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The Daily Stoic
It’s Good to Be Beaten Up From Time to Time
It’s Good to Be Beaten Up From Time to Time

It’s Good to Be Beaten Up From Time to Time

The Daily StoicGo to Podcast Page

Ryan Holiday
5 Clips
Sep 9, 2020
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Welcome to the Daily stoic or each day. We read a short passage designed to help you cultivate the strength Insight wisdom necessary for living good life each. One of these passages is based on the 2000 year old philosophy that is guided some of History's Greatest men and women form or you can visit us daily stoic.com
It's good to be beaten up from time to time. You've been kicked around by life. That's true where other people had it easy. You've had to struggle you didn't get into the college. You wanted your parents couldn't buy you a car. You had to wear glasses you watched as other people hit it out of the park on their first. Try getting breaks that you've had to work your ass off for you've been insulted. You've been fired you've been crapped on and you've been brought to tears. It's unfair you say it'd be better if it had happened. Otherwise
But is that true? Do you know that for a fact no prize fighter can go with High Spirits Into The Strife if he has never been beaten black and blue Seneca wrote to his friend. Lucilius. The only contestant who can confidently enter. The lists is the man who has seen his own blood who is felt his teeth rattle beneath his opponents fists who has been trip and felt the full force of his adversaries charge who has been downed in body, but not in spirit one who has often as he falls rises again with
Ater Defiance than ever. So yeah, you've been kicked around but that's a good thing because it taught you something at the very least it taught you something about yourself. You unlike most people now know what you are capable of you know that you're tough. You know that you get up after you've been knocked down you have tasted your own blood and are not afraid to risk tasting it again. It's good that this happened and you're still standing not everyone was so lucky.
Hey, it's Ryan. Holiday. I am so excited to tell you about my next book lives of the stoics The Art of Living from Zeno to Marcus Aurelius beer fan of stoicism. And you want to know about the people behind it. The ideas that have been so influential in history that have shaped this philosophy. That's had such a big impact on your life and my life. Well, that's what I wrote this book to do sort of a follow-up sequel to The Daily stoic 26 biographies of the most fascinating still at figures in history marks realist Zeno.
Seneca Cato and so many others and there's a whole bunch of bonuses if you preorder and we even have a limited edition run of signed copies, which you can get from Barnes & Noble. So for the pre-order information go to daily still a.com slash pre-order. The book is out September 29th, but you got to preorder it now that helps me in a big way and gets you the bonuses daily Stoke.com pre-order.