, because they can't see anything. It's like, every everybody's related to George Soros, you know, everybody is related to the world economic forum, and I'm just wondering if they ever even explored the basic idea of Six Degrees of Separation. I could connect every person in this room, George Soros, I promise you, I promise you, I could going to be some school. You went to, and he funded, maybe the mics his hedge fund, but who knows. Right. And so what's happened now, is there a problem at sizing every single person that's new?
And I saw this a lot with with vague ramaswamy. He's like he took a he took on a scholarship to law school which like George Soros Fellowship scholarship and they're like he's working for George Soros. It's just like guys and they were like Trump also working for, I'm like okay, is everyone working for George Soros? And so I've been just a little exhausted and that's why I say that. Now I like to do as like a spectator sport because everyone has become such a conspiracy theorist that they just can't even see straight. I promise you, I ate a slice of pizza once on my Instagram and they said I was a part of pizza gate.
In New York City, the most appropriate place to eat a slice of pizza. And I was just like posting this pepperoni pizza, hadn't had pizza and it's kind of pizza and so long. And it was during Cove and I wanted to prove that I could get the pizza without the vax past. That wasn't bakst and then I posted it on my Instagram. Super cool picture. I looked Posh I just got back from inner interviewing, Eric Trump after this wonderful Blazer. Every comment. I knew it. They got her. They got her pizza. Guy was like you guys literally, just like, you can't even look at a piece of pizza.
Now on the Internet it's time to log off. You know what I mean? It's not a logoff so we're dealing with that now and I get it obviously because people we've been lied to so much about such big things like coded as just one example that it's hard for people to know who or what to trust but you have to find a healthy balance or you're just going to become a crazy
person. How about Obama Chef? Did you see what happened with that? I
have not looked into it, but that seems like when I might enjoy, what
is that his Chef? I don't know too much about it either but I think his Chef like drowned.
Yeah. It was
First chef that drowned in a lake or something. Yeah. And it was just like a weird people were saying, there was a conspiracy theory around it. There may be or may not be but I have to do. I have to do my interesting. Yeah yeah
why give me this oh no I wasn't right. Yeah
yeah it's just like it's people are writing have been writing about if I haven't actually looked at it myself but you know, yeah, it would be more interesting. If it was the clintons,
Glad be more obvious. If
But yeah, Martha's Vineyard I guess the chef died and they haven't really told much about how it happened and so people are running with a lot of conspiracy theories but I don't I don't know much about that. To be completely honest.
What is one? That's like a public conspiracy that you do
agree with. I say this all the time you're never going to come into away from this one. Me and my husband have wars about this one. We are on opposite sides, the moon landing. I just can't get behind it. I can't believe it
happened. I don't think it happen. No, I think it's
weird. I think, I think Elon Musk nose didn't happen because he says, when he's ever he's asked, he's like, oh, it's kind of
We just never went back and, you know, like the Moon is 26,000 miles away. And now we instance being there. We've never gone beyond, 200 200 miles. It's like the whole thing. If you look into it, it's weird. And then like they also live aired it in 1969. Like
that's weird ever landed men on the moon cynics that. I don't think we did it the first time. Yeah. But like Tech my, I agree with you because it's like, we're still have more degrees
or Advanced. We've never done it again. It's just the whole thing's weird and then they lost all the original tapes but they premiered
Did it live all around the world? We have cell phones. Like the whole thing is just I can't get behind the moon. Landing. And I argue with everyone about this. I'm like, guys, leave me alone. This is, this is my concern would be the
The fake. That's a great question. That is a great question. I mean some people say it's because the Americans were racing Russia. Basically. Yeah.
Like, it was like a like we had to do it first or something like that, but, and also, the person, they hired to that realm, it make it was like a, like, an l, a producer. It's like, there's so many weird things about the moon landing. And I'm like, what am I? I tweet that went. I was like, what is one relatively harmless conspiracy? There. Is there a that like you could totally see being actually a faction? I'm like that. We faked the Moon.
Ending. That's that's mine. What about
you? I don't really know. I've always been like just like into conspiracies like all work into them. Yeah. 911 back then or like shady. So we do is we
were not told the truth about 9/11. That's just a fact. Yeah. Weird stuff like the phone calls like suddenly I can't get service like three feet in the air but you're telling me like in 2001 like 20 people are just like calling their spouses saying
that was the craziest one for the tower 7
finding the passports. Yeah. But they couldn't find him in remains, I mean, there's a lot of weird stuff like they may have added evidence because they had a narrative. They
Go through, but I think we all I'm like, calling a conspiracy. I think it's just like, kind of fact that like we do not know everything that happened that day. You know,
one more thing I want to ask is, what do you think about Kim Jang, Hoon? Just said that he's going to meet with Putin? I didn't hear in Russia. Even hear that. No, let's not. I guess. I guess they're going to discuss North Korea. Possibly providing weapons to Russia.
Not surprising. I mean they've always had a relationship. A be. What do you what do you leaving? Putin with your folding him into the arms of your
You're going to be China, it's going to be all of the Asian Nations, obviously, because you're basically telling him that he can't do business with anybody in Europe, which is should have been a natural Alliance. I mean, we've completely fumbled the ball, people have been treating it, like we live the cold war is still going on and unfortunately problem is that we have a bunch of people that lived through the cold war that are informing foreign policy, right? And they're not after peace, they are just after this narrative that Russia, Putin bad and we've got billions.
Earns billions of dollars to spend to prove that even though there's obviously we're not going, this is an unwinnable situation. What do we even doing over there, you know.
Yeah, other than funding zalenski. What do you think we should get out of
Ukraine? I wish I'd never gone in.
Yeah, he spent the money business. You think that's more? That's more of a like war between Europe. It's like why
are you why are we? Why does America think that we have to put our nose and everything? It's just it's stunning to me and to see people on that, Republican primary stage, trying to convince us, that that's what we have to do. Like it's, we were supposed to be the world's police. It's like absolutely not it.
It's a complete, it's completely ridiculous to suggest that imagine if Putin had soldiers in Mexico. And that's what we're doing. It's a NATO is, we've got soldiers and other people's backyards and on their borders. And then we say to them, it's because we're the World Police. I mean it's such a nonsense. Like I am very much a nationalist. I believe that we should be focused on things that impact America. I think we should be focusing on what's happened in was happening in San Francisco. They got poop Squad. You got people that are in the streets tweaking, you know? We
So many epidemics here that we could choose from. We have a literal Invasion happening at our own border and you're trying to tell me that I need to care about what's happening in Ukraine. First, I don't, that's the answer. I just don't, you
know. Do you ever feel like American society is just like, do you feel like that the US will fall as the world's greatest
Empire? But we're seeing them talking about, you know, it's definitely not going to be the strongest dollar and it's in my opinion with the way that we are conducting ourselves from a foreign policy perspective, it is inevitable. So if we don't get somebody in there,
There that's going to correct the ship and stop trying to basically say that we will bully everybody in submission that we I mean, we even say things like we won't give you money unless you agree to teach your children. Pronouns, like America's doing was kind of shit. It's crazy. It's litterally crazy. See
what they're learning in China or the AI thing. In, China know, the students have like these. I saw it on. I think Joe Rogan reacted it. But they have these like, headbands on and it monitors. If they're like paying attention, it monitors if they're tired.
Can like tell if they're going on their phone and it's all track to like a tablet and the parents get like a report. So they literally just say, I think it's raining them to you. Like, like they're going to have a, like, a civilization
of lean while in Los Angeles. What are we teaching our kids, they can't even read. You know. So it's I don't see how America is not destined to have to deal with the consequences of what we've done to the education system, the consequences of what we done people's mentality.
With all these ridiculous, social justice movements, the consequences of week families. And I think we're coming to that moment very quickly. And unfortunately, people will be very ill prepared for it because we've lived in times of privilege for so long that we don't know. We don't understand what it means when you're not number one anymore. And we're going to get smacked in the face people that don't even think, food grows, and grocery store. That's why I took it upon myself to learn how to grow my food. You know, my husband Hans, I just learned to hunt, you know, I because when hard times come
All of this stuff, not going to be anything, you know what I mean? Do you know how to grow fruits and vegetables? If the answer is no, you've got nothing.
Let's go. Yeah. Okay. So hunter-gatherer, what are the three most important traits? The most manly man.
I mean, I think men should learn how to hunt. Shoot, do all those things, that's attractive to me. Like, you know, that's definitely the thing like that, attracted me to my husband, you know, like because I'm like, okay, there was something biological there. Are, you can live off.
We can live off of the land and it made me want to
go into the Gap hunter-gatherer. I saw you said you had a boyfriend and you had to break up with him because you felt that if there was ever a break-in he wouldn't protect. Yeah. Yeah.
I just suddenly realized I was I was dating this guy in New York City, where men are a little softer. Yeah. York and La I think probably is fair thing to say and he just I just suddenly went from sitting on a couch and looking, I'm just being like if someone breaks into this house, I'm gonna I'm gonna
have. Did you tell him that?
No, no, no. I said it in my head. I didn't say and that, but I broke up with him the next day I did. Yeah. We're like, what was your explanation though? I was just like, you know, I think, blah, blah, blah, bunch of BS. But in my head, I just want to looking at him and just having that moment of like you you're not gonna do shit. Yeah, you know, and it was something that he said about like like it was something about the way he like, you know, he bought the lock to die. Kiddo, double lock in case something, I'm like the double lock.
Yeah. Okay good. It's a double lock kind of people saying someone comes to the store and so I think I think men should lean into being protectors knowing what it means to protect. You don't need to be the biggest guy, the fastest guy, but you should know how to shoot. And you should know how to hunt. You should know what to do. My mom has knows how like skin, an animal and all that stuff. And I learned it in Africa at the end of last year, because I wanted to know how to do it. And I just think that that stuff is really, really super important. So we've purchased land and, you know,
Running water on it that we can live off of and I didn't, it was crazy. Realizing two years ago. I didn't know how to grow vegetables. And then when you go home, you're like, why do I have a bomb at the grocery store? They're so expensive. And when you girl mute your problem is, you have too much. You just it's like crazy. I'm like, how do I go to the farmers market? How do I turn this into hot sauce? How do I, you know? And so I've been in that phase of my life of just wanting to know how to do everything that our grandparents knew how to do. But just a wild. But
they start ripping a garden in the backyard. I know. Yeah, be pretty fun like that. Yeah, I'll do the hunting literal Christ. We grow together.
It was a desert. Eagle Eagle. Have you started Eagle before? What is that? Like a desert eagle? No, yeah. It was a lot of recoil. Yeah, that's all I'm saying.
No. But you Garden in the backyard could be. Yes. But even just learning about how, like, knowing about, how to catch different animals, like, they're so effing smart, you know, like they're like, here you all this stuff like how to actually hunt an animal. What rifles you need to use. Like, all of that stuff is super important. That men should go on man trips and go learn.
That stuff you know. Yeah. Because all the other stuff doesn't really mean anything. At the end of the day, if you can't keep your kids fed and keep, you know, I agree. I love the garden play now. No for real and there's no chance. You'll need early. Be such a,
if we do have some girls over to the house and like, we're showing the hot tub, the pool. And so also we have our own garden. Yeah. Well, our own crop there would be like, we like, this is our random Flex. Yeah, I'm telling you. That's a, you think that's attractive. Oh, yeah. Oh my God. Like, what's what are you growing in the back? I'll grow everything that you doing carrots. Lettuce.
yeah. So don't grow
watermelons, you go fruit to or no.
No, I did watermelons and I'll never do them again because they grow like freaking, I'm not a Bigfoot, like I'm a vegetable person. I love vegetables, I all that shahboz through, I'm like, finicky on depending on Textures. But yeah, so I grew I grew to hate, you know, obviously it was a first thing. So I had so many different varieties of tomatoes and peppers. I failed at Brussels sprouts, but I think I planted them a little bit too early, to be honest things that you learn. I just wasn't the right season because you live in an agricultural zone. So there's certain things
You can grow down here that I can Grill. You can probably you probably could do
like, avocado trees.
Yeah, yeah you could imagine she said to the girl, I have an avocado tree in the back. Let me just grab you with avocados and then you go to the grocery store and you're spending like fresh cucumber $20 on a freaking avocado. And you're like, then when you grow up, you're like, why the heck, did I ever spend this money? I have so many old to do, is they need, then you get into canning, and freezing them is not have like these deep freezers in my, you know, and because I'm just gonna eat them all through the winter. Now, that I'm done growing all them, like,
It's a whole. So hopeful
X. I love it. Yeah, actually love it. We're doing it. Straight
out. You need to send me updates of what you're growing. I think it's
great. You should do like an instructional video for us or
something. Yeah, you know, you just learn. It's actually so easy. Like I remember I was, I was so overwhelmed by the site next time you come back, you can come check on you just literally drop the seeds and the dirt just grows and then you learn like what's a weed when it pops up, you're like, is that my fruit? It was that my vegetable and you're like, no, it's a weed. Got to go pull them, you know, and then just suddenly you have so much food.
It happened so much faster than you realize, like it's like a couple of weeks. And then you're like, what am I going to do with all this lettuce, you know, do with all this? Then you got to learn how to fight the rabbits. I don't, she were smart. We had like a loud noise around them. The animals won't go anywhere near if they can't hear themselves but then you're suddenly turning into a
hunter true. I'll do the shooting. Yeah, yeah, I'm pumped. All right, let's get to the Garden. Yeah we gotta go buy some seeds so we appreciate it. This is your second time coming. I see second time doing
Tell the
boys, what does it mean good for? Like,
when we made it long time ago? It just like, you know, when you make like a random like gamertag on like a gaming thing. Yeah, it's dead for like Nick Eliot. Lucas Kyle. That's it. Just like we did it with other
times. Your grand theft auto check. I'm going to find you like
that and now it's just like. Nope. Was doesn't even mean
anything. I like it. Yeah. It's just it seems like it means something. Yeah.
Downtown. So I appreciate you. Thank you so much. Yeah, thank you so much. It's always a good time. Thank you, guys.