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Clips on 'sun'

How Naval Found Happiness

4:03 · #1309 - Naval Ravikantview episode

The Joe Rogan Experience
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Andrew Huberman's Morning Routine: Yoga Nidra, Hydrate, Sun Exposure, & Walk

4:43 · Dr. Andrew Hubermans Path to Fame, Money, and Total Human Optimizationview episode

My First Million
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Andrew Huberman: 'A Lot of Things in Sunscreen Are Downright Dangerous'

3:26 · Dr. Rhonda Patrick: Micronutrients for Health & Longevityview episode

Huberman Lab
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5 of the Best Things You Can Do to Enhance Your Longevity

5:19 · 12 Easy & Practical Ways To Upgrade Your Body & Brain (Ben Greenfield's Live Talk From NextHealth In LA!)view episode

Ben Greenfield Fitness
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Stop Eating 2-3 Hours Before Bed & Do a Fasted Early-Morning Outdoor Workout

4:03 · 180: How to Fix Fatigue, Plus What Women Need to Know About Fasting | Amy Shah, MD - Dr. Amy Shahview episode

The Genius Life
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Andrew Goes Outside for 2-10 Minutes After Waking to Set His Circadian Clock

1:51 · This is Your Brain on Sleep, Supplements, Sunlight, and Stimulation — Stanford Neuroscientist Andrew Huberman, PhDview episode

The Kevin Rose Show
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Viewing Bright Light After Waking Triggers Cortisol Release & Sets the Circadian Clock

3:47 · This is Your Brain on Sleep, Supplements, Sunlight, and Stimulation — Stanford Neuroscientist Andrew Huberman, PhDview episode

The Kevin Rose Show
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Even If It's Cloudy, Dr. Hattar Recommends Going Outside After Waking for Light Exposure

4:10 · Dr. Samer Hattar: Timing Your Light, Food, & Exercise for Optimal Sleep, Energy & Mood | Episode 43view episode

Huberman Lab
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The Benefits of Vitamin D and Sun Exposure

2:13 · How to Use Nootropics to Feel More Like Yourself | David Asprey on Health Theory - Dave Aspreyview episode

Impact Theory with Tom Bilyeu
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Vegetable Oils and Inflammation

4:09 · 12 Easy & Practical Ways To Upgrade Your Body & Brain (Ben Greenfield's Live Talk From NextHealth In LA!)view episode

Ben Greenfield Fitness
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The 6 Pillars of Hormone Health: Diet, Exercise, Stress, Sleep, Sunlight, & Spirit

2:58 · How to Optimize Your Hormones for Health & Vitality - Kyle Gillettview episode

Huberman Lab
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Dr. Hattar Recommends 10-15 Min. of Early-Morning Light Exposure If It's Sunny, 30+ Min. If Cloudy

2:27 · Dr. Samer Hattar: Timing Your Light, Food, & Exercise for Optimal Sleep, Energy & Mood | Episode 43view episode

Huberman Lab
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Peak Life Experiences Result from Losing the Sense of Self

2:37 · #128 Sam Harris on How to Instantly Achieve a Calm State | Impact Theoryview episode

Impact Theory with Tom Bilyeu
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PCP Is Misunderstood; It Doesn't Increase Propensity for Violence

2:58 · 12 - Hamilton Morris on the Expansive World of Drugsview episode

The Drug Classroom
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Andrew Worries About Heat Generated From Bluetooth Headphones; Matt Eases His Concerns

3:06 · Dr. Matthew MacDougall: Neuralink & Technologies to Enhance Human Brainsview episode

Huberman Lab
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70% of the US Has Inadequate Vitamin D Levels; 40-60 ng/mL Is Optimal

5:17 · Dr. Rhonda Patrick: Micronutrients for Health & Longevityview episode

Huberman Lab
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Why Wearing Sunglasses Increases the Likelihood of Sunburn

1:33 · The Shocking Truth About High-Dose Melatonin, Does Melatonin Supplementation Shut Down Your Own Production, How To Use Melatonin To Enhance Fasting & Much More With Dr. John Lieuranceview episode.

Ben Greenfield Fitness
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Seth Godin Thinks Relationship Sunk Costs Are Misunderstood

0:39 · #105 Seth Godin: Failing On Our Way To Masteryview episode

The Knowledge Project with Shane Parrish
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The Benefits from Keeping a Daily Journal

3:06 · #405: Penn Jillette on Magic, Losing 100+ Pounds, and Weaponizing Kindnessview episode

The Tim Ferriss Show
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Sam Harris Doesn't Hesitate to Drop a Book He's Not Enjoying

2:13 · #128 Sam Harris on How to Instantly Achieve a Calm State | Impact Theoryview episode

Impact Theory with Tom Bilyeu
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Why Layne Norton Doesn't Hesitate to Drink a Bourbon & Watch the Sunset

2:07 · #798 - Dr Layne Norton - Nutrition Scientists Diet Advice For Lean Muscle & Longevity - Layne Norton, PhDview episode

Modern Wisdom
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Viewing Evening Sunlight Offsets Late-Night Light Exposure's Adverse Effects

2:00 · Journal Club with Dr. Peter Attia | Effects of Light & Dark on Mental Health & Treatments for Cancerview episode

Huberman Lab
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Sunny Days Are as Bright as ~300k Lux; Indoor Environments Top Out at ~6k Lux

3:20 · Journal Club with Dr. Peter Attia | Effects of Light & Dark on Mental Health & Treatments for Cancerview episode

Huberman Lab
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Rick Rubin's Daily Routine: Naked in the Sun, Beach Walk, Work 11-6, & Bed By 10

4:00 · Rick Rubin: Protocols to Access Creative Energy and Processview episode

Huberman Lab
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