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The Daily Stoic
How To Have a Great Day. Every Day.
How To Have a Great Day. Every Day.

How To Have a Great Day. Every Day.

The Daily StoicGo to Podcast Page

Ryan Holiday
3 Clips
Nov 17, 2020
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Episode Transcript
Welcome to the Daily stoic or each day. We read a short passage designed to help you cultivate the strength Insight wisdom necessary for living good life each. One of these passages is based on the 2000 year old philosophy that is guided some of History's Greatest men and women form or you can visit us daily stoic.com
How to have a great day every day a lot can happen to ruin your day you could wake up to a freak storm or roads gnarled in traffic your dog could throw up on the carpet. You could find out that the president called you out by name on Twitter. You could have the flu or food poisoning or the coronavirus you could just be tired. You could have a job you hate you could get dumped or get dumped on the potential nightmares are endless. It would be wonderful then if there was some way to counteract those looming difficulties.
Pair of glasses that you could put on that would change how you view anything and everything that could happen and the good news is there is such a lens and it comes to us no surprise from the stoics. All you have to do. Seneca said is tell yourself that you're going to die in your sleep the night before tell yourself your life is over that you won't be around to see tomorrow when man has said I have lived Seneca wrote every morning. He arises he receives a bonus. Would you rather be stuck in traffic?
Accord Ed forever would you rather be attacked by trolls or your corpse attacked by maggots? Would you rather be sick or stretched out on your literal deathbed alive or not? Let's put this all in perspective. Let's see today as a bonus as the borrowed time that each of us is actually living on you have lived and you still get today don't waste it. And of course, this is what that idea of Memento Mori is it's why I carry the Memento Mori challenge coin in my pocket or some days at where the Memento Mori see
Admit ring that we sell in the daily Stokes door. You can check that out or come up with your own version of a Memento Mori icon in your life. I highly suggest it. You can check ours out at Stewart Daily stoic.com.